属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第133期:什么是最佳睡姿
1 | 我上了床,身上衣服大都没脱,睡了几个钟头的好觉。 | I lay down with the greater part of my clothes on and slept well for a few hours. | |
2 | 我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。 | I lay down not so much to sleep as to think. | |
3 | 我躺下一会后就不恶心了. | The sickness passed after I lay down for a while. | |
4 | 我躺下一会後就不恶心了 | The sickness passed after I lay down for a while | |
5 | 希望以正式文件的形式,阐明与翻译工作者的职业密切相关的几项共同原则 | It is desired to lay down , as a formal document, certain general principles inseparably connected with the profession of translating | |
6 | 现在他开始不慌不忙地脱衣服,但是他先只脱了上衣,用它塞住门下的缝隙。他把背心也塞在那里。他那顶又湿又破的旧帽子被轻轻地放在桌上。然后,他脱掉鞋子,躺了下去。 | Now he began leisurely to take off his clothes, but stopped first with his coat, and tucked it along the crack under the door. His vest he arranged in the same place. His old wet, cracked hat he laid softly upon the table. Then he pulled off his shoes and lay down . | |
7 | 献出自己的生命, 为...捐躯 | lay down one’s life | |
8 | 也许他会放下画笔和调色板。 | Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette. | |
9 | 一天傍晚,他解开一艘拴在里窝那港内铁环上的小船,跳到船上,用他的披风裹住身体,在船里躺下,对船员们说:“开到厄尔巴岛去!” | One evening he cast off the painter of a sailboat from the iron ring that secured it to the dock at leghorn, wrapped himself in his coat and lay down , and said to the crew,--"To the Island of Elba!" | |
10 | 因而对于在乳品厂贮存的乳,有许多国家以法律或实践准则的形式对贮奶的最高温度规定了严格的标准。除此之外,如果温度太高,乳还是会腐败。 | Many countries now lay down strict standards either in legislation or codes of practice for the maximum desirable temperature for acceptance of milk at the dairy. Despite this, milk spoilage will occur if the temperature becomes too high. | |
11 | 在和杰基一番亲热与交谈后,老流浪汉发出一声简短的命令。杰基立刻控制住自己的热情,顺从地卧倒在老人的脚旁。 | After caressing and talking to Jacky, the old hobo uttered a brief command. Immediately, Jacky controlled his enthusiasm and lay down obediently at the old man s feet. | |
12 | 在战场上贪生怕死,自动放下武器投降敌人的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑 | Those who care for nothing but their own lives on the battleground and lay down their arms and surrender to the enemy of their own accord shall be sentenced to not less than three years and not more than 10 years in prison. | |
13 | 在这儿,我们卧倒在岩石后面,可以看见独木舟往近处驶来,而我们自己却不会被人看见。 | Here we lay down behind a rock, where we could see the canoes approach without ourselves being seen. | |
14 | 在众目睽睽之下,他只好放下武器。 | He had to lay down his arms under the watchful eyes of the people. | |
15 | 这将会对政府造成压力,为地方债券市场确立体制和市场基础,比如对利率放宽限制。 | This will put pressure on the government to lay down institutional and market infrastructure for the local bond market, including liberalizing interest rates. | |
16 | 志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。 | Man of benevolence and lofty ideals should not, at the expense of benevolence, cling cravenly to life instead of braving death. He will, on the contrary, lay down his life for the accomplishment of benevolence. | |
17 | 周代是最早对"礼"(祭祀、朝食等仪式)和"乐"(伴随"礼"进行的乐舞)作出规定的时代. | The Zhou Dynasty was the first dynasty to lay down rules of "rites" (sacrificial ceremonies, court protocol, etc.)and "music" (music and dancing which accompanied ceremony). | |
18 | 走过最后那片田野,莫雷尔索性躺在一棵橡树下,呼呼大睡了一个多钟头。 | In the last field morel lay down under an oak-tree and slept soundly for over an hour | |
