属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦之味 Scent of dreams
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-势利之国 Snob Nation
1 | (一)一位开车人向着超到他前面去的车子打开大灯猛射,引起对方朝着他的挡风玻璃扔来一个大啤酒罐头,踢掉了他的尾灯,还揍得他缝了八针之多。 | 1)Driver flashes high-beam lights at car that cut in front of him, whose occupants then hurl a beer can at his windshield, kick out his tail lights, slug him eight stitches’ worth | |
2 | “我对他们解释说,老爸要在《史瑞克》里扮演驴子,他们全都乐坏了。 | I explained to them that daddy is playing a jackass in Shrek, and they really got a kick out of it | |
3 | 被解雇; 被一脚踢开 | get the (dirty)kick (out) | |
4 | 从某事得到乐趣 | get a kick out of sth. | |
5 | 看演出带来快感 | Got a kick out of the show. | |
6 | 咳,芭比,我有些想法要告诉你。和你在一起真使我感到非常愉快。要是你对我也有同样的感觉的话,那我们得认真对待我们的关系,考虑我们是否应该订婚了。 | Say, Barby, let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being around you. If you feel the same way about me, maybe we ought to get serious and think about getting engaged to each other. | |
7 | 宽带取样示波器校正中的kick-out脉冲研究 | Study of Kick-out Pulse for Calibration of Broadband Oscilloscopes | |
8 | 猎手们坐在地上大嚼这种来得容易的饭食,自欺欺人地以为只要用香蕉填满肚子,他们就会精力充沛起来。 | The hunters sat, stuffing themselves with this easy meal, trying to convince themselves that they got sufficient kick out of bananas | |
9 | 鸟尽弓藏,兔死狗烹。 | When all birds are shot, the bow will be set aside; when all hares are killed, the hounds will be stewed and eaten--kick out sb. after his services are no longer needed | |
10 | 如果你那样对待他,他会反抗的。 | He’ll kick out if you treat him like that | |
11 | 斯图尔特从开快车中得到乐趣。 | Stuart gets a kick out of fast cars. | |
12 | 他从摩托车竞赛中得到极大的乐趣. | He gets a good deal of (a big) kick out of motor-racing. | |
13 | 他父亲得罪了总经理,被解雇了。 | His father displeased the general manager and got the(dirty)kick out | |
14 | 我已经不是个孩子了。但是,每次去看马戏总是使我感到非常高兴和激动,那些大象、小丑和杂技、使我感到我好像又成了一个孩子似的。 | I’m not a kid anymore but I still get a big kick out of going to see a circus. The elephants, the clowns, and the acrobats--they make me feel like a kid again. | |
15 | 要是你那样对待他,他会尽力反抗的。 | He’ ll kick out if you treat him like that | |
16 | 昨晚那场音乐会我听得开心极了。 | I got quite a kick out of the concert last night. | |
17 | ||1:更多诸如此类的阻碍仍像噩梦般笼罩在美国经济周围。||2:欧债危机尚未解决。||3:伊朗与西方社会的紧张局势使每加仑汽油价自十二月中旬以来上涨了二十五美分。||4:联邦政府的财政紧缩政策仍是一个威胁:针对本月到期的工资税减免政策,国会再一次陷入僵局。除非国会加以干涉,有关增加税收和削减开支的一系列规定将自行生效。||5:总之,在复苏经济的过程中,正如橄榄球比赛一样,什么也无法担保下半场能比上半场轻松,抑或出现好兆头就意味着胜利。 | ||1: The threat of more such setbacks still hangs over the economy. ||2: Europe’s crisis has not been solved. ||3: The intensifying confrontation between Iran and the west has driven petrol prices up 25 cents per gallon since mid-December. ||4: Federal austerity remains a threat: Congress is once again locked in confrontation over a payroll-tax break that expires at the end of this month and a raft of other tax increases and spending cuts will kick in next year unless it intervenes. ||5: In the economy, as in football, there is no guarantee that the second half will be easier than the first. | |
18 | ||1:回忆是他的财富,他在晚年接受采访时这样说道。||2:他太热爱足球了,在他眼里足球的一点一滴都是好的;他有了足球心满意足。||3:不过他仍然后悔在奥运会上错失对法国队的点球,也后悔因为害怕再次失手而不敢面对第二次点球机会。||4:作为队长,心痛的还有看着印度退出1950年的巴西世界杯,因为印度足协对世界杯的重要性不以为然。||5:他也为印度在亚运会上也黯然失色感到遗憾。||6:但是他还是心存希望,希望有朝一日印度足球重整旗鼓。||7:当被问到是否信教时,他会微笑地说,不。||8:但是他会把迦梨女神(Goddess Kali)的照片妥帖地珍藏在衣袋里。 | ||1:Memories were his wealth, he told interviewers in his old age.||2:He so loved the game that almost all of them were good; he needed no more.||3:He still regretted missing the first penalty kick against France in the London Olympics, and turning down the chance of taking the second penalty because he was afraid of missing again.||4:It still rankled that India had not gone to the 1950 World Cup in Brazil, with him as captain, because the Indian Football Federation had not realised its importance.||5:He was sorry, too, that India was not even doing well in the Asian games.||6:But he lived in hope of a return of national footballing confidence.||7:No, he was not religious, he would say with a smile.||8:But he kept a picture of Goddess Kali, barefoot conqueror of demons, tucked away in his pocket. | |
