属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/EIA 395-1-1975
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-133-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-272-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-273-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-132-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-1211-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-145-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-224-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-222-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-115-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45910-114-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS CECC 30401 033-1981
1 | "在出现非正常情况时,""支柱""密封环设计能够保证更长的使用寿命和稳定可靠性" | Solid-Block seal ring design assures long life and reliability under upset conditions | |
2 | “上帝不能这么做!我活这么长有什么用?活儿越来越繁重,我的力气也快用完了……我不想成为任何人的负担!” | God forbid! What good would such a long life be? The work becomes harder and harder, my strength is leaving me...I do not want to be a burden on anyone! . | |
3 | “一点也不要。我还是不知道的好……不过,偶尔的性行为,和长久的共同生活比起来,科不算什么,这一点你和我意见一致,不是不?你相信长久的共同生活比性欲的事更重要吧 | `Not at all, I’d better not know...But you do agree with me, don’t you, that the casual sex thing is nothing, compared to the long life lived together? Don’t you think one can just subordinate the sex thing to the necessities of a long life? | |
4 | 柴油机则具有较高的稳定性和较长的使用寿命,当然,能否做到这一点,也取决于它所采用的发动机润滑油性能是否能够针对该种类的发动机和燃油产生的磨损和沉积物提供有效的保护功能。 | Diesels are renowned for reliability and long life , but this relies on the engine oil providing the protection against the type of engine wear and deposits formation specific to diesels engines and fuel. | |
5 | 长寿高炉炉底传热学分析 | Analysis of Heat Transfer on Bottom of Long-Life Blast Furnace | |
6 | 长寿命(1型)和普通(2型)极化铝电解电容器 | Electrolytic Capacitors for Long Life , Type 1, and General Purpose Application, Type 2, Polarized Aluminum | |
7 | 长寿命、高性能的液压油不仅可以延长您的设备使用寿命,更可以提升设备的工作性能。 | A long-life high performance fluid will not only make your equipment last longer, it will also allow you to work it harder!? | |
8 | 长寿命牺牲阳极材料的研制 | Development of Sacrifice Anode Material Possessing Long Life | |
9 | 长寿命真空灭弧室的设计与制造 | The Design and Manufature of Long Life Vacuum Interrupter | |
10 | 长寿命中子管制作中的关键技术 | Fabrication of Neutron Tube with Long Life -Time | |
11 | 超凡劲霸(Rimula Ultra)被卡车制造商们公认为是具有超长使用寿命,并且即使是在换油期较长的情况下也能提供卓越保护功能的发动机润滑油。 | Rimula Ultra is recognised by truck manufacturers as a long-life engine oil that offers premium engine protection, even at long drain intervals. | |
12 | 超凡劲霸(Rimula Ultra)的超长使用寿命为使用者提升了工作效率,降低了维护成本。 | The oil′s long life enables operational efficiencies and lower maintenance costs. | |
13 | 大卫的朋友亚基人户筛去见押沙龙,对他说,愿王万岁。愿王万岁。 | Then Hushai the archite, David’s friend, came to absalom and said, Long life to the king, long life to the king! | |
14 | 但你要享大寿数,平平安安地归到你列祖那里,被人埋葬。 | as for you, you will go to your fathers in peace; at the end of a long life you will be put in your last resting-place. | |
15 | 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟 | We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart | |
16 | 当绿灯亮时,我对他说,“以后不要做这种蠢事了,开车小心点,让人家多活几年。” | When the light turned green. I said to him, “Don’ t be so stupid in the future. Drive carefully so that everyone can enjoy a long life .” | |
17 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.分规范:长方形、绝缘、印制电路的径向连接、DC63至630V额定直流电压、用喷金属的 | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: metallized polycarbonate film capacitors 63 to 630 V d.c., long-life grade, rectangular shape, insulated, radial terminations, including for printed circuits (CECC 3 | |
18 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.分规范:高要求、长方形、绝缘、印制电路的单面连接、DC63至630V直流电压、带金属 | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: polypropylene film dielectric metal foil capacitors DC 63 V, long-life grade, rectangular shape, insulated, radial terminations for printed circuits, climatic catego | |
19 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.分规范:高要求、长方形、绝缘、印制电路的单面连接、DC63至630V直流电压.带金属 | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: polypropylene film dielectric metal foil capacitors DC 63 to 100 V, long-life grade, rectangular shape, insulated, radial terminations for printed circuits, climatic | |
20 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.分规范:高要求、圆柱形、绝缘、印制电路的轴向连接、DC63至400V额定直流电压、用 | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: metallized polycarbonate film capacitors 63 to 400 V d.c., long-life grade, cylindrical shape, insulated, axial terminations, including for printed circuits (CECC 30 | |
21 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.详细规范.高要求、圆柱形金属壳.立式安装.焊接柱DC16至350V液态电解质的极化铝电 | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: polar aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte DC 16 to 350 V, long-life grade, cylindrical metal case, vertical mounting, soldering pins, climat | |
22 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.详细规范.高要求DC6.3至50V极化钽电解质电容器.带固体电解质的钽烧结阳性.长方形 | (CECC 30201-030(Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: polar tantalum electrolytic capacitors DC 6,3 to 50 V, long-life grade, porous tantalum anode with solid electrolyte, rectangular shaped plastic encap | |
23 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.详细规范.印制电路用高要求、矩形、绝缘单面连接的DC63至160V带聚苯乙烯膜电介质 | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: polystyrol film dielectric metal foil capacitors DC 63 to 160 V, long-life grade, rectangular shape, insulated, radial terminations for printed circuits, climatic ca | |
24 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.详细规范.印制电路用高要求.矩形.绝缘单面连接的DC63V带聚苯乙烯膜电介质金属箔 | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: polystyrene film dielectric metal foil capacitors DC 63 V; long-life grade, rectangular shape, insulated, radial terminations for printed circuits, climatic category | |
25 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.详细规范.用于较高要求.长方形.绝缘.印制电路用单面引线的聚对苯二甲酸乙酯膜MKT | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: metallized polyethylene terephthalate film capacitors DC 63 to 400 V, long life grade, rectangular shape, insulated, radial terminations for printed circuits, climat | |
26 | 电子件质量评定协调体系.详细规范.用于较高要求.圆柱形.绝缘.印制电路用轴向引线的聚对苯二甲酸乙酯膜MKT | (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components; detail specification: metallized polyethylene terephthalate film capacitors DC 63 to 630 V, long-life grade, cylindrical shape, insulated, axial terminations, including for printed circuit | |
27 | 电子器件质量评定协调体系.矩形非金属绝缘外壳的固定式金属化聚乙烯对苯二酸盐薄膜介质直流电容器详细规范.长寿命全面评定等级 | Harmonized detail specification for fixed metallized polyethylene terephthalate film dielectric d.c. capacitors (long-life grade)-Rectangular insulated non-metallic case, rigid radial terminations-Full assessment level | |
28 | 非易失的随机访问存储器。一种能在系统关机的情况下保持它的数据的RAM。NVRAM常常由SRAM和长寿命电池组成。 | Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that retains its data even when the system is powered down. NVRAM frequently consists of an SRAM and a long-life battery. | |
29 | 高风温长寿热风炉 | High-wind-temperature long-life hot-air blast furnace | |
30 | 高炉高效长寿综合技术 | Integrated technology for high-efficiency long-life blast furnace |