属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 幕后智者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯干涉美国大选 各自为战(2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-冢本幼稚园 种族歧视的低龄化(1)
1 | (1)彻底战胜;(2)激烈残酷的打仗 | knock down and drag out | |
2 | 不同的拳击组织有不同的规章,但对大多数组织来说,有3条主要规则是相同的:三次击倒规则有效,十分制记分系统有效,只有裁判可以终止比赛。 | Different Boxing Bodies have different regulations, But to most of the organizations,three main rules are the same: 3 knock down rule is in effect, 10 point system is in effect,only the referee can stop the fight. | |
3 | 店主决定减少剩下的冬令存货。 | The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock | |
4 | 喝掉一夸脱威士忌酒 | Knock down a quart of whisky | |
5 | 她的官司打赢了,因为她的律师为她作了强有力的辩护。 | She won that case because her lawyer made a knock-down argument. | |
6 | 警察为了进去得撞倒门。 | The policemen had to knock down the door to get in. | |
7 | 让我们铲除祸根,把他们赶到大海去! | Let’s knock down those hydras and drive them to the sea! | |
8 | 如果一位选手在一轮中未击倒所有的球瓶,他的得分就是实际被击倒的球瓶数。 | If a player fails t0 knock down all the pins in a frame,his score is the actual number 0f pins knocked down. | |
9 | 腺病毒介导siRNA抑制人胃腺癌细胞VEGF表达 | Knock-down of VEGF by adenovirus-delivered siRNA in Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells | |
10 | 研究人员期待抗淋巴因子的临床实验结果,这种药可能会与化疗结合使用,用于治疗大肿瘤并随后防止任何存活的肿瘤进一步生长而导致伤害。 | Researchers are eagerly awaiting results of clinical trials of antiangiogenic factors, which might be used in combination with chemotherapy to knock down big tumors and then prevent any surviving tumors from growing enough to do further damage. | |
11 | ||1:1979年当10号大门砰然阖上时,Lord Lipsey为了谋生转投了新闻业,他甚至为《泰晤士报》与《经济学人》都工作过。||2:1999年工党重新积蓄力量之后,他离开了《经济学人》,前往上议院。||3:故事以往不曾有的是,他却在某种意义上一直处在幕后,为上议院和官方委员会辛勤的工作,回顾那些难以排序的事件(比如选举改革,或是老年人的社会福利)。||4:纵然他没去创造他想要的结果,但他关于政治应该如何进行的见解还是有启迪作用的。||5:正如他自己说的那样,上个世纪七十年代企图控制工党的斗争和在这些问题(曾有社保委员会的同僚威胁他的性腺)上的激烈斗争是一样邪恶的。 | ||1:When the door of Number 10 slammed shut in 1979, Lord Lipsey turned to journalism to earn his crust, notably at the Times and The Economist.||2:He left the latter for the House of Lords in 1999 after Labour regained power.||3:Further than before from the inside story, he nonetheless remained a backroom boy in a sense, beavering away in the upper chamber and on official commissions to review such hard-to-sort subjects as electoral reform and social care for the elderly.||4:Though neither produced the results he wanted, his insights into how policy is made are revealing.||5:As he tells it, the knock-down-drag-out fights over these matters (his gonads were threatened by a fellow member of the social-care commission) were no less vicious than the fight to control the Labour Party in the 1970s. | |
12 | ||1:苦苦挣扎的运营商有时会将不需要的客机改装成货机。||2:但空客从未推出过货运版的A380,因此改装难度很大。||3:目前还没有一家有定期航班的航空公司热衷于购买更多的飞机,即使是在低价的情况下。||4:2007年投入使用的第一架A380飞机已经被送去了垃圾堆。||5:更多的A380正在走向弃用。 | ||1:Struggling operators sometimes convert unwanted passenger jets into cargo planes.||2:But Airbus never launched a freight version of the A380, so the conversion would be tricky.||3:No scheduled carrier that flies the aircraft already is keen on more, even at knock-down prices.||4:The first A380 to fly, which came into service in 2007, has already been sent to the scrapheap.||5:More are headed that way. | |
13 | 但是阴谋论一旦传播,其影响就很难消除。 | Yet once circulated, conspiracy theories are notoriously hard to knock down . | |
14 | 去年,MoritomoGakuen——一家主办幼儿园的公司——以最低价(约价值的14%)购买了大阪市内的一块公共土地。 | Last year MoritomoGakuen, the firm that runs the kindergarten, bought a plot of public land in the city of Osaka at a knock-down price—perhaps 14% of its value. | |
15 | 不可随意拆卸、更换器件。 | It is not allowed to knock down or replace devices randomly. | |
16 | 不是战胜军事上的敌人,今天的政治家在呼吁降低债务。 | Instead of vanquishing military foes, today’s statesmen are called on to knock down debt. | |
17 | 待到政府无力偿贷之时,这些大亨就能够以异常低廉的价格购买核心国有资产。 | When the state failed to repay, the tycoons were allowed to buy key state assets at knock-down prices. | |
18 | 该区官员说截止目前最多人咨询关于政府为二次发展腾出地方而拆卸房屋的计划。 | District officials say that most requests so far have related to government plans to knock down housing to make way for redevelopment. | |
19 | 即使汪大总急于以低价购得萨博,他也应该踏踏实实地迎接一场艰难的谈判。 | Even if Mr Wang is straining at the leash to buy at knock-down prices, he should dig in for a tough negotiation. | |
20 | 开发商只是想拆了我的房子,尽可能少地给予补偿。 | The developer simply wanted to knock down my property and pay as little as possible. | |
21 | 麦卡恩立刻驳斥了这个谎言:“不,夫人,他是美国居民,还是个不错的居家男人。” | McCain was quick to knock down the lie. "No, ma’am, " he said, "he’s a decent family man, a citizen. " | |
22 | 猫狗都可能把玻璃饰品弄到地上并摔碎,然后割伤它们自己的爪子。 | Both cats and dogs can knock down and break glass ornaments, then cut themselves on the pieces. | |
23 | 你们必须在装运前拆卸这些机器以使他们完整无损到达。 | You must knock down the machines before shipping in order that they shall arrive in good shape. | |
24 | 如果你能驳倒对方最有力的论证,那么你才真正完成说理。 | If you can knock down even the best version of an opponent’s argument, then you’ve really accomplished something. | |
25 | 他的食肉动物以很低的价格得到来自犹太屠宰场的肉和家禽。 | His carnivores get all their meat and poultry at knock-down prices from Jewish slaughterhouses. | |
26 | 他慌慌张张冲进了屋,撞翻了一把椅子。 | He skyrocketed into the room and knock down a chair. | |
27 | 他设法击倒了一个警卫,抓起了一把刀。 | He manages to knock down a guard and grab a knife. | |
28 | 他园里的食肉动物所需的肉禽都是以跳楼价从以色列屠户那里购得的。 | His carnivores get all their meat and poultry at knock-down prices from Jewish slaughter houses. | |
29 | 提高拆装家具异地装配质量的方法 | Measures for Improving Assembling Performance of Knock Down Furniture | |
30 | 天然气公司决定要拆除两座老旧的400英尺大小的天然气储存罐。 | The gas company has decided to knock down two ancient, disused 400-foot-high gas storage cylinders. |