1 | 可以向国务院专利行政部门说明理由并附具有关证明文件,请求恢复权利。 | request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to recover his/its rights by stating the reasons and affixing relevant supporting documents. | |
2 | 当事人因正当理由而延误专利法或者本细则规定的期限或者国务院专利行政部门指定的期限, | Where a party concerned has delayed past the time limit provided in the Patent Law or these Rules or that specified by the administrative department for patent under the State Council due to a justified reason, | |
3 | 导致其权利丧失的,可以自收到国务院专利行政部门的通知之日起2个月内 | thus resulting in the loss of his/its rights, he/it may, within 2 months as of the receipt of the notice from the administrative department for patent under the State Council, | |
4 | 向国务院专利行政部门说明理由,请求恢复权利。 | request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to recover his/its rights by stating the reason. | |
5 | 当事人请求延长国务院专利行政部门指定的期限的,应当在期限届满前,向国务院专利行政部门说明理由并办理有关手续。 | Where a party concerned requests extension of the time limit specified by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, he/it shall, before the expiry of the said time limit, state the reason to the administrative department for patent under the State Council and fulfill relevant formalities. | |
6 | 本条第一款和第二款的规定不适用专利法第二十四条、第二十九条、第四十二条、第六十二条规定的期限。 | The provisions in Paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article shall not apply to the time limit provided in Article 24, Article 29, Article 42, or Article 62 of the Patent Law. | |
7 | 第八条 发明专利申请涉及国防方面的国家秘密需要保密的,由国防专利机构受理; | Article 8 Where an application for a patent for invention involves any State secret in respect to national defense that needs to be maintained confidential, it shall be accepted by the institution for patent of national defense. | |
8 | 国务院专利行政部门受理的涉及国防方面的国家秘密需要保密的发明专利申请, | Where an application for a patent for invention which involves any State secret in respect to national defense that needs to be maintained confidential has been accepted by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, | |
9 | 应当移交国防专利机构审查,由国务院专利行政部门根据国防专利机构的审查意见作出决定。 | it shall be transferred to the institution for patent of national defense for examination, and the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall make its decision upon the opinions from the examination by the institution for patent of national defense. | |
10 | 除前款规定的外,国务院专利行政部门受理发明专利申请后,应当将需要进行保密审查的申请转送国务院有关主管部门审查; | In addition to the preceding paragraph, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, after accepting a patent application for invention, transmit it to the relevant competent department of the State Council for examination if such invention needs to be examined for its confidential nature. | |
11 | 有关主管部门应当自收到该申请之日起4个月内,将审查结果通知国务院专利行政部门; | The said department shall, within 4 months as of the receipt of the application, notify the administrative department for patent under the State Council of the examination result. | |
12 | 需要保密的,由国务院专利行政部门按照保密专利申请处理,并通知申请人。 | Where the invention needs to be maintained confidential, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall deal with the application as one of confidential patent and notify the applicant accordingly. | |
13 | 第九条 专利法第五条所称违反国家法律的发明创造,不包括仅其实施为国家法律所禁止的发明创造。 | Article 9 "Invention-creation that violates the laws of the State" mentioned in Article 5 of the Patent Law shall not include the invention-creations the use of which is prohibited by the laws of the State. | |
14 | 第十条 除专利法第二十八条和第四十二条规定的情形外,专利法所称申请日,有优先权的,指优先权日。 | Article 10 Except for the circumstances provided in Article 28 and Article 42 of the Patent Law, the application date mentioned in the Patent Law means the priority date if there is a right of priority concerned. | |
15 | 本细则所称申请日,除另有规定的外,是指专利法第二十八条规定的申请日。 | Unless otherwise provided, the application date mentioned in these Rules means the one provided in Article 28 of the Patent Law. | |
16 | 第十一条 专利法第六条所称执行本单位的任务所完成的职务发明创造,是指: | Article 11 "Service invention-creation made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs" mentioned in Article 6 of the Patent Law means any invention-creation made: | |
17 | (一)在本职工作中作出的发明创造; | (1)in the course of performing his own duty; | |
18 | (二)履行本单位交付的本职工作之外的任务所作出的发明创造; | (2)in execution of any task, other than his own duty, which was delivered to him by the entity to which he belongs; | |
19 | (三)退职、退休或者调动工作后1年内作出的,与其在原单位承担的本职工作或者原单位分配的任务有关的发明创造。 | (3)within 1 year from his resignation, retirement or change of work, provided that the invention-creation relates to his own duty or to the other task distributed to him by the entity to which he previously belonged. | |
20 | 专利法第六条所称本单位,包括临时工作单位;专利法第六条所称本单位的物质技术条件,是指本单位的资金、设备、零部件、原材料或者不对外公开的技术资料等。 | The entity to which he belongs" mentioned in Article 6 of the Patent Law may also be a temporary entity for which the person works; "material resources of the entity" mentioned in Article 6 of the Patent Law shall include the entity’s money, equipment, spare parts, raw materials, or technical data which are not to be disclosed to the public. |