19 | ||1:他从来没有想到要放弃小方地毯。||2:它们的美丽和多样性一如自然界的美丽和多样性,都能让他开心不已。||3:在他拉格兰奇的办公室里,这些小方地毯就像抽象艺术一样摊开在桌子上,而多绞纱线则挂在墙上。||4: 他的公司推出了注册酷地毯(Cool Carpet?)为商标的地毯和为家庭推出了“实用而且漂亮”的多色彩的弗洛尔(FLOR)地毯。生产这种酷地毯(Cool Carpet?)的一系列的供应链上对全球气候变暖都不会起作用。 ||5:但是,他最值得骄傲的是注册了熵(Entropy)为商标的小方地毯。这种小方地毯的设计直接受到森林地面的启发。||6:没有两片小方地毯是相似的,因为没有两根枯枝或两片叶子是相似的。||7:这些小方地毯可以相当随机地铺设和替换,即使用的很少,也杜绝浪费。||8:当你躺在这些小方地毯上时,你或许就像在亚特兰大附近安德森先生的86-英亩森林的一部分,就像他一样倾听着长叶松上的麻雀叽叽喳喳,为成为生物织物的无害部分而尽情高兴。 | ||1: He never dreamed of giving up carpet tiles. ||2: Their beauty and variety delighted him, just as Nature’s did. ||3: In his office in LaGrange they were laid out like abstract art on tables, while hanks of yarn hung on the walls. ||4: His company introduced Cool Carpet?, which had made no contribution to global warming all along the supply chain, and multicoloured FLOR for the home, “practical and pretty, too”. ||5: He was proudest, though, of Entropy?, a carpet-tile design inspired directly by the forest floor. ||6: No two tiles were alike: no two sticks, no two leaves. ||7: They could be laid and replaced quite randomly, even used in bits, eliminating waste. ||8: And when you lay down on them you might almost be in Mr Anderson’s 86-acre piece of forest near Atlanta, listening to the sparrows in the long-leaf pines, rejoicing in being a non-harming part of the web of life, like him. | |
20 | ||第七十二条公司制定股东大会议事规则,详细规定股东大会的召开和表决程序,包括通知、登记、提案的审议、投票、计票、表决结果的宣布、会议决议的形成、会议记录及其签署、公告等内容,以及股东大会对董事会的授权原则,授权内容应明确具体。||股东大会议事规则应作为章程的附件,由董事会拟定,股东大会批准。 | ||Article 72 The Company shall lay down the meeting regulations of the General Meeting of Shareholders.|| It will specify in detail the procedure for convening and voting at the General Meeting of Shareholders, including notices, registration, examination of proposals, voting, counting of votes, announcement of voting results, formation of meeting resolutions, minutes of the meetings and their signing, public announcements as well as principles of authorizations to the board of directors by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The contents of authorization shall be clear and concise. The meeting regulations of the General Meeting of Shareholders should be appended to the Articles. They should be drafted by the board of directors and approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders. | |
21 | 第一百三十四条总经理应制订总经理工作细则,报董事会批准后实施。 | Article 134 The general manager should lay down his/her detailed working regulations, subject to approval by the board of directors. | |
22 | 第一百一十二条董事会制定董事会议事规则,以确保董事会落实股东大会决议,提高工作效率,保证科学决策。 | Article 112 The board of directors shall lay down the meeting regulations of the board of directors, in order to ensure that the board of directors implements the decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, that work efficiency is increased, and that decisions are made scientifically. | |
23 | 我会躺下来,把胳膊放在身体两侧,就像这样。 | Gotta lay down with my arms out, be like this. | |
24 | (为)献出了生命 | lay down one’s life (for) | |
25 | 62太阳渐渐升起来,照在孩子们的身上,他们感到困倦难耐,就从林子里走出来,到沙滩上躺下来睡觉。 | As the sun began to steal in upon the boys, drowsiness came over them, and they went out on the sandbar and lay down to sleep. | |
26 | Tsutsui本人寄希望于使用新的基因数据去确定阿根廷蚂蚁怎样留下化学痕迹让后来的蚂蚁跟随。 | Tsutsui himself hopes to use the new genetic data to identify how the Argentines use chemicals to lay down trails for fellow ants to follow. | |
27 | 埃及需要国际社会迅速提供帮助,以确保改革议程能够加速进行,而极端主义者无法扎下根来。 | Egypt needs international help quickly to ensure the reform agenda is speeded up, and that extremists cannot lay down roots. | |
28 | 爱是不嫉妒。嫉妒的解药是放下自我,学习真心地祝福他人,做个充满恩典的人。 | Love is not jealous. The antidote to jealousy is to lay down oneself; let’s bless others with a sincere and gracious heart. | |
29 | 彼得说,主阿,我为什么现在不能跟你去。我愿意为你舍命。 | Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake. | |
30 | 彼得躺在一只旧箱子里,他的步枪放在身边。 | Peter lay down in an old box, his rifle beside him. |