1 | 他们想他让道,可他就是不想动,他非常享受这种挡住所有的富贵而重要人物道路的感觉。 | It wanted him to move out of its path, but he was enjoying being exactly where he was, blocking all these rich and important people. | |
2 | 他年纪大了,不能快速反应击退狼的进攻,因为怀孕,丹尼也无法快速行动。 | He was too old to react fast enough to ward off a wolf attack and Danni was not as quick to move out due to her pregnancy. | |
3 | 他说,他们当时无法卖掉房子,而前妻也负担不起搬出去住的费用,于是他们一直住在一起直到她离开。 | He says they couldn’t sell the house, and his ex couldn’t afford to move out , so they lived together until she left town. | |
4 | 他说:“搬迁是个长期过程,因为需要征得村民同意。我们不能强制搬迁,只能说服大家。” | "It is a long-drawn process because the villagers have to agree to move out . We can’t force them to leave. We can only persuade, " he said. | |
5 | 他说他们家准备搬家,离开隧道,搬到一间每月100美元的公寓去。 | He said the family was planning to move out of the tunnels and into a new apartment that would cost them more than $100 a month. | |
6 | 他躺在床上不愿起来,也拒绝和她讲话,除非是有关孩子们的。 | He refused to move out of their bed or speak to her unless it was about the children. | |
7 | 提供补助和采取其他激励性措施,以鼓励他们从劳动力富余的地区转移至劳动力匮乏的地区。 | subsidies and other incentives to encourage workers to move out of areas of labour surplus into areas in which labour is in short supply. | |
8 | 通用公司破产重生的速度比许多分析人士曾经预测的要快很多。 | GM was able to move out of bankruptcy more quickly than many analysts had predicted. | |
9 | 为了好看,充足的储存,移开床头板和床头桌,把东西移到储物柜和架子上。 | For attractive, ample storage, move out a headboard and night tables and move in a combination of stock cabinets and open shelving units. | |
10 | 为了唤醒你的直觉力你需要将大脑从处理信息的理性化与结构化的模式中摆脱出来。 | In order to awaken your intuition you need to move out of your brains rational and structured way of processing information. | |
11 | 为了节约,某些家庭特别是年轻劳动者,在经济复苏期内合住,而现在有钱能搬出去了。 | Some households, especially young workers, shared homes during the recovery to economise but can now afford to move out . | |
12 | 为什么经济衰退就应该把巨大的失业人数带给整个国家,使木匠们离开内华达州? | Why should it take mass unemployment across the whole nation to get carpenters to move out of Nevada? | |
13 | 温室盆花出房与入房管理 | Move-in and move-out management of greenhouse potted flowers | |
14 | 我不怎么喜欢他,但是我必须得搬出公寓,他给我提供了住宿的地方。 | I don’t even like him very much, but I had to move out of my flat and he offered me a place to stay. | |
15 | 我从五岁起,就开始倒数计时看我姐姐将何时离开家搬出去住。 | I was five when I began counting down the years until my sister would move out . | |
16 | 我跟着人流从棺材前走过,然后来到前门外面的台阶上,午后的阳光直射下来。 | Along with the others I go past the casket. Then I move out onto the front steps and into the afternoon light. | |
17 | 我会建议像我这种情况的人搬出共有房屋,将之租出去,然后分割租金收入,自行安排自己的生活。 | I would advise anyone in my situation to move out of a shared property, rent it out, split the rental income and make your own arrangements. | |
18 | 我们不得不迅速穿好衣服……我们真的想要快点逃离这个摇摇欲坠的不稳定地带。 | We had to get dressed fairly quickly. . . we really felt a need to move out of the volatile area. | |
19 | 我们最喜爱的宠物死了,我们在学校成绩不好,亲密的朋友将搬离城镇。 | Our favourite pets can die, we can do poorly at school, close friends can move out of town. | |
20 | 我确定我想搬出去住,但我不确定除此以外的任何一件事。 | I’m sure I want to move out . I’m unsure about pretty much everything else. | |
21 | 我仍然在期望和计划有朝一日可以走出去,但是我知道,现在,出于某种原因,我将紧紧跟随跟高架列车一同前进。 | I’m still hoping, planning, to move out . But I know now I’ll stay close to the elevated train, somehow. | |
22 | 我想有些事情总有开始和结束,总有一天人们都要从这里搬出去的 | I thought it was just open-end. That at some time, people would have to move out of here. | |
23 | 唔,好。但我在搬离时可以拿回来,是吗? | Oh, okay. I can get it back when I move out , right? | |
24 | 现在我们住在伦敦。我们总是犹豫,是该与我们的下一代继续生活在城市,还是迁往乡下。 | Now we live in London and we are always dithering about whether to stay put with our young family, or move out to the countryside. | |
25 | 相反,他将搬离出豪华别墅,住在山上的小木屋里面或者是因斯布鲁克(奥地利西部城市)的简易居室。 | Instead, he will move out of his luxury Alpine retreat into a small wooden hut in the mountains or a simple bedsit in Innsbruck. | |
26 | 许多人把互联网企业家当作拒绝长大,依靠妈妈拿餐匙来喂的小宝宝。 | A lot of people generalize Internet entrepreneurs as spoon fed momma’s boys that refuse to move out . | |
27 | 也许他会搬出三卧-两卫的农场房屋,不过他还是打算呆在本州。 | And he’ll probably move out of his three-bedroom, two-bath ranch home, although he plans to stay in Michigan. | |
28 | 依靠从中欧获得的管理洞见,加上引入了新的人才,全时开始逐渐走出亏损状态。 | With management insight from Ceibs and the injection of new personnel talent, the company started to move out of the red. | |
29 | 以色列最高法院两个星期前签署了希伯伦犹太定居者搬出这座房屋的强制撤离令。 | Israel’s high court two weeks ago ordered the settlers to move out of the dwelling. | |
30 | 英国投资管理协会(InvestmentManagementAssociation)表示,迄今为止,资金流出基金的情况还不显著。 | So far the move out of funds is hardly discernible, according to the UK’s Investment Management Association. |