19 | ||1:特别地,巴尔古提捕捉到了巴勒斯坦人对生活缺乏控制的沮丧。||2:到杰里科的旅程没有尽头,不时被检查站打断,靠起重机的帮助穿过路上的一个泥坑,起重机象展销会上的机械爪一样抓住汽车,把它摆吊过去。||3:此后,回到约旦,确定的事情让人宽慰,在约旦“你知道从一个地方到另一个地方将需要多少分钟”。||4:当他的母亲告诉他要照顾自己时,他无法让母亲安心。||5:“如果阿拉伯统治者想要逮捕我,毫无疑问地他会逮捕我。如果警察想要非难我,毫无疑问地他会非难我。”||6:在巴勒斯坦被占领的那一刻这种无能无力就开始存在了。 | ||1: More than anything, Mr Barghouti captures the Palestinians’ frustration at the lack of control over their lives. ||2: An endless journey to Jericho is punctuated by checkpoints and crossing a mud-filled chasm in the road with the help of a crane, which picks up the car like a mechanical claw at a fair and swings it across. ||3: After this, there is relief in returning to the certainties of Jordan, where “you know how many minutes you will need to get from one place to another”. ||4: He can offer no reassurance to his mother as she tells him to take care of himself. ||5: “If an Arab ruler wishes to arrest me, he will without doubt arrest me. If a policeman wants to kick me in the stomach and liver, he will without doubt kick me.” ||6: In this impotence lies the point of the Palestinian occupation. | |
20 | 但仔细考察一下就可以发现,美国的经验没有人们想象的那么简单。财政联盟和货币联盟确实促进了美国初期的经济发展,但当时两者的结构仍是非常初级的,对于美国的立国过程并没有发挥太大作用。 | Look more carefully, however, and the American example is more complicated. Fiscal and currency union did indeed kick-start America’s early economic development. But fiscal and monetary frameworks were so rudimentary that they contributed little to nation-building. | |
21 | 几十年来,大学录取率持续攀升,这不仅得益于学生家长、两派总统们(更不必说当时还身为参议员的桑托伦先生)的大力支持,亦归功于大学毕业生所得工资奖励日益升高。经济衰退增加了这一趋势。录取率由2007-08学年的57%上升至2010-11学年的59%。 | Enrolment has been rising for decades, egged on by parents, presidents of both political stripes (not to mention Mr Santorum, when a senator) and the rising wage premium that college graduates command. The recession added an extra kick. Enrolment rose from 57% in the 2007-08 academic year to 59% in 2010-11. | |
22 | 从生活中找兴趣点。真诚地好奇。对周围世界敞开心胸、思维。人之间是与其说用语言不如说用能量在回应。 | Get a kick out of life. Be sincerely curious. Open your heart and mind to the world around you. People respond to energy more than words. | |
23 | 当她大笑、然后大哭、或者仅仅因为手稿中某样东西让她感动时,他会感到一阵子兴奋。 | He gets a kick out of hearing her laugh so she cries or just cry because something in manuscript really touched her. | |
24 | 等我们独立了,我们会把印尼移民和自由港驱逐出境,而且将我们的国家跟巴布亚新几内亚合并。 | When we achieve independence, we shall kick out the immigrants and Freeport and merge our country with Papua New Guinea. | |
25 | 多年来,萨塔以发表民粹主义言论而闻名,他曾表示,他将把假冒投资者赶出去。 | Over the years, Mr Sata has garnered a reputation for populist rhetoric and he has previously said he would kick out bogus investors. | |
26 | 跟现实生活一样,你的推友们很可能因为你的酒后言论而离开你,第二天早上你就会后悔不已啦。 | Just like in real life, your followers might get a kick out of your drunk tweets, but you’ll probably regret them in the morning. | |
27 | 接着加上一个电场将所有未聚合的正电子和反质子排出这个容器。 | Next, an electrical field is used to kick out any remaining positrons and antiprotons. | |
28 | 美国若是一棍子将所有非法移民逐出境,那必定是美国历史上最大规模的强迫性迁徙。 | America cannot kick out all its illegal immigrants without undertaking one of the biggest forced migrations in history. | |
29 | 矢量量化有效排查快速编码算法 | Fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization based on an efficient kick-out condition | |
30 | 他从摩托车竞赛中得到极大的乐趣。 | He gets a good deal of (a big) kick out of motor-racing. |