属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-经过药物处理的蚊帐是消除淋巴丝虫病的关键
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-运动不足成全球流行病
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-电视成为拉斯维加斯消费电子展上的焦点
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-让互联网覆盖更广泛
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-橄榄油可以保护大脑防止痴呆
1 | 参与本书幕後作业的职业安全,工作卫生与健康咨询委员会,认为本书内容充分反应所有单位的一致共识. | The Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work, which played a major part in its preparation, considers the document to be a true reflection of the consensus reached by the parties involved. | |
2 | 成为"世界第一"一直是诺曼事业的一个重要部分。他占据世界排名榜第一的位置比他同时代任何一位选手都要长。 | Being No. 1 has always been a major part of Norman’s career. He has occupied that spot in the world rankings longer than any player of his generation. | |
3 | 电影按长短可分为"短片"或"故事片"。第一部故事片于19工2年问世,此后故事片便逐渐在影院占据了主导地位。 | "according to their length, films are known as ""shorts"" or ’"" features"". The first feature length films appeared in 1912 and they generally made up the major part of a cinema show." | |
4 | 非语言之要素在任何形式的双向沟通中占了很重要的一部分。 | nonverbal elements form a major part of any communication interchange | |
5 | 废水的主要部分,具有相当高的BOD,碱度,悬浮物以及色度。 | The major part of this waste water, consisted of wastes of relatively high BOD, alkalinity, suspended solids, and coloration | |
6 | 过去200年的大部分时间,西方一直支配着亚洲。 | The West has dominated Asia for the major part of the past two hundred years. | |
7 | 脊椎的主要部分,不含椎弓的基部。 | The major part of a vertebra, exclusive of the bases of the neural arch. | |
8 | 较大部分. | the major part | |
9 | 她对该计画的成功起了重要作用. | She played a major part in the success of the scheme. | |
10 | 经调查核实,《秘密亚洲死亡屋》中的所谓“死亡屋”,实际上是湖北省黄石市社会福利院的一间库房,片中的其他一些主要情节也是编造的。 | An investigation proved that the so-called dying rooms in the program "Secret Asia, the Dying Rooms" refer actually to a warehouse in the Huangshi City Social Welfare Home in Hubei Province and that the major part of the program is fabricated | |
11 | 壳牌东北亚集团天然气和电力董事麦隋宁说:″壳牌在中国的业务方向是帮助中国开发清洁能源解决方案,而天然气业务正是其中的重要部分。 | Mike Sweeney, SCNEA Gas and Power Director, said, ″ Shell′s business strategy in China is very much directed towards helping China develop clean energy solutions and gas is a major part of this. | |
12 | 轮藻形成碳酸钙沉淀,这些沉淀可形成湖泊钙质泥灰岩的主要成分。 | Stoneworts contain calcium carbonate deposits so extensive that they may form the major part of lake bottoms. | |
13 | 民俗舞蹈中的另一大项,就是和生产劳动、人生道路相关的各类歌舞。 | Another major part of the folk dance is composed of dances related to food production and life. | |
14 | 脑下垂体:位于脑下方的内分泌腺体。对内分泌系统的调节起重要作用。 | Pituitary gland (or hypophysis):Endocrine gland lying on the underside of the brain. It plays a major part in regulating the endocrine system. | |
15 | 水母伞膜大多数水母的身体的大部分的胶质的圆形物质 | The gelatinous,rounded mass that is the major part of the body of most jellyfish. | |
16 | 虽然信用卡正成为金融业更能接受的付款方式,但是许多人仍心存疑虑,把信用卡看成是"寅吃卯粮"的主要表现 | "Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the "live now, pay later syndrome" | |
17 | 缩减通货膨胀是政府经济政策的重点. | Reducing inflation is central to(ie a major part of)the government’s economic policy. | |
18 | 所有“正规”银行广告宣传的最主要部分都在于吸引尚未开户的顾客。 | By far the major part of all "normal" bank advertising appears to be deployed against the unbranded prospect | |
