1 | 大多数的时候,我们仅仅对话语不感兴趣;我们感兴趣的是所述内容,也就是说,含义,主旨。 | Most of the time , we aren’t interested in mere wording; we are interested in what was said, that is, meaning, the subject matter. | |
2 | 大多数情况下,把‘保守主义’作为主要的形容词也许是不错的。 | Perhaps it would be well, most of the time , to use this word "conservative" as an adjective chiefly. | |
3 | 大多数时候,板块之间的摩擦力使两者紧紧挤在一起,并随着时间增加,挤压力逐渐增加。 | Most of the time , friction between the plates causes them to stick together, and stress increases over time. | |
4 | 大多数时候,空闲期来得正是时候,通常是在我刚完成压力很大的重大项目时。 | Most of the time the slow periods come at the perfect week, normally when I’ve just finished some super large, overly stressful project. | |
5 | 大多数时候,你从自己的支出中省下钱来并不会觉得有什么不好。 | Most of the time , when you cut a bit of spending from your life, you’ll find that you never miss it. | |
6 | 大多数时候,你或许都不会意识到你在这样做。 | Most of the time , youmight not even be conscious that you’re doing it. | |
7 | 大多数时候,其外交政策都是布什政策的明确延续——在一些关键地区,还有过之而无不及。 | Most of the time it has been a clear continuation of Bush’s -- and in several crucial areas, a ramping up of it. | |
8 | 大多数时候,生活中最美妙的体验是免费的,或者所需甚少。 | Most of the time the best experiences in life are free, or extremely low in cost. | |
9 | 大多数时候,我们看不到菩萨的多只手臂。 | Most of the time , we do not see all the arms of a bodhisattva. | |
10 | 大多数时候,一篇文章的行文安排顺序如何,并不影响文章内容的发挥,只要其中完全运用了五个“W”就行。 | Most of the time it doesn’t matter in what order the information is gathered, as long as all five W’s are ultimately addressed. | |
11 | 大多数时候,这两种伊斯兰教是和平相处的,不过它们之间仍时不时发生定期冲突。 | Most of the time they were peaceful, but nevertheless had conflicts at fairly regular intervals. | |
12 | 大多数时候人们慢慢地咀嚼食物,就像许多年前我妈妈教我的那样。 | Most of the time people chew their food slowly, as my mother taught me to do so many years ago. | |
13 | 大多数时候他们的判断是正确的,否则今天我们没有人会在这里。 | And most of the time they’ve been right, or none of us would be here today. | |
14 | 大多数时候我们不能有意识的控制我们问自己的问题。 | Most of the time we fail to take conscious control of the questions we ask ourselves. | |
15 | 大多数时候我谢绝了,特别是不常去的地方。 | Most of the time I decline, especially for stores I rarely frequent. | |
16 | 大多数时候我做过比较之后都发现,有利的一面大大超过不利的一面。 | Most of the time when I make this comparison, the upside far outweighs the downside. | |
17 | 大多数时间,伴侣会接受不争吵这一提议,因为在内心,谁都不愿意争吵。 | Most of the time a spouse will welcome this refusal to argue, because deep down they don’t want to argue either. | |
18 | 大多数时间管理系统经常会提及这一点,但它们并没有聚焦于此。 | Most of the time management systems mention this a couple of times, but they don’t focus on it. | |
19 | 大多数想自杀的人都愿意跟那些关心他们的人谈一谈。 | Most of the time , people who are considering suicide are willing to discuss it if someone asks them out of concern and care. | |
20 | 但大多时候,争吵的时间也比较短。他们会相互道歉,然后一切又恢复正常。 | Most of the time , these arguments are over quickly, parents apologize and make up, and the family settles back into its usual routine. | |
21 | 但是,尽管英国的气候在一年中的大部分时间不是很理想,这个国家也有自己的得天独厚之处。 | But, even if the weather is bad most of the time , the UK also has its own favourable conditions. | |
22 | 但是大部分时间里我只偷类似于饼干的这种小东西。 | But most of the time I would just steal things like cookies, then sit in my car, cramming them into my mouth. | |
23 | 但是在在绝大多数的时候,我们看到的是不重要的实情而不是事物的本质实情。 | And most of the time , we’re not looking at the core truth, but the circumstantial truth. | |
24 | 当大部分时间都由我们自己支配时,我们就没法和别人交往互动(更别说带着善意去交往了)。 | When we spend most of the time by ourselves, interacting with others at all (let alone doing it kindly) is less likely. | |
25 | 当小睡的规律没有被干扰的时候,我的感觉一直是精力充沛但又非常放松。 | I feel very mentally relaxed and unstressed most of the time , at least when I keep to my naps roughly on schedule. | |
26 | 第一天拍下的照片会诚实无误地反映出当时的他,但那不是在大部分时间中真正的他。 | While a photo on the first day would in fact be accurate of how he was that day, it’s not really how he is most of the time . | |
27 | 对于这种无私的情感,人们总是过于吝啬。 | People are too selfish for an emotion that selfless, most of the time . | |
28 | 多数时候,在地球天空中火星的视运动是朝着一个方向,缓慢却稳定地在遥远的恒星前景运行。 | Most of the time , the apparent motion of Mars in Earth’s sky is in one direction, slow but steady in front of the far distant stars. | |
29 | 给力的尼亚加拉瀑布倾斜在尼亚加拉悬崖上,声音如雷声咆哮…是的,大多数时间是这样的,但不总是。 | Mighty Niagara Falls, pouring over the Niagara Escarpment to the sound of rolling thunder. . . most of the time , yes, but not always. | |
30 | 根据美国宇航局的要求,为了保护这些石英玻璃窗不被轨道碎片击碎,它们大部分时间应该处于关闭状态。 | For now, NASA wants to keep them shuttered most of the time to protect the fused silica glass from orbital debris. |