属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-又一个希腊?The new Greece?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马克里奇 悼念原物料大王
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒个油 The New Grease?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马克里奇 悼念原物料大王
1 | 伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。 | The port of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from the baltic | |
2 | 欧盟的有限战略行为主体特性与中欧战略伙伴关系―以解除对华军售禁令为例 | The Limits of EU as a Strategic Actor and EU-China Strategic Partnership: The Case of Ending EU’s Arms Embargo on China | |
3 | 欧盟拟解除对中国军售禁令之发展与困境 | EU Arms Embargo against China: Evolution and Dilemma | |
4 | 箝制言论自由 | Lay an embargo on free speech | |
5 | 取消对某物的交易禁令(重新开放对某物的贸易) | Lift/raise/remove an embargo on sth, ie start trading in sth again | |
6 | 全面彻底禁止向南斯拉夫运送一切武器和军事装 | general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Yugoslavia | |
7 | 审查执行对南非的武器禁运的最近发展 | Reiew of recent development in implementing the arms embargo against South Africa | |
8 | 石油禁运期间油价涨得像天一样高。 | Gasoline prices went sky-high during the oil embargo . | |
9 | 试论美国对古巴禁运政策的形成 | On the Form of USA’s Trade Embargo Policy to Cuba | |
10 | 他们决定解除禁运。 | They decided to lift the embargo . | |
11 | 他们限制生产,实行禁运(即是停止出口),以达到此目的。 | This is achieved by limiting production or by imposing an embargo , which is a suspension of exports | |
12 | 它还有权建议停止对有关国家出口麻醉品或从有关国家进口麻醉品。 | It is also empowered to recommend an embargo on drugs from or to the country concerned | |
13 | 新华社哈瓦那8月18日电数吨美国品牌食品18日运抵古巴首都哈瓦那,这是美国对古巴实行制裁41年后的第一批直接出口给古巴的品牌食品。 | (Xinhua, havana, August 18th)Several tons of US brand foods were shipped the Cuban capital havana today, which was the first time the US directly export US brand foods to Cuba after 41 years of US embargo against Cuba | |
14 | 由美国商务部工业安全局和外国资产办公室 公布的禁运名单 . | Embargo List, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry & Security and Office of Foreign Assets | |
15 | 由外管处实施禁运或制裁之国家可能随时改变,并且能够通过查阅 | Countries subject to OFAC embargo or sanctions can change at any time and can be updated by consulting materials available | |
16 | 在星期五的祈祷上,他提议阿拉伯和伊斯兰国家对支持以色列的国家进行一个月的象征性石油禁运。 | At Friday prayers last week he proposed a symbolic one-month embargo by Arab and Islamic states against countries supporting Israel. | |
17 | 在战争期间,他们禁止与敌国通商。 | During the war,they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries. | |
18 | 朱佩在法国驻外使节会议上讲话后会见记者时说,对古巴的禁运“不是联合国决定的,而是美国单方面实行的,法国从来没有参与”。 | When meeting reporters after speaking at the meeting of French diplomatic envoys, Juppe said, the embargo against Cuba "was not decided by the UN, but unilaterally implemented by the US. France has never participated" | |
19 | ||1:备用原油的缓冲效果已经不太显著,其中富国的原油储备处于五年来的历史低位。||2:欧佩克的剩余产能大小无法确定,而沙特阿拉伯正在创造历史新高——以每天1000万桶的速度生产原油。||3:如果伊朗真的关闭霍尔木兹海峡——这里每天有1700万桶原油通过,大约占世界原油供给量的20%——那么将会出现更大的供给中断威胁。||4:即使只是暂时关闭,所带来的负面影响也将超过以前任何一次原油冲击。||5:例如,在1973年阿拉伯石油禁运中,每天的原油供给减少多达500万桶。 | ||1: The cushion of spare supply is thin. Oil stocks in rich countries are at a five-year low. ||2: The extent of OPEC’s spare capacity is uncertain. Saudi Arabia is pumping some 10m b/d, a near-record high. ||3: And there is the threat of far bigger supply disruptions if Iran were ever to carry out its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which 17m barrels of oil pass every day, some 20% of global supply. ||4: Even a temporary closure would imply a disruption to dwarf any previous oil shock. ||5: The 1973 Arab oil embargo , for instance, involved less than 5m b/d. | |
20 | ||1:从这里开始,里奇发现他的路布满了各种形式的有关政治、道德的阻碍,他小心地走着。||2:他将苏联石油卖到种族隔离的南非,尽管当时联合国颁布了贸易禁令。在1979到1994年期间,他就这样赚了将近20亿美元。||3:他将苏联和委内瑞拉的石油输送到古巴以换取糖,全然不顾美国的贸易禁令。||4:他把过剩的伊朗石油拿到全球市场上出售,伊朗石油曾沿着一条秘密管道流向以色列,并且把这一切进行得天衣无缝,尽管1979年伊朗发生了革命,尽管禁止跨国贸易,尽管爆发了美国人质危机。||5:他解释说,伊朗人尊重他们的合同。||6:伊朗人不能卖掉他们的石油,所以他先买下,然后不顾一切利用空壳公司替他们售出石油。||7:在这种公司的保护下,正如以往一样生意顺利经营着,很快地他成为世界上最大的独立石油贸易商,1980年的营业额达到150亿美元。 | ||1:From there, with cat-like tread, Mr Rich found his way round any political or moral obstacle.||2:He sold Soviet oil to apartheid South Africa, despite a UN embargo , and between 1979 and 1994 made profits of around $2 billion there.||3:He sent Soviet and Venezuelan oil to Cuba in exchange for sugar, ignoring America’s ban on trade.||4:He sold on the global market surplus Iranian oil that had flowed to Israel down a secret pipeline, and kept the arrangement going seamlessly despite the Iranian revolution of 1979, another embargo , and the American hostage crisis.||5:The Iranians respected their contracts, he explained.||6:They could not sell their oil, so he bought and sold it for them, using shell companies wherever necessary.||7:Keeping well below the radar, as he always did, he was soon the world’s largest independent oil-trader, with a turnover in 1980 of $15 billion. | |
