属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
1 | 有没有必要调查这件事 | Is it necessary for us to look into the matter ? | |
2 | 照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病 | to examine oneself in the mirror; straighten one’s clothes and hat; take a bath; and treat one’s diseaseto look into the mirror; groom oneself; take a bath and seek remedies | |
3 | 这事我们马上就去调查。 | We’ll look into that right away. | |
4 | 这也就是我那受过教育的爸爸所说的"日本人最重视镜子的力量"的原因,因为只有当他们看镜子时,才能发现真相。 | That is why my educated dad said the Japanese valued the power of the mirror the most, for it is only when we as humans look into the mirror do we find truth. | |
5 | 针插不进,水泼不进 | impenetrable and watertight--not allowing even a leading body to look into its affairs | |
6 | 正如工信部副部长徐晓兰所说,“如果把一条产业链打开来看,都能发现无数的中小企业在做支撑,我们的产业链经受住了疫情的冲击,很大程度上也归因于我国中小企业在产业布局上之深、之广。” | Xu Xiaolan, vice-minister of industry and information technology, said ”If you randomly look into an industrial chain in China, you′ll find countless dynamic small players involved. China′s industrial chains have withstood the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic largely due to the depth and breadth of its small-and medium-sized enterprises industries.” | |
7 | 政府成立了工作组调查那个问题. | The Government set up a working party to look into the problem. | |
8 | 政府就如何降低失业率将进行调查研究。 | The government will look into how to reduce unemployment | |
9 | 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题. | The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse. | |
10 | 珠儿那小手这莫测的一触,纷她带来了多么无穷无尽的熬煎啊。此时,小珠几以为她母亲那痛苦的动作只不过是在和她逗着玩,便盯着母亲的眼睛,微微一笑。 | so infinite was the torture inflicted by the intelligent touch of Pearl’s baby hand. Again, as if her mother’s agonised gesture were meant only to make sport for her, did little Pearl look into her eyes, and smile! | |
11 | 走进历史的深处-千年长乐古桥抢救保护工程综述 | Look into the History-Summarize on Salvage Maintenance Project of Ancient Changle Bridge | |
12 | ||1:“谁吃恐龙”很明显,其中一个答案是:“其它恐龙”。||2:每个史前怪兽爱好者的脑海里浮现出的是像霸王龙、翼龙这样的兽脚类掠食者,电脑制作的它们与梁龙、剑龙的打斗也成为俗套。||3:而科学试图不落窠臼。今年,在拉斯维加斯召开的古脊椎生物学会会议上,一些发言人问到中生代顶级掠食者是否全是恐龙,结论是“否”。||4:直到最近还被忽视的一类爬虫,同样是重要的食肉动物,正是仍然存活于今的一个族群:鳄鱼。 | ||1: ONE answer to the question, “What ate dinosaurs?” is, obviously, “Other dinosaurs”. ||2: The ropod predators like Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus loom large in the imagination of every lover of prehistoric monsters, and their animatronic fights with the likes of Diplodocus and Stegosaurus are the stuff of cliché. ||3: Science, though, tries to look beyond the obvious, and at this year’s meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology, held in Las Vegas, some of the speakers asked whether the top predators of the Mesozoic era really were all dinosaurs. Their conclusion was “no”. ||4: Another group of reptiles, until recently neglected, were also important carnivores. And it is a group that is still around today: the crocodiles. | |
13 | ||1:Osbron先生正在准备秋季演说,而之前的预计也让他感到不太舒服。||2:虽然这次演说中会公布支出和税收变化以及3月份削减的额度,但他想让别人明白他不会把这次演说当成一次“财政事件”,归根到底,这是一次政治化决策。||3:财政部长会编织出一系列的小型和低成本措施,比如说帮助一些信用良好的小型企业制定一个连贯的增值计划。||4:的确可能有些老生常谈了,不过这就是摆在英国面前的现实问题。 | ||1: This leaves Mr Osborne in an uncomfortable position as he prepares his autumn statement. ||2: He has made it clear that he does not regard it as a “fiscal event” where spending and tax changes are announced; that will be saved for the budget in March. But it is a political set-piece all the same. ||3: So the chancellor will try to knit together a variety of small, fairly cheap policy strands, such as measures to help small businesses with credit, into a coherent growth strategy. ||4: Given the unfolding catastrophe on Britain’s doorstep, it is likely to look threadbare. | |
