1 | “互尊互鉴” | mutual respect ; mutual learning | |
2 | 阿兹纳尔说,他的政府已捎给摩洛哥讯息,它希望"密切的外交关系,不过此项关系仅能以互相尊重为基础"。 | Aznar said that his government has already passed the message to morocco that it hopes for "close diplomatic relations, yet the relations can only be based on mutual respect ." | |
3 | 按照冷静观察、沉着应对的方针和相互尊重、求同存异的精神处理国际事务。 | In handling international affairs, we should observe and cope with the situation cool-headedly, adhere to the principle of mutual respect and seek common ground while shelving differences. | |
4 | 澳门特别行政区的教育、科学、技术、文化、新闻、出版、体育、康乐、专业、医疗卫生、劳工、妇女、青年、归侨、社会福利、社会工作等方面的民间团体和宗教组织同全国其他地区相应的团体和组织的关系,以互不隶属、互不干涉、互相尊重的原则为基础。 | The relationship between non-governmental organizations in fields such as education, science, technology, culture, news media, publication, sports, recreation, the professions, medicine and health, labor, women, youth, returned overseas nationals, social welfare and social work as well as religious organizations in the Macao SAR and their counterparts in other parts of the country shall be based on the principles of non-subordination,non-interference and mutual respect . | |
5 | 比如说﹐到处都是香烟广告﹐电视﹑电影里吸烟的主人公很多﹐互相敬烟竟然是一种礼貌。 | For example, cigarette advertisers are everywhere, many leading characters who smoke are on television and movies, exchanging cigarettes is a type of mutual respect and courtesy. | |
6 | 大家在同一个星球上生存,相互尊重应当成为有识之士的共识 | As we all live on the dame planet, mutual respect should become the consensus shared by far-sighted people | |
7 | 大力促进不同文明之间的对话,以和平方式妥善处理争端和分歧,有助于促进不同文明背景的人民之间化解积怨,捐弃前嫌,相互尊重,和睦相处。 | In this connection, vigorous promotion of dialogue among civilizations for a proper settlement of disputes and differences by peaceful means will help peoples with different civilizations eliminate their feuds to bring about reconciliation, mutual respect and harmonious co-existence. | |
8 | 党际关系四项原则(独立自主、完全平等、互相尊重、互不干涉内部事务) | the four principles for inter-party relations (i.e. independence, complete equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs) | |
9 | 第二,应该坚持各种文明彼此平等,促进相互尊重。 | Second, it is essential to adhere to the principle of equality among civilizations and promote their mutual respect . | |
10 | 第六条 中国红十字会根据独立、平等、互相尊重的原则,发展同各国红十字会和红新月会的友好合作关系。 | Article 6 The Red Cross Society of China shall develop friendly relations and cooperation with the Red Cross Societies and the Red Crescent Societies of all countries on the principles of independence, equality and mutual respect . | |
11 | 第十条 中华全国总工会根据独立、平等、互相尊重、互不干涉内部事务的原则,加强同各国工会组织的友好合作关系。 | Article 10 The All-China Federation of Trade Unions shall, in accordance with the principles of independence, equality, mutual respect and mutual non-interference in internal affairs, improve the relations of friendly cooperation held with the trade union organizations of various other nations. | |
12 | 第五条多民族居住地区的居民委员会,应当教育居民互相帮助,互相尊重,加强民族团结。 | Article 5. In an area where people from more than one nationality live, the residents committee shall educate the residents for mutual assistance and mutual respect to enhance unity between different nationalities. | |
13 | 第一百四十八条 香港特别行政区的教育、科学、技术、文化、艺术、体育、专业、医疗卫生、劳工、社会福利、社会工作等方面的民间团体和宗教组织同内地相应的团体和组织的关系,应以互不录属、互不干涉和互相尊重的原则为基础。 | Article 148 The relationship between non-governmental organizations in fields such as education, science, technology, culture, art, sports, the professions, medicine and health, labour, social welfare and social work as well as religious organizations in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and their counterparts on the mainland shall be based on the principles of non-subordination, non-interference and mutual respect . | |
14 | 缔约双方应在互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处各项原则的基础上 | On the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence. | |
15 | 独立自主、完全平等、互相尊重、互不干涉内部事务的原则 | principle of independence, complete equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs | |
16 | 对外体育交往坚持独立自主、平等互利、相互尊重的原则 , 维护国家主权和尊严,遵守中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约。 | In conducting international exchanges in sports, the principles of independence, equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to, the State sovereignty and dignity defended and the international treaties the PRC has concluded or acceded to shall be observed. | |
17 | 凡是与中国建交的国家,都应遵守互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不干涉内政的原则 | All countries maintaining diplomatic relations with China should abide by the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, | |
18 | 各国相互尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处五项原则以及其他公认的国际关系准则,是维护和平的政治基础。 | The five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality, mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence and other universally recognized norms governing international relations make up the political foundation underpinning world peace. | |
19 | 各国之间应该加强交流和了解,在相互尊重和平等相待的基础上共同前进 | Countries should enhance exchanges and understanding, and move ahead together on the basis of mutual respect and equality. | |
20 | 国与国之关系建立在相互的尊敬及和睦基础上。 | Relations between countries based on the fundaments of mutual respect and neighborliness. | |
21 | 和平共处五项原则:互相尊重领土完整与主权,互不侵犯,互不干涉内政,平等互利,和平共处 | Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence | |
22 | 和平共处五项原则;互相尊重领土完整和主权、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处 | Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence | |
23 | 互相尊重主权和领土完整 | Mutual respect for sovereignty and territoria1 integrity | |
24 | 互相尊重主权和领土完整,互不侵犯,互不干涉内政,平等互利,和平共处的五项原则 | the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual nonaggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful co-existence | |
25 | 坚持和平共处五项原则,即互相尊重主权和领士完整,互不侵犯,互不干涉内政,平等互利,和平共处 | Adhere(或stick)to the five principles of peaceful coexistence, namely, mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. | |
26 | 教育对外交流与合作坚持独立自主、平等互利、相互尊重的原则,不得违反中国法律,不得损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。 | In conducting foreign exchange and co-operation in education, the principles of independence, equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to, the laws of the PRC shall not be violated, and the State sovereignty and security and public interests shall not be harmed. | |
27 | 面对冷战结束后因民族、宗教因素引发的局部冲突与危机,我们主张:信教与不信教者之间,各宗教、各教派之间相互尊重和宽容。 | In response to the local conflicts and crises caused by ethnic and religious factors in the post-Cold War era, we call for mutual respect and tolerance on the part of all religions and religious sects | |
28 | 平等,互利,互相尊重主权和领土完整 | Equility, mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity | |
29 | 平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整 | equality,mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity | |
30 | 平等互利和“重合同、守信用”的原则 | Equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity |