1 | 您可能想要增加两次刷新之间的时间,以减少服务器上的处理时间和其他资源需求。 | You may want to increase the length of time between refreshes to reduce the processing time and other resource demands on the server. | |
2 | 清单1展示了一个非常简单的过滤器,它跟踪满足一个客户机的Web请求所花的大致时间。 | Listing 1 demonstrates a very simple filter that tracks the approximate length of time taken to fulfill a client’s Web request | |
3 | 请注意,完成测试所需时间的长短取决于数据库的大小。 | Be aware that the length of time needed to complete the tests will depend on the size of your databases. | |
4 | 然而,这个时间的长度与观测到的现实无法对应起来,它可能是五年,也可能是五十年。 | Yet, the length of time does not correspond to an observed reality; it could be from five years to fifty years. | |
5 | 日志备份文件在删除之前保留在备份目录中的时间长度(分钟)。 | The length of time , in minutes, that a log backup file is retained in the backup directory before being deleted. | |
6 | 如果说研究所花的时间跨度具有讽刺意义的话,那么,40多年后才承认这项成就就更是如此了。 | If the length of time this took is ironic, however, the 40-plus years that elapsed before the achievement was acknowledged are even more so. | |
7 | 如果希望组件经过某个时间间隔后引发一个事件,则将组件实例的。 | Property for your component instance to the length of time , in milliseconds, after which you want the component to raise an event. | |
8 | 如果项目看上去不够大,我们就把它交给相关机构去慢慢研究,常常以此来使其获得好几倍额外的时间和资金投入。 | If they are not big enough and we bureaucratize them, we can often extend the length of time and money it takes by orders of magnitude. | |
9 | 如果这些条件能被满足,那么书籍就可以被借阅一段固定的时间。 | If these conditions can be met, then the book may be borrowed for a fixed length of time . | |
10 | 若要为Receive方法指定超时,请使用TimeSpan对象指定希望该方法等待的时间长度。 | To specify a time-out for the Receive method, use a TimeSpan object to specify the length of time that you want the method to wait. |