1 | 本研究为含肽肝素渣的合理利用提供了新的思路。 | This research provides a new thought of making use of porcine intestine. | |
2 | 唱片公司开始还不愿意使用这些信息,现在已经在好好利用了。 | Having initially been reluctant to be seen exploiting this information, record companies are now making use of it (see article). | |
3 | 此时,您可能认为通过严格地使用TE而不使用角色或SELinux用户就可以实现我们的目标。 | At this point, you may be thinking that our goals could have been met by using strictly TE without making use of roles or SELinux users. | |
4 | 从实现中可发现,将人们关于边缘特徵的先验知识包含在内进行数字图像的边缘检测,能够取得比较好的效果。 | From the experiments, we know if making use of the prior knowledge about edge character, we can process edge detection well. | |
5 | 大部分其他发达国家则没有利用好年长者愿意而且能够工作的事实。 | Most other rich countries have not been good at making use of older people willing and able to work. | |
6 | 对地下水类型的变化规律的研究无疑对城市规划及城市用水具有重要的指导意义。 | Research for groundwater types variety will be very important, which can support the plan of making use of groundwater in city. | |
7 | 该等离子体显示装置被构造为具有:等离子体显示面板,通过利用气体放电来显示可视图像; | The plasma display device is structured to have: a plasma display panel which displays visual images via making use of aerial discharge; | |
8 | 更多的学生在学习中充分利用电脑学习当然是一个好的现象。 | It is certainly a good phenomenon that more students are making use of computers in their studies. | |
9 | 共产党则借助土地改革的强行再分配和赋税负担的公平化,赢得了资源汲取的合法性; | The CPC gained the legality of making use of resources by means of the forced redistribution in land reform and equalization of taxation. | |
10 | 很不幸,有关当事人不是选择这些工具,而是提起了诉讼。 | It is unfortunate the parties involved decided to pursue litigation instead of making use of these tools. | |
11 | 缴税,可以使用一切免税的机会,但不是暗地里去偷税漏税 | Pay its taxes, making use of all relevant exemptions but not cynically seeking loopholes. | |
12 | 借助数字签名的思想,对原始图像进行哈希变换,并用私钥对其加密。 | Making use of digital signature, the original image is transformed by Hash function and is encrypted by their private key. | |
13 | 开发和利用档案信息资源是档案工作的根本指导,是档案事业发展的保障。 | Development with making use of the file information resources is guide and guarantor of archives work. | |
14 | 可以使用类似方法添加新块,即指定DBSpace名称并使用下拉菜单中的可用选项。 | A new chunk can be added in a similar way, specifying the DBSpace name and making use of the options available in the dropdown menu. | |
15 | 可以在OS中同时使用不同的页面大小,不同的应用程序使用不同的页面大小。 | The different page sizes can be mixed within the OS concurrently, with different applications making use of different page sizes. | |
16 | 利用本实用新型,既可制作成柴油机,也可制作成汽油机。 | By making use of the utility model, a diesel engine or a gasoline engine can be manufactured. | |
17 | 利用磁铁的吸引力安装及固定于锥杆套上。 | And the screwdriver heads are fixed to the stem casing making use of the attractive force of magnetic iron. | |
18 | 利用地层微电阻率扫描成像测井资料,分析了车古201潜山裂缝的发育特征。 | The development characteristic of the fractures of Chegu 201 buried hill are analyzed making use of the formation micro-scanner log data. | |
19 | 利用溼度变化在时间上的相关性,吾人可预期土壤溼度的估计与预测是可以达到一相当的准确度。 | By making use of the temporal correlation of the moisture changes, estimation and prediction might be achieved with satisfying accuracy. | |
20 | 利用这种内嵌的泛型信息是建立对象之间关系的更丰富视图的关键所在。 | Making use of this embedded generic information is the key that unlocks a much richer view of the relationships between objects. | |
21 | 另外明显的是英国人在利用他,或者自以为在利用他。 | It was also apparent that the British were making use of him, or thought they were making use of him. | |
22 | 另一方面达到废物利用、绿色环保、节约成本的效果。 | On the other hand, it achieves the goal of making use of waste and the green environmental protection, therefore saves the cost effect. | |
23 | 聋人还可以利用HTC的EVO移动电话上Qik公司的视频聊天应用程序。 | The deaf are also making use of Qik, Inc. ’s video chat app for HTC’s EVO mobile phone. | |
24 | 那意味着该任务是要利用可再生资源,比如风能和太阳能。其中的say是副词,比如,相当于forexample。 | That means making use of renewable resources for the task, say wind and solar resources. | |
25 | 气象馆将向世人展示如何利用天气和气候信息,使城市让生活更美好。 | The pavilion Meteoland illustrates how making use of weather and climate information brings about better life in better cities. | |
26 | 如果你还没有使用过订阅种子阅读器,品牌监视会是一个很好的开始理由。 | If you aren’t yet making use of an RSS feed reader, brand monitoring is a great reason to start. | |
27 | 设计了一个用于数据挖掘的原型系统,利用该原型系统验证了算法的有效性与效率。 | We have designed a prototype system for data mining and verified the validity and the efficiency of algorithm making use of this system. | |
28 | 诗人的创作意旨在于通过唐璜的游历来体现不同的社会情形。 | the poet’s true intention is, by making use of Juan’s adventures, to present a panoramic view of different types of society. | |
29 | 他称,现在的项目开始利用wikis和博客。皇家哈洛威管理学院还利用LinkedIn建立了校友网络。 | Now, he says, programmes are making use of wikis and blogs and Royal Holloway also uses LinkedIn to network with alumni. | |
30 | 他擅长以小见大,选择罗马共和时期的特定历史事件来揭示时代的特征。 | He was good at making use of the specific events in the Roman republic to describe the characteristics of that time. |