14 | ||1:几年前,芝加哥大学古生物学家保罗?赛伦诺博士提出鳄鱼过去的角色(或者从严格意义上讲是鳄鱼目动物,因为它们形状大小各异,并非所有都类似现代鳄鱼)被低估了,在今天的北非,他发现了一个一亿年前(白垩纪中期)由鳄鱼占主导地位的生态系统。||2:除了与现代鳄鱼同为水生巨兽外(但远比现代的大),他还发现了一系列包括食草的、用长腿行走的——比起鳄鱼来更像狗的种群及形态。||3:这一发现促使其他化石探寻者着眼于其它地方。||4:结果是,即便是那些出自北美的已经研究得很透彻的化石也显示出恐龙并非占据中生代生态系统全部位置。||5:——正如衣阿华大学的斯蒂芬妮?庄姆海勒以及位于奥斯汀的德克萨斯大学的克林特?博依德在会上说的那样。 | ||1:That the past role of crocodiles (or, strictly, crocodilians, since they came in many sizes and shapes, not all of which resemble the modern animals) has been underestimated was suggested a few years ago by Paul Sereno.||2:Dr Sereno, a palaeontologist at the University of Chicago, uncovered a crocodile-dominated ecosystem from about 100m years ago (the middle of the Cretaceous period), in what is now north Africa.||3:Besides water-dwelling giants similar to (though much bigger than) today’s animals, he found a range of forms including vegetarians and species that ran on elongated legs—more like dogs than crocodiles.||4:That discovery has prompted other fossil hunters to look elsewhere.||5:As a result, even the well-studied rocks of North America are revealing that dinosaurs did not have it all their own way in the ecosystems of the Mesozoic—as Stephanie Drumheller of the University of Iowa and Clint Boyd of the University of Texas at Austin explained to the meeting. | |
15 | ||1:这颗牙不是很大,其尺寸表明牙齿的主人不超过一米五(约五英尺)。||2:这样的掠食者本不能捕食一头成年鸟脚亚目食草恐龙。||3:但无可争辩的是,这颗牙是第一个鳄鱼目动物拿恐龙当点心的证据。||4:此外,这也有助于消除对庄姆海勒与博依德发现的其它看似鳄鱼咬痕的怀疑。||5:结合对这个地区的分析,两位研究者认为他们所发现的是一个遭到鳄鱼目动物偷袭的恐龙筑巢地。 | ||1: It was not a large tooth. Its size suggests the animal which made it was no more than a metre and a half (about 5 feet) long. ||2: Such a predator would have been unable to take on an adult ornithopod. ||3: Nevertheless, this tooth is the first unarguable proof that crocodilians did indeed snack on dinosaurs. ||4: Moreover, it helps to confirm suspicions that the other crocodile-bite-like marks that Ms Drumheller and Mr Boyd have discovered really are what they look like. ||5: By combining that with an analysis of the whole site, the two researchers argue that what they have discovered is a dinosaur nesting ground that was being raided by crocodilians. | |
16 | 抗议者们面对两大危险。第一个被外部人所利用,这些人不是机会主义者就是笨头笨脑。他们希望复兴托洛茨基主义(主张通过革命在全球实现社会主义)或打垮美国。这些理由或许能从热烈支持者那里得到更多的支持。但是对于那些担心鲁莽的银行及衰退的经济的主流群体而言,这些人让这些抗议活动看起来俗套无味,没有新鲜感。 | Two dangers await the campers. One is capture by outsiders, either opportunistic or batty, who wish to revive Trotskyism or bash America. Such causes may draw more support from enthusiasts, but for the mainstream that merely worries about reckless banks and a sagging economy, they make the protests look tired and familiar, not new and fresh. | |
17 | “你在计算机屏幕中看到了真实世界,”他预言道。 | "You will look into a computer screen and see reality, " he predicted. | |
18 | “您能光临我很高兴,”侯赛因·阿拉用锋利的目光朝帕格的脸上望了望,说。 | "I’m pleased you could come, " said Hussein Ala, with a penetrating look into Pug’s face. | |
19 | 1952年,哈伯德说心灵电仪表,“它令人们第一次敏锐地一窥伙伴们的头脑和心灵。” | In 1952, Hubbard said of the E-Meter, "It gives Man his first keen look into the heads and hearts of his fellows. " | |
20 | 2003年中国石油市场上半年回顾与下半年展望 | Review of China’s Oil Market in First Half of 2003 and Look into Second Half | |
21 | 2004年辛格上台的时候将行政改革作为重点之一,他也确实建立了相关的委员会。 | Mr Singh made administrative reform a priority when he took office in 2004, and he duly set up a commission to look into it. | |
22 | l洛杉矶警察要求加州调查员调查医生开处方药的方式。 | Los Angeles police had asked Californian state investigators to look into the way the doctors had prescribed drugs. | |
23 | Shawyer说他最大的挑战是要让人们真正了解他的观点,而不是简单地予以否定。 | Shawyer’s big challenge, he says, has been getting people who will actually look into his claims rather than simply dismissing them. | |
24 | 艾什莉·贾德在她的新书——自传《痛苦与甜蜜》中,讲述了她用悲伤却清醒的眼光审视她的明星家庭的家庭生活。 | Ashley Judd offers a sad, sobering look into the home life of her famous family in her new memoir, "All That Is Bitter & Sweet. " | |
25 | 彼得·纽马克的文本类型翻译理论的分析与探讨 | A Look into Peter Newmark’s Text Category Translation Theory | |
26 | 并打算手术闭合卵圆孔的患者,可以去咨询能否成为上述试验的候选人。 | F. O. closure can look into whether they are a candidate for one of these trials. | |
27 | 不过这项研究的意义并不只限于展示两组生命体有趣的进化过程。 | But this study is more than just an interesting look into the evolution of two groups of organisms. | |
28 | 不同的意见引发怀疑,促使我在得出结论前更仔细地观察问题。 | "Different opinions stir scepticism and push me to look into the issues more carefully before coming to a conclusion, " she said. | |
29 | 产权制度与财权配置--兼议公司财务治理中的难点与热点问题 | Equity System and Financial Power Allocation--A Tentative Look into the Hot and Difficult Points in Corporate Financial Governance | |
30 | 从纽马克的文本范畴理论看翻译标准的相对性和多重性 | A Look into the Relativity and Multiplicity of Translation Criteria in the Light of Peter Newmark’s Text Category Theory |