1 | "贾母,王夫人,凤姐儿日日差人去看秦氏,回来的人都说:""这几日也没见添病,也不见甚好." | Lady Dowager , Lady Wang and Xifeng sent daily to inquire after Keqing and were told each time that she was neither better nor worse. | |
2 | "贾母又与了一个荷包并一个金魁星,取""文星和合""之意." | The Lady Dowager ’s gift was a purse containing a small golden effigy of the God of Learning symbolizing literary talent and harmony. | |
3 | "王夫人未及留,贾母也就遣人来说:""请姨太太就在这里住下,大家亲密些""等语." | "Before Lady Wang could extend this invitation, the Lady Dowager also sent to urge, ""Do invite your sister to stay here, so that we can all be close together." | |
4 | "王夫人向贾母说:""这个症候,遇着这样大节不添病,就有大好的指望了." | "It’s a hopeful sign,"" Lady Wang told the Lady Dowager , ""if an illness grows no worse at a season like this." | |
5 | 1860年第二次鸦片战争爆发,英法联军进攻北京,咸丰同皇太后、慈安、慈禧逃到山庄。 | In 1860 when Beijing was under attack by the Joint AngloFrench Forces, Xianfeng took refuge in the resort together with the empress dowager and his two concubines | |
6 | 1908年(光绪三十四年),慈禧临死前对人讲:绝不能让光绪死在她的后头。 | In 1908, the empress dowager said on her deathbed to the effect that on no account should Guangxu be allowed to survive herself | |
7 | 宝玉忙接了出去,领了拜见贾母. | He hastened to greet his new friend and presented him to the Lady Dowager , who was delighted by his handsome looks and pleasing manner. | |
8 | 宝玉先便回明贾母秦钟要上家塾之事,自己也有了个伴读的朋友,正好发奋, | Baoyu told the Lady Dowager of Qin Zhong’s eagerness to attend their clan school, and the incentive it would be for him to have a friend and companion in his studies. | |
9 | 不免贾母又伤感起来 | Inevitably, the Lady Dowager was most painfully affected. | |
10 | 此片名为<定军山>,实际上是一出搬上银幕的京剧。那时还拍有新闻短片,其中包括一部反映1908年慈禧太后葬礼的短片。 | It was entitled Dingjun Mountain and it was actually a filmed .Peking opera. also newsreels were made .in China at that time, including one showing the funeral of the Empress Dowager in 1908. | |
11 | 次日起来,省过贾母,因往王夫人处来 | The next morning, after paying her respects to the Lady Dowager , Daiyu went to Lady Wang’s apartments. | |
12 | 当日这贾妃未入宫时,自幼亦系贾母教养. | The Imperial Consort, before she entered the Palace, had been brought up from childhood by the Lady Dowager . | |
13 | 当下茶果已撤,贾母命两个老嬷嬷带了黛玉去见两个母舅. | Now the refreshments were cleared away and the Lady Dowager ordered two nurses to take Daiyu to see her two uncles. | |
14 | 当着老太太,太太,那怕你吃一坛呢. | If the Lady Dowager or Lady Wang were here I wouldn’t mind your drinking a whole jarful. | |
15 | 东晋庾太后临朝与外戚庾氏 | The Reign of the Empress Dowager Yeu and the Relatives on Emperor Mother’s Side of the Yeu Family in the Eastern Tsin Dynasty | |
16 | 公爵 [亲王] 未亡人 | a duchess [princess] dowager | |
17 | 皇太后. | Empress Dowager | |
18 | 皇太后传旨杀掉皇太子。 | The empress dowager gave orders to snuff out the crown prince. | |
19 | 回国后经常在宫廷中表演,深受慈禧太后的宠爱 | Back to China, she began to perform in the court and was favored by Dowager Cixi. | |
20 | 贾母等合家人等心中皆惶惶不定,不住的使人飞马来往报信. | The Lady Dowager sent one mounted messenger after another in search of news | |
21 | 贾母见雪雁甚小,一团孩气,王嬷嬷又极老,料黛玉皆不遂心省力的,便将自己身边的一个二等丫头,名唤鹦哥者与了黛玉. | Since the Lady Dowager considered Xueyan too young and childish and Nanny Wang too old to be of much service, she gave Daiyu one of her own personal attendants, a maid of the second grade called Yingge. | |
22 | 贾母尚未用晚饭,知是薛姨妈处来,更加喜欢. | The Lady Dowager had not yet dined but was very pleased when she learned where they had been. | |
23 | 贾母素知秦氏是个极妥当的人,生的袅娜纤巧,行事又温柔和平,乃重孙媳中第一个得意之人 | The Lady Dowager had every confidence in this lovely slender young woman who with her gentle, amiable behaviour was her favourite of all the great-grandsons’ wives of the Rong and Ning branches. | |
24 | 贾母虽年老,却极有兴头. | In spite of her age, the Lady Dowager looked forward to any excitement. | |
25 | 她那派头仍然带有高傲的自尊,具有皇太后一般的尊严。 | Here was still a lofty self-regard in her bearing the dignity of a dowager empress | |
26 | 可巧近日宝玉因思念秦钟,忧戚不尽,贾母常命人带他到园中来戏耍. | It so happened that Baoyu had just arrived in the garden. For he was still grieving so much over Qin Zhong’s death that the Lad Dowager often told his servants to take him there to distract him. | |
27 | 李太后与张居正改革 | Empress Dowager Li and Zhang Juzheng’s Reformation | |
28 | 忙又引了拜见贾母,将人情土物各种酬献了. | Lady Wang took them in to pay their respects to the Lady Dowager , and they distributed the gifts they had brought. | |
29 | 每日或饭后,或晚间,薛姨妈便过来,或与贾母闲谈,或与王夫人相叙. | Every day after lunch or in the evening, Aunt Xue would walk over to chat with the Lady Dowager or to talk over the old day with her sister. | |
30 | 那太监匍匐在皇太后面前(对皇太后奴颜婢膝)。 | The eunuch groveled before the empress dowager |