属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国高速公路 American Highways
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国高速公路 American Highways
1 | 夏天多数是热天和晴天 | Most of the time there is warm clear day in summer. | |
2 | 一般在公公婆婆家吃过晚饭再回来。 | Most of the time , at my mother and father-in-law’s house, we go home after eating dinner. | |
3 | 在大多数时候,我对生活中的两个极端都不感到舒服。我总是惧怕它们,并且一直在抱怨。 | Two extremes in my life that most of the time I find uncomfortable.I normally dread them and gripe about it all the way through. | |
4 | 在其住院期间大都继续输氧 | Oxygen inhalation was continually used most of the time during this period of her hospitalization. | |
5 | 这种叛逆思想我不大向别人暴露。 | Most of the time I keep such traitorous thoughts to myself | |
6 | 只在恰当的时候说恰当的话,大部分时间则不要说话 | Say the right thing at the right time, and keep still most of the time | |
7 | 只在恰当的时候说恰当的话,大部分时间则不要说话。 | Say the right thing at the right time,and keep still most of the time . | |
8 | 紫外线能诱发皮肤癌,但是在大部分时间里,这个机体的最大器官能轻易地摆脱紫外线的影响。 | ultraviolet light can trigger skin cancer. But most of the time , the body’s largest organ simply shrugs off its effects | |
9 | 作为地质学家,我们大部分时间在野外工作。 | As geologist, we work in the field most of the time . | |
10 | ||1:不过在游戏的第三种形式中,即参与者有权选择合作对象时,愿意表现合作精神的人数并没有随着游戏次数的增加而减少。||2:比较过三种游戏形式中参与者相互关系的演变规律后,克里斯塔博士和他的团队发现二个同是合作者之间的关系要比其中一个是叛逃者之间的关系更容易维持。||3:随着时间的推移,合作者比叛逃者积累了更多的社会关系。 | ||1:In the variant where participants had some choice over whom they interacted with, though, the amount of co-operation stayed stable as the rounds progressed.||2:When Dr Christakis and his team looked at how the relationships between players were evolving in this third version, they found that connections between two co-operators were much more likely to be maintained than links that involved a defector.||3:Over time, the co-operators accumulated more social connections than the defectors did. | |
11 | ||1:但是随着上述趋势减弱,公路信托基金受到损害:从2007年到2010年,公路信托基金收到的资金减少了七分之一。||2:各州在2005年至2009年间从该基金得到的比支付的多。||3:2008年到2010年间,国会将政府一般收入中的345亿美元投入到公路信托基金,这是公路信托基金第一次收到联邦政府用其它收入对其补贴。||4:今年早些时候国会预算局预计公路信托基金到2013年时将不能再资助高速公路维修与养护。 | ||1:But as that trend has slowed, the HTF has suffered: monies paid into the HTF fell by around one-seventh from 2007 to 2010.||2:From 2005 to 2009 every state received more from the fund than they paid in.||3:Between 2008 and 2010 Congress transferred $34.5 billion in general revenues into the HTF—the first time it had ever received such an infusion.||4:Earlier this year the Congressional Budget Office forecast that the HTF will be unable to fund highway maintenance by 2013. | |
12 | ||1:国会已经有所行动,参议员委员会在11月批准了一项法律用以维持高速公路现在的经费水平两年;同时众议院共和党计划本月引入一项六年期的交通法案,但改善措施不足而且晚了。||2:美国的运输基本设施几乎等不及了。||3:美国土木工程师协会2009年估计36%的美国主要城市高速公路是超负荷的,每年在浪费时间和燃料成本上花费782亿美元。||4:根据利益团体美国运输团体,每九个公路桥就有一个是“结构缺陷”,在这点上,这些公路桥倒是和美国国会相同。 | ||1: There has been some movement in Congress—in November a Senate committee approved legislation maintaining highway funding at its current levels for two years, while House Republicans plan to introduce a six-year transportation bill this month—but it is little and late. ||2: America’s transportation infrastructure can ill afford to wait. ||3: The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated in 2009 that 36% of America’s major urban highways are congested, costing $78.2 billion each year in wasted time and fuel costs. ||4: According to Transportation for America, an advocacy group, one in nine highway bridges are “structurally deficient”—a quality they seem to share with America’s Congress. | |
