1 | 但是,可以通过缩短允许呼叫者留下的语音邮件的时间长度来控制语音文件的大小。 | However, you can control the size of the voice files by reducing the length of time that callers have to leave a voice message. | |
2 | 当数据在同一个Exchange路由组中不可用时,存储在发送此数据的回填请求之前延迟的时间长度。 | The length of time that a store delays before sending a backfill request for data that is not available in the same Exchange routing group. | |
3 | 当体重增长率变慢时,体重增加的数目取决于使用DMPA时间的长短。 | The amount of weight gained was dependent on length of time DMPA was used, as the rate of weight gain slowed over time. | |
4 | 当一件东西没有期限得被免费赠予,人们就开始把它的价值看低了。 | When something is offered free for any length of time , people begin to value it less. | |
5 | 到目前为止,我们应该说大风是坚持不懈的,这使得只要想到外面出去就得穿上全套的极地服。 | So far the winds have been, shall we say, persistent, which requires a full Antarctic wardrobe to go outside for any length of time . | |
6 | 对共享记录的更新只能以偶尔进行,即便如此,也不能随意占用锁。 | Update shared rows only infrequently and, even then, without holding locks for any length of time . | |
7 | 对于公用文件夹,到期日期优先于管理员设置的期限。 | For public folders, expiration dates take precedence over the length of time set by your administrator. | |
8 | 而结果表明在国外生活时间的长度是对提出最有创造性解决方案的一个重要的预测。 | And it turns out that the length of time spent living abroad is a significant predictor of coming up with the most creative solution. | |
9 | 服务器等待要经过的指定时间长度或要到达的新项目。 | The server waits for a specified length of time to elapse or for a new item to arrive. | |
10 | 该变量用于指定在服务器移除用户条目之前,它们留在缓存中的时间长度。 | This variable is used to specify the length of time that user entries remain in the cache before the server removes them. | |
11 | 根据上个月做的这份调查,学生们能将注意力集中在讲课上的平均时间是十分钟。三分之一的人把这归咎于缺乏睡眠和劳累过度。 | The average length of time a student could concentrate for in lectures was 10 minutes, according to the survey carried last month. | |
12 | 管理员还可以定义每个清单在网站上显示的时间长度。 | Administrators can also define the length of time that each listing is visible on the site. | |
13 | 衡量从购买商品到支付款项之间的平均时间长度 | Measures the average length of time between the purchase of goods and payment for them | |
14 | 获取或设置显示初始屏幕的最短时间长度(以毫秒为单位)。 | Gets or sets the minimum length of time , in milliseconds, for which the splash screen is displayed. | |
15 | 获取或设置以秒为单位的一段时间,它是数据源控件缓存 | Gets or sets the length of time , in seconds, that the data source control caches data that is retrieved by the | |
16 | 获取或设置在引发异常前等待对象可用于池中的时间长度。 | Gets or sets the length of time to wait for an object to become available in the pool before throwing an exception. | |
17 | 获取用户多次未能正确回答密码提示问题后用户帐户的锁定时间长度。 | Get the length of time for which a user account is locked out after the user makes too many bad password-answer attempts. | |
18 | 将此属性设置为一个大于完成任何文件复制过程所需时间的数值。 | Set this attribute to a number that is greater than the length of time to complete any file copy processes. | |
19 | 她读书时间长了就头疼。 | She got a headache if she had to read for any length of time (= for a long time) . | |
20 | 解释如何通过设置值来控制工具提示需要多久才出现以及显示的时间长度。 | Explains how to set values that control how long a Tooltip takes to appear and the length of time for which it is shown. | |
21 | 进行模式切换的时间长度和完成切换过程的时间长度 | Length of time to make the mode switch and to complete the process of switching | |
22 | 扩展文件所需的时间长度(毫秒)。 | Length of time (in milliseconds) necessary to extend the file. | |
23 | 离到期日时间的长短 | length of time until maturity | |
24 | 例如,acregmin参数可以指定在实际更新之后,文件条目将要保留的最短时间。 | For example, the acregmin parameter specifies the minimum length of time after an actual update that file entries will be retained. | |
25 | 例如,负载和性能测试就可以在夜间进行,因为运行这些构建要求的时间比较长。 | For instance, running load and performance tests could be done nightly because of the length of time the build takes to run. | |
26 | 例如,可以防止删除日志文件,或者修改日志文件的保留时间。 | For example, you can prevent the removal of log files or modify the length of time the log files are kept. | |
27 | 另一种可能是,它取决于食物通过消化系统的时间长短。 | A second possibility is the length of time it takes for food to pass through our digestive system. | |
28 | 某个人不能持续足够久表明一个人要对做爱时间长短负责。 | The idea that someone isn’t lasting long enough suggests that one person is responsible for the length of time sex happens. | |
29 | 母乳喂养的时间长度对宝宝也有影响。 | The length of time a child is breast fed also seems to matter. | |
30 | 男人的钱包可能过于沉重,不管你背多长时间,都会压迫神经。 | Men’s wallets can be so thick, they press on nerves whensat on for any length of time . |