19 | 他在国外度过大半年。 | He spent the major part of a year abroad. | |
20 | 戏剧在20世纪中经历了一个令人振奋而又杂乱纷呈的探索和变革。戏剧业的大部仍保持着商业化。这种商业化的最终表现即为美国的"表演行业"。 | "The 20th century has been a time of invigorating but chaotic experimentation and change. a major part of the theater remains a commercial enterprise. The ultimate expression of this entrepreneurial style is american ""show business""." | |
21 | 在该缺陷或损害致使雇主基本上无法享用全部工程或部分工程所带来的全部利益时,对整个工程或不能按期投入使用的那部分主要工程终止合同。 | if the defect or damage deprives the Employer of substantially the whole benefit of the Works or any major part of the Works, terminate the Contract as a whole, or in respect of such major part which cannot be put to the intended use. | |
22 | 在这项实验中,马达功率指示在瓦特表上,但是其主要部分被电补偿。 | In this test the motor power is indicated on a wattmeter but the major part is backed off electrically | |
23 | 这些音频信号的表达、处理、存储和转换是多媒体系统研究的主要部分。 | The representation processingstorage, and transmission of such audio signals are a major part of the study of multimedia systems | |
24 | 椎体脊椎的主要部分,不含椎弓的基部 | The major part of a vertebra,exclusive of the bases of the neural arch. | |
25 | ||1:科学家们正在研究如何消除威胁世界1/5人口的一种疾病。超过1.2亿人感染了淋巴丝虫病,它也被称为象皮病。||2:这种病主要分布在东南亚和非洲,它能影响淋巴系统,这是人体对抗疾病的天然防线的一个重要组成部分。 | ||1:Scientists are working on ways to stop a disease that threatens one-fifth of the world’s population. Over 120 million people are infected with lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis.||2:The disease is found mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. It effects the lymphatic system which is a major part of the body’s natural defense for fighting disease. | |
26 | ||1:为了纪念伦敦奥运会,英国医学杂志《柳叶刀》发表了一系列有关运动不足的论文。||2:公共卫生专家说,运动不足是全球第四大死因。||3:他们估计,非传染性疾病占到了死亡原因的60%,而运动不足在非传染性疾病中又占据了重要地位。||4:非传染性疾病包括心脏病、糖尿病、结肠癌和乳腺癌等。 | ||1:To mark the London Olympics, the Lancet, a British medical journal, published a series of papers about this problem.||2:Public health experts say physical inactivity is the world’s fourth leading cause of death.||3:They estimate that inactivity plays a major part in six to ten percent of deaths from non-communicable diseases.||4:These include conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and colon and breast cancer. | |
27 | 除了电视技术,尺寸在2013年消费电子展上也发挥了重要作用。电视尺寸各不相同,越变越大,至少有三星和海信两家公司展示了110英寸的电视。 | In addition to television technology, size also played a major part in CES 2013. Televisions varied in size from big to bigger, with at least two companies -- Samsung and HiSense -- exhibiting TVs measuring 110 inches. | |
28 | 互联网是网络中的网络,它让数百万的计算机相互通信。WEB网络是主要组成部分。然而,人们现在经常使用的应用程序不是基于WEB网络的,像社会网络和iPhone这样的移动设备。 | The Internet is a network of networks. It lets millions of computers communicate with each other. The Web is a major part . However, people now often use applications that are not Web-based, like on social networks and mobile devices like the iPhone. | |
29 | 特级初榨橄榄油也是地中海式饮食的重要组成部分。而新的研究表明,它可以防止大脑失去正常的工作能力。 | Extra-virgin olive oil is also a major part of the Mediterranean diet. And new research shows that it may protect the brain from losing its ability to work properly. | |
30 | Bittorrent已经成为具备网络连接的软件的主要部分。 | Bittorrent has already become a major part of most connected software. |