属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Farewell to Arms
1 | 水果富含抗氧化剂、维他命和其他营养成分,可以有效防止身体机能发生癌变。 | Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients, which can help to prevent genetic damage that can lead to the development of cancer | |
2 | 所以当名副其实的"关系一生的机会"来临时,这些人无法抓住机会,他们必须保证安全,因为他们负担着高额的税和债务。 | "So when genuine ""deals of a lifetime"" come along, those same people cannot take advantage of the opportunity. They must play it safe, simply because they are working so hard, are taxed to the max, and are loaded with debt." | |
3 | 他们必须安全操作,因为他们的经济地位虚弱:他们的资产负债表从未平衡过,承担着大量债务而且没有能够产生收入的真实资产。 | The reason they have to play it safe is because their financial positions are tenuous at best. Their balance sheets are not balanced. They are loaded with liabilities, with no real assets that generate income. | |
4 | 藤茶总黄酮对拘束负荷引起小鼠肝损伤的保护作用 | Protective Effects of Tengcha Flavonoids on Liver Injury in Mice Loaded with Restraint Stress | |
5 | 填充介质的圆形槽波导的分析 | Analysis of Circular Groove Guide Loaded with Dielectric | |
6 | 突然某天夜晚,山丘处传来叫喊声和狗的狂吠,男人扛着兽肉回来了。 | Then one night there were shouts and the barking of dogs from the hills,and the men came back loaded with meat. | |
7 | 褪黑素载药纳米粒的优化设计及研制 | Preparation and Design of Nanoparticles Loaded with Melatonin | |
8 | 为烦恼所累 | Was loaded with worries. | |
9 | 维甲酸固体脂质纳米粒的制备及其药物稳定性研究 | Preparation and Stability Study on Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Loaded with Retinoic Acid | |
10 | 我费了两个多钟头才到达那里,因为我全副武装,负担太重,怎么也走不快。我一上小山就看到,除了我刚才看到的两只独木舟外,还有另外三只在那儿。 | And as soon as I gat thither, which was not less than two hours (for I could not go apace, being so loaded with arms as I was)I perceiv’d there had been three canoes more of savages on that place | |
11 | 我买的东西太多,把我压得腰酸背疼。 | I was so loaded with heavy shopping that my back was aching. | |
12 | 我知道船上装着棉花,是从亚历山大港潘斯德里先生的货仓和士麦拿潘斯考先生的货仓里装上船的。 | I know she was loaded with cotton, and that she took in her freight at alexandria from Pastret’s warehouse, and at Smyrna from Pascal’s | |
13 | 我自己拿起最大的一支枪,装了大量的火药,又装了两颗大子弹,放在一旁,然后又拿起第二支枪,装了两颗子弹,再把第三支枪装了五颗小子弹。 | And I took our biggest gun, and loaded it with a good charge of powder, and with two slugs, and laid it down; then I loaded another gun with two bullets, and the third, for we had three pieces, I loaded with five smaller bullets | |
14 | 现在没有任何宇宙飞船不能载人了。 | Now no spaceship cannot be loaded with man. | |
15 | 乡里人进城采购欣喜若狂,每次回家时都有买足了外来商品,直到拿不动方才罢休,连走路都摇摇晃晃的。 | Country people run wild when they go shopping in the city and stagger home loaded with as many of the necessities of life as they can carry. | |
16 | 携载阿霉素磁性纳米Fe3O4颗粒的制备及逆转多药耐药的实验研究 | Preparation of Fe3O4-magnetic Nanoparticles Loaded with Adriamycin and Its Reversal of Multidrug Resistance In Vitro | |
17 | 许多满载着棉花的大车正在向城里驶去。 | Many carts loaded with cotton were driving toward town. | |
18 | 研究人员发现干果--尤其是杏仁--富含保护心脏的复合物质。 | Researchers are finding that nuts--especially almonds--are loaded with heart-protecting compounds | |
19 | 由于月饼所含的热量较大,因此减肥人士不宜多吃。 | Mooncakes are not for the diet-conscious as they are loaded with calories | |
20 | 有一发子弹上膛的自制猎枪 | a home-made shotgun loaded with a cartridge | |
21 | 载金属离子的13X分子筛吸附噻吩的动态特性 | Dynamic Characteristics of Thiophene Adsorption Adsorbed on 13X Loaded with Metallic Ions | |
22 | 载铁(β-FeOOH)球形棉纤维素吸附剂去除地下水砷(Ⅲ)的研究 | Elimination of As (Ⅲ)from Groundwater by Bead Cellulose Adsorbent Loaded with Fe(β-FeOOH) | |
23 | 载铜5A分子筛在汽油模拟体系中脱硫性能的研究 | Desulfurization of Model Gasoline by 5A Molecular Sieves Loaded with Cu(superscript 2+) | |
24 | 载氧化钌碳纳米管超级电容器电极 | Carbon Nanotube Capacitor Materials Loaded with Different Amounts of Ruthenium Oxide | |
25 | 载有家庭杂物的车子 | a wagon loaded with household trumpery | |
26 | 在藏北牧区,四通八达的公路建设和穿梭如织的汽车,使昔日盐粮交换用的“牦牛驮队”成为历史。 | In north Tibet’s pasture areas, the scene of streams of motor vehicles riding on highways that radiate into all directions has replaced that of caravans of yaks loaded with grain to trade for salt | |
27 | 在鸟枪里装了一把鸟弹,都是特大号的。 | And the fowling piece I loaded with near a handful of swan-shot, of the largest size | |
28 | 在前线,当意大利人得悉德军几个师增援奥军后,开始从卡波雷托狼狈溃退。亨利驾驶了一辆装载医疗供应品的救护车。 | At the front, the Italians, having learned that German divisions had reinforced the Austrians, began their terrible retreat from Caporetto. Henry drove one of the ambulances loaded with hospital supplies. | |
29 | 在这幅漫画中,他们发现在当地餐厅的菜单上满是法国菜和德国菜而大为恼火 | Here they are annoyed to find that the menu in their local eatery is loaded with dishes labeled French or German | |
30 | 这卡车载满小麦。 | The truck was loaded with wheat. |