1 | 生命短促,艺术流长 | Art is long, life is short | |
2 | 使用寿命长久的家用电器,受到消费者称赞。 | Electrical appliances with a long life performance are praised by consumers. | |
3 | 寿星老上吊,活得不耐烦了 | A person of longevity hangs himself/growing tired of living a long life | |
4 | 他今日下去,宰了许多牛羊,肥犊,请了王的众子和军长,并祭司亚比亚他。他们正在亚多尼雅面前吃喝,说,愿亚多尼雅王万岁。 | Because today he has gone down and has put to death oxen and fat beasts and sheep in great numbers, and has sent for all the king’s sons to come to him, with the captains of the army and Abiathar the priest; and they are feasting before him and crying, Long life to King Adonijah! | |
5 | 他漫长一生见多识广。 | He has seen a good deal in his long life . | |
6 | 他们若听从事奉他,就必度日亨通,历年福乐。 | If they give ear to his voice, and do his word, then he gives them long life , and years full of pleasure. | |
7 | 他年纪老迈,日子满足,享受丰富,尊荣,就死了。他儿子所罗门接续他作王。 | and he came to his end after a long life , full of days and great wealth and honour; and Solomon his son became king in his place. | |
8 | 他说,赚钱是为了实现他的艺术梦想,他创作的艺术作品,融进了他60年的生命经历和对艺术生活的理解,既有他的情感,又有他对生命的完美追求。 | He says, earning money is for attaining his dream of art. He has integrated his 60-year-long life experience and his understanding of art containing both his affection and aspiration with his art works. | |
9 | 他向你求寿,你便赐给他,就是日子长久,直到永远。 | He made request to you for life, and you gave it to him, long life for ever and ever. | |
10 | 他在漫长的一生中经历过很多事. | He has seen a great deal in his long life . | |
11 | 它采用特殊的聚脲增稠剂,具有耐高温、长寿命、低磨损、抗剪切等特点。 | It is based on a a special diurea thickener to give long life , low wear and shear-stable properties at high temperatures. | |
12 | 它采用特殊的聚脲增稠剂和全合成基础油调制而成,具有耐高温、长寿命、优异的抗磨损性能等特点。 | It is based on a special dilurea thicker to give long life and outstanding wear protection at high temperature. | |
13 | 万利得系列润滑油具有较长的使用寿命和抗沉淀能力,可很好地消除泡沫,具有抗磨性、耐热性和氧化稳定性,并且表现出优异的极压性能。 | Formulated for long life and resistance to deposits, Morlina oils provide excellent foam control, wear protection, thermal and oxidation stability and also, demonstrate extreme pressure performance. | |
14 | 我不停地冲他吼叫,大家都瞧着他。他的脸变得通给。当绿灯亮时,我对他说:“以后不要这样笨手笨脚的,开车小心点,让大家多活几年。” | I went on shouting at him while everyone else was looking at him. His face was bright red. When the light turned green, I said to him, “don’t be so stupid in future. Drive carefully so that everyone can enjoy a long life .” | |
15 | 我们可提供全系列高品质、具有良好抗氧化性能、使用寿命长和具有经济价值的涡轮机油。 | We offer a range of high quality turbine oils that that provide excellent oxidation performance, long-life and value for money. | |
16 | 我为这幸福的一对举杯,愿他们白头偕老。 | I raise my glass to the happy pair, wishing them a long life together. | |
17 | 我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑. | In the course of(ie During)my long life I’ve known many changes. | |
18 | 先进的无锌、无氯配方技术赋予壳牌得力士 S 极为优异的性能,在严酷工况液压动力传递系统中表现非凡。 | They offer all the qualities of standard Tellus oils, plus they provide exceptional performance and long life in systems subjected to severe duty. | |
19 | 小布什是自艾森豪威尔以来在就任总统前没有很长政治生涯的第一人。 | Bush is the first president since eisenhower who did not have a long life in politics before assuming office | |
20 | 笑,是长寿的秘方,现在我终于掌握了它。 | I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life and now it is mine. | |
21 | 新型高效、低阻、长寿蓄热体的开发与应用 | Development and Application of a New High Efficiency, Low Resistance and Long Life Regenerator | |
22 | 一些癌病患者可能需要在其生命中长期接受治疗。这恐怕难以想象。但是将癌病维持在可控制的状态与治疗高血压和糖尿病没有很大的区别。 | Certain cancers may require treatment for the rest a patient’s long life . This may be hard to imagine. But turning cancer into a controllable condition is not so different from treating high blood pressure or diabetes. | |
23 | 以长使用寿命而著称。 | Noted for long life | |
24 | 以撒年纪老迈,日子满足,气绝而死,归到他列祖(原文作本民)那里。他两个儿子以扫,雅各把他埋葬了。 | Then Isaac came to his end and was put to rest with his father’s people, an old man after a long life : and Jacob and Esau, his sons, put him in his last resting-place. | |
25 | 于是领王子出来,给他戴上冠冕,将律法书交给他,立他作王。耶何耶大和众子膏他,众人说,愿王万岁。 | Then they made the king’s son come out, and they put the crown on his head and gave him the arm-bands and made him king: and Jehoiada and his sons put the holy oil on him and said, Long life to the king. | |
26 | 允许我在你生日之际向你祝贺,祝你健康、长寿! | Allow me to congratulate you on your birthday and may you enjoy good health and long life . | |
27 | 在那里,祭司撒督和先知拿单要膏他作以色列的王。你们也要吹角,说,愿所罗门王万岁。 | and there let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet put the holy oil on him to make him king over Israel; and sounding the horn say, Long life to King Solomon! | |
28 | 这里到处都是小鸟、野鸭、山鹰和野雁,此外还有很多仙鹤,日本人把仙鹤当作神鸟看待,认为仙鹤是长命富贵的象征。 | and on every hand were crows, ducks, hawks, wild birds, and a multitude of cranes, which the Japanese consider sacred, and which to their minds symbolize long life and prosperity | |
29 | 这些变速箱润滑油和桥油具有符合业界标准的性能等级,能够保证设备的可靠性和使用寿命。 | These tough gearbox and axle oils offer industry-standard performance levels that guarantee reliability and long life for your equipment. | |
30 | 这种不锈钢锅,使用寿命长久。 | This kind of stainless steel pan has a long life performance. |