13 | ||1:伊内森博士发现热带地区平流层中的紫外线含量低,因而就更凉爽,因为那里没有足够的紫外线可以吸收,也就意味着热带地区平流层的气温和极地地区平流层的气温差异很大。||2:这种情况改变了大气环流的方式。冬天,当大气环流变化散布到低一点的大气中时,自北极圈表层而来的冷空气很容易就能传播到南方,让北欧的大部分国家处于冰冻之中。||3:这些状况和过去的两次发生在欧洲的严冬很相似——那两次严冬都发生在太阳活动频率很低的时候。||4:而北极圈本身,无论是作为模型还是实际情况,都比平常要温暖,加拿大部分地区也是如此。||5:临近俄罗斯和美国的北欧则相反,显得比平时更冰冷。 | ||1:Dr Ineson found that at low UV levels the stratosphere in the tropics was cooler, because there was less UV for it to absorb, which meant the difference in temperature between the tropical stratosphere and the polar stratosphere shrank.||2:That changed the way the atmosphere circulated, and as those changes spread down into the lower atmosphere they made it easier for cold surface air from the Arctic to come south in winter, freezing chunks of northern Europe.||3:These conditions looked similar to those seen in the past two cold European winters—which occurred at a time of low solar activity.||4:The Arctic itself, in models and in real life, was warmer than usual, as were parts of Canada.||5:In contrast, northern Europe, swathes of Russia and bits of America were colder. | |
14 | ||1:在游戏的三种模式中,大约有60%的参与者起初都愿意表现合作精神。||2:不过在前两种形式中,合作者的数目随着不劳而获者不断散播的消极影响,而逐渐减少。||3:在特定的游戏中,调查对象的合作者中如果存在越多的人扮演叛逃者,该对象在下一轮游戏中就越不愿意表现合作精神——这正是典型的投桃报李精神。||4:不过这种投桃报李的回馈态度无法维持合作关系,在大约12轮游戏后,只有大约10-20%的参与者仍然愿意表现合作精神。 | ||1:In all versions of the game, roughly 60% of players started out co-operating.||2:However, in the first two, this decreased over time as the pernicious influence of the freeloaders spread.||3:The larger the fraction of a subject’s partners who defected in a given round, the less likely that person was to co-operate in the next—classical tit-for-tat.||4:However, this tit-for-tat retaliation was not enough to save co-operation, and after a dozen rounds only 10-20% of the players were still willing to co-operate. | |
15 | “一般还行,但有时候就……就有点看不清了,”艾萨克告诉FoxNewsHealth.com的记者说。 | "Most of the time it was fine, but sometimes it, it would look a little bit blurry, " Isaac told FoxNewsHealth. com. | |
16 | “有时候心脏病突发了才让人意识到患有心脏疾病,但大多数时候是有一些预警信号的。”她说。 | "Sometimes the first sign of heart disease is a heart attack, but most of the time , there are warning signs, " she said. | |
17 | “在许多研究中,绝大多数时候都是整体优于各个部分的累加”,她说。 | "Most of the time , in many studies, the whole is better than the sum of its parts, " she says. | |
18 | 10.大多时候你所追求的就在你面前 | Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you. | |
19 | 爱会占据你:简单地说,在大部分时间里,你想着你的恋人。 | Pre-occupied love: Simply stated, you think about the one you love most of the time . | |
20 | 巴里医生时常说:“从临床的立场上看,只要你不摔跤,那骨骼脆弱点又有什么关系呢!” | Most of the time , Dr. Barry says, "fragile bones don’t matter, from a clinical standpoint, if you don’t fall down. " | |
21 | 爸爸妈妈大部分情况都会点头微笑以示肯定,承认宝宝在试图说话,并且这些朦胧的言语已经成为家庭谈话的一部分。 | And most of the time , parents nod and smile, acknowledging the baby voices that have become part of the family conversation. | |
22 | 比如我们非常熟悉的鲁豫,杨澜多数时的穿衣都是非常优雅的。 | As we are familiar with Lu Yu, Yang Lan wearing most of the time are very elegant. | |
23 | 测试过程中的大多数时间,他的连接速度都近乎ISP的标称速度。 | Most of the time , he was getting rates close to those advertised by his ISP. | |
24 | 大部分时候,我们爱的人并不是故意的让我们失望。 | Most of the time , the people we love don’t mean to let us down. | |
25 | 大部分时候,性高潮实际上需要这样的紧绷感才能发生。 | Most of the time tension is actually required for an orgasm to happen. | |
26 | 大部分时间,杰克紧闭着嘴,双眼望着虚空作沉思状。 | Most of the time , Jack keeps his mouth shut and his eyes staring pensively into space. | |
27 | 大部分时间里,你会在有一个以上过滤器,赋值的时候倾向使用大括号。 | Most of the time , you’ll prefer using curly braces when you have more than one filter, assignment, etc. | |
28 | 大部分时间里,我总是坐在后面那样就避免参与讨论。 | I tried to sit in the back most of the time so as not to participate. | |
29 | 大部分睡觉时,都是一只眼睁着,提防被偷或者被袭击,而闭着另一只眼。 | Most of the time , when you do sleep, you sleep with one eye open for fear of having something stolen, or being attacked. | |
30 | 大多时候我都没有耐心。 | I was impatient most of the time . |