1 | """在挑战自我之前,蹦极的人都应该做好充分的准备,重复试验,并且做精确的计算。""" | """Before challenging oneself, people who bungee make full preparations, repeat experiments and work out calculations.""" | |
2 | [新华社温哥华1997年11月25日电]中国国家主席江泽民今天在这里举行的亚太经合组织第五次领导人非正式会议上发表讲话说:“我要热情欢迎2001年亚太经合组织第九次领导人非正式会议在中国上海召开,我们将为会议做好充分的准备.” | Vancouver, Nov. 25, 1997(XINHUA)in his speech delivered at the fifth Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC)leaders informal meeting which opened here today, Chinese president Jiang Zemin said, “ I would like to warmly welcome the convocation of the ninth informal Apec economic leaders’ meeting in Shanghai, China we will make full preparations for this meeting” | |
3 | 1 .改良土壤、草地,开发荒山,以及充分利用自然资源的技术; | (a)technology provided to improve soil and grasslands, develop barren mountainous regions and make full use of natural conditions; | |
4 | 40 .对此,中国代表表示,中国认为应有权充分使用 WTO 的国际收支规定,在必要的情况下,保护其国际收支状况。 | In response, the representative of China stated that China considered that it should have the right to make full use of WTO BOPs provisions to protect, if necessary, its BOPs situation. " | |
5 | 40.对此,中国代表表示,中国认为应有权充分使用WTO的国际收支规定,在必要的情况下,保护其国际收支状况。 | 40. In response, the representative of China stated that China considered that it should have the right to make full use of WTO bops provisions to protect, if necessary, its bops situation | |
6 | 本课题是从青海盐湖资源的综合开发利用出发,为提钾母液中大量的氯化镁资源的利用寻求有高技术附加值的产品出路。 | The study is mainly to make full use of the Qinghai province salt lakes resources. After the preparation of potassium salt, the solution left is of high concentration in magnesium chloride. | |
7 | 充分发挥大型仪器设备资源优势的几点思考 | Thinking about How to Make Full Use of Large Precision Apparatus and Equipment | |
8 | 充分发挥的灌溉的效能 | make the best possible use of irrigation; make full use of irrigation | |
9 | 充分利用各种媒体广泛宣传原产地标记保护的作用和意义,指导和帮助出口企业申请办理原产地标记注册 | You shall make full use of various media to publicize the roles and importance of the origin mark protection, shall offer guidance to and help the export enterprises to apply for the registration of origin marks | |
10 | 充分运用了5个把位的全部音域 | Vigorous variations in bowing technique make full use of the five hand positions | |
11 | 地方各级人民政府和有关单位要充分认识公墓建设和管理的重要性,切实加强领导,采取坚决有效措施,加大公墓管理的力度,抓好殡葬改革工作。 | Local people’s governments at various levels and units concerned should make full understanding of the importance of the construction and management of cemeteries, conscientiously strengthen the leadership and take resolute and effective measures to intensify the management of cemeteries and do a good job in the reform of the funeral system. | |
12 | 第二十二条城市建设用地规模应当符合国家规定的标准,充分利用现有建设用地,不占或者尽量少占农用地。 | Article 22 The amount of land used for urban construction shall conform to the standards prescribed by the State so as to make full use of the existing land for construction purposes, not to occupy or occupy as less agricultural land as possible. | |
13 | 第二十二条个人独资企业招用职工的,应当依法与职工签订劳动合同,保障职工的劳动安全,按时、足额发放职工工资。 | Article 22 Where a sole proprietorship enterprise employs workers, it shall enter into labor contracts with the workers, and ensure workplace safety and make full and timely payment of wages. | |
14 | 发挥名店效应 | Make full use of a famous shop’s appeal | |
15 | 发挥自身优势 服务基础教育 | The Chinese Society of Education Should Make Full Use of Its Own Advantage to Serve Basic Education | |
16 | 发扬火力,消灭敌人 | make full use of firepower to destroy the enemy | |
17 | 副产:造纸机上的额外生产,以填满造纸机的整个阔度。例如在一部142厘米(58寸)的造纸机上,生产98厘米(40寸)阔纸卷,就需要作用力44厘米(18寸)阔的副产,以充份利用机器。 | Side run: An addition to the making on a paper machine which helps to fill up the maximum width. For example, a making of paper 98 cm (40 in.)wde on a 142 cm (58 in.)machine needs a side run of 44cm (18 in.)to make full use of the machine. | |
18 | 鼓励和支持航空航天企业以追求项目的商业成功为目标,按照市场机制运作,多渠道筹集资金,充分发挥全行业优势,优化分工协作。 | Encouraging and supporting market-oriented operation and multi-channel financing of enterprises to make full use of the advantages of the whole industry and optimize the division of work and coordination | |
19 | 可以充分利用中国现有技术力量和大量的高素质人才,享受相应的优惠政策。 | can make full use of the existing technological forces, large number of highly-qualified personnel, and preferential policies, | |
20 | 人们相信,总有一天我们将能充分利用太阳能。 | It is believed that we shall make full use of the sun’s energy some day. | |
21 | 时间很宝贵,你必须充分利用它。 | Time is so precious that you must make full use of it. | |
22 | 说真的我们这每个人都觉得您“太出色”了,而您的资历表明您如果能到一家可以尽展您聪明才智的公司去任职,将会更加愉快。 | Frankly it is the feeling of everyone here that you are "overqualified", and your experience indicates you would be much happier with a company that could make full use of your talents | |
23 | 他希望国际数据集团利用自己的优势,日益加深在这些方面的合作。 | He hoped that IDG would make full use of its advantages to enhance the cooperation in such fields. | |
24 | 同时,要充分利用广播、电视、报刊等宣传工具以及各种宣传手段,开展广泛深入的宣传教育活动, | At the same time, it is necessary to make full use of such publicity media as broadcast, TV, newspapers and magazines as well as various publicity means, unfold extensive and intensive publicity and educational activities, | |
25 | 同时,针对假发票泛滥、扰乱经济秩序、败坏社会风气的突出问题,要充分利用先进的防伪技术和设备,在全国统一发票防伪措施,增强发票的综合防伪性能,最大限度地减轻以至根治假发票这一顽症带来的危害。 | At the same time, to deal with the outstanding problems such as the deluge of false invoices, the disruption of economic order and the corruption of social morality, it is necessary to make full use of advanced anti-fake technology and equipment, implement anti-fake measures by issuing unified national invoices, strengthen comprehensive anti-fake properties of invoices, and reduce and eventually eradicate the danger brought about by the chronical malady of false invoices. | |
26 | 为充分利用本次调查信息 | In order to make full use of the information derived from this survey | |
27 | 未充分使用(某人或某人的能力) | Not make full use of (a person or his abilities) | |
28 | 问题就是如何充分利用优势了。 | So the problem is how to make full use of the advantages. | |
29 | 我,一个盲人,可以给那些能看见的人一个提示---对想充分利用视力天赋的人的一个忠告:用你的双眼,就好像你明天就会遭致失明一样。 | I who am blind can give one hint to those who see--one admonition to those who would make full use of the gift of sight: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind | |
30 | 我方的报价已考虑到大批量订货的因素。相信你公司了解,我们是在一个竞争十分激烈的市场上经营销售业务,因而已经不得不把利润减到最低限度。 | Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and, as I am sure you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum. |