21 | ||1:零散供给的缓冲作用挺弱的。||2:石油类股票价格在发达国家创五年内新低,石油输出国组织OPEC的备用生产能力也不确定,沙特阿拉伯现在每天都抽1千万桶,也创了近期新高(见图一)。||3:如果伊朗要封锁霍尔木兹海峡进行报复,这就是对供给损毁相当大的威胁,每天有一千七百万原油通过霍尔木兹海峡,占全球供给的20%多。||4:即使是短暂封锁造成的供应缩减也会使以前的石油危机相形见绌,例如,1973年阿拉伯的原油禁运每天才不到5百万桶。 | ||1: The cushion of spare supply is thin. ||2: Oil stocks in rich countries are at a five-year low. The extent of OPEC’s spare capacity is uncertain. Saudi Arabia is pumping some 10m b/d, a near-record high (see chart 1). ||3: And there is the threat of far bigger supply disruptions if Iran were ever to carry out its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which 17m barrels of oil pass every day, some 20% of global supply. ||4: Even a temporary closure would imply a disruption to dwarf any previous oil shock. The 1973 Arab oil embargo , for instance, involved less than 5m b/d. | |
22 | ||1:没有人能走得比里奇更轻巧熟练。||2:他观察世界各地,预见哪儿危机将要发生,战争将要爆发,商品将要发生短缺,尽情沉溺于这一切。||3:当一些国家开始到处寻求石油、锌或镍时,他总是第一个买到这些商品的人,也是第一个去到那里的人。||4:在朝鲜战争前夕,虽然只是纽约菲利普兄弟公司一个资历较浅的职员,里奇却开创了有关汞的市场。当时军队需要汞来制作电池,所以汞价格飙升。||5:从20世纪60年代末开始,不知为何他预感阿拉伯会禁令石油输出,所以他开始创立了石油现货市场。||6:在这之前,所有原油都被大公司以硬性长期合约的形式限制住了。||7:里奇首次在突尼斯开始以立即交付的形式买卖原油,就像其他商品一样。||8:1973年后,贸易禁令产生负面影响,当其他人深受其苦时,他却拥有着大量石油,这样他以每桶加价14美金的价格出售石油。||9:一些人称这种行为是投机倒把。里奇认为这是服务费。||10:他本可以要价更高,但是那就“像从小孩手里抢糖果一样简单”。 | ||1: Few walked it more skilfully than Mr Rich. ||2: Obsessively, he scanned the globe to see crises coming, wars brewing, shortages looming. ||3: He bought before anyone else did, and was first there when countries began to look round for oil or zinc or nickel. ||4: On the eve of the Korean war, as a mere junior trader at Philipp Brothers in New York, he created a market in mercury, which the army needed for batteries. The price soared. ||5: From the late 1960s, somehow anticipating the Arab oil-export embargo , he began to create a spot market for oil. ||6: Previously, all crude was tied up by the big companies in inelastic long-term contracts. ||7: Starting in Tunisia, Mr Rich began to buy and sell it for immediate delivery, like any other commodity. ||8: When the embargo bit after 1973 he was swimming in oil when the majors were struggling, and was able to sell it at a mark-up of as much as $14 a barrel. ||9: Some called that profiteering. Mr Rich called it a service charge. ||10: He could have demanded more, but that would have been “like taking candy from a baby”. | |
23 | 法国应该停止对俄军售;德国应该时刻准备对俄实行油气禁运,以防乌克兰东部同样会被俄罗斯吞并。 | France should withhold its arms sales toRussia; and, in case eastern Ukraine is next,Germany must be prepared to embargo Russian oil and gas. | |
24 | 2003年,数年的战争和贸易禁令结束后,伊拉克急切需要各行各业的投资。 | After years of war and a trade embargo that ended in 2003, the country is crying out for investment in just about everything. | |
25 | Kennedy总统于1962年签署了古巴贸易禁令,但此前不久他派遣一名侍从以他的名义购买了1200颗精良的古巴雪茄。 | President Kennedy signed the Cuban trade embargo in 1962 but not before sending a lackey to purchase 1, 200 fine Cuban cigars on his behalf. | |
26 | 埃及也同样加强了在加沙地区的禁运。观察家认为埃及领导人已经非常怀疑哈马斯。 | Egypt also enforces the embargo on Gaza. Observers say Egyptian leaders are deeply suspicious of Hamas. | |
27 | 艾森豪威尔政府的对华禁运政策 | Eisenhower Administration’s Embargo Policy toward China | |
28 | 安理会的决议扩大和加强对朝鲜的制裁,包括武器禁运,允许朝鲜船只在公海领域接受检查。 | The Council tightened sanctions, including an arms embargo and a provision that encourages high-seas searches of North Korean ships. | |
29 | 安理会已经开始考虑针对卡扎菲政府进行制裁的可能性,包括贸易制裁和武器禁运。 | The U. N. Security Council met to consider possible sanctions against Gadhafi’s regime, including trade sanctions and an arms embargo . | |
30 | 北京从来没有真正担心西方对利比亚的石油禁运,在中国国旗的护航之下谁敢攻击航行的油轮呢? | Beijing never really worried about a Western embargo on Libyan oil. Who would dare strike a tanker navigating under the Chinese flag? |