1 | 皇帝曾处于令人可怜的举棋不定状态(威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。这两个词有时暗指轻蔑的同情,如令人绝望地无能或不合适的东西 | The emperor had been in a state of pitiable vacillation(William Hickling Prescott.Sometimes the terms connote contemptuous pity,as for what is hopelessly inept or inadequate | |
2 | 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。 | The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. | |
3 | 饥皇帝,不择食。 | Hunger is sauce for an emperor . | |
4 | 即使在中国南方,忽必烈的权力也从未真正得到承认。在俄国、波斯和其他遥远的领土,人们不会太 | Even in southern China Kublai’s authority was never really acknowledged, and in Russia, Persia and other distant territories little heed was paid to the dictates of an emperor who, Chinese at heart, had little real interest in his other provinces | |
5 | 监督长老和皇帝的是僧侣,难以计数的修道院不像西方那样按教团来组织。 | Watching over both patriarch and emperor were the monks, whose countless monasteries were not organized in Orders, as in the West | |
6 | 将军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。 | The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public | |
7 | 尽管大家认为他是忠于皇帝的,但他不是有一天晚上在离开拿破仑党分子集会的时候被人暗杀了吗?” | And was he not the person who was assassinated one evening on leaving a bonapartist meeting to which he had been invited on the supposition that he favored the cause of the emperor ?" | |
8 | 经过多年南征北战,他终于称帝。 | He declared himself emperor after many years of fighting in the north and south. | |
9 | 沮水对岸的开阔地,传说就是当年黄帝部落的聚居地,现在是黄陵县的县城。 | The large tracts of open land on the other bank of Ju River is said to be where the tribes led by the Yellow Emperor lived. Now it is the county seat of Huangling | |
10 | 君主一个拜占庭帝国皇帝或王子 | A Byzantine emperor or prince. | |
11 | 卡利古拉罗马帝王(37-41年在位),他继承了他养父泰比里厄斯。在一场重病之后,他显示出残酷、荒淫无度以及狂妄自大,从而致使他被谋杀 | Emperor of Rome(37-41)who succeeded his adoptive father,Tiberius.After a severe illness,he displayed the ruthlessness,extravagance,and megalomania that led to his assassination. | |
12 | 康熙皇帝喜爱钓鱼,瀛台是他理想的垂钓之处。 | Emperor Kangxi being an enthusiastic angler, Ying’Tai was an ideal fishing spot for him | |
13 | 康熙时期,因罗马教廷不允许中国教徒“尊孔祭祖”而爆发“礼仪之争”,导致“百年禁教”。 | During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, a "controversy of rites" erupted, as a result of the Pope’s forbidding Chinese Catholics to venerate Confucius and ancestors, leading to a "century of ban." | |
14 | 可是皇帝什么也没穿呀! | But the Emperor has nothing on! | |
15 | 利奥相信查理曼接受皇冠,是因为他这个教皇代表了神的名义。 | leo had no doubt that Charlemagne received his emperor ’s crown because, and only because, he, the Pope, willed it in the name of God | |
16 | 连他对拿破仑的态度也被人民接受,默宥了,人民原是一群善良柔弱的牛羊,他们崇拜他们的皇上,也爱戴他们的主教。 | Even his conduct towards Napoleon had been accepted and tacitly pardoned, as it were, by the people, the good and weakly flock who adored their emperor , but loved their bishop | |
17 | 两翼王亭各领四座旗亭,也是八旗的意思。 | Each Emperor Protection pavilion heads four other pavilions, which again signifies the existence of the Eight Qi’s or banners | |
18 | 陵前有碑亭,一石碑上镌刻着“桥陵龙驭”四字。 | Before the tomb is a pavilion in which stands a stone tablet bearing words to the effect that the emperor ’s horse-drawn carriage parks here | |
19 | 罗马皇帝哈德良就是这种嫉妒者,他善诗画和工艺,因此他非常嫉妒真正的诗人、画家和技师。 | Which was the character of Adrian the Emperor ; that mortally envied poets, and painters, and artificers, in works wherein he had a vein to excel | |
20 | 每天每个小时他都要换一套不同的衣服。一天,有两个骗子来见皇帝。 | He had different clothes for every hour of the day.One day two cheats came to see the Emperor . | |
21 | 明初,朱元璋北伐时,曾在开封指挥作战,并升开封为“北京”。 | Further, when Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of Ming (1368-1644), was marching north, he had set up his headquarters in Kaifeng which he then designated Beijing or the Northern Capital | |
22 | 拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。 | Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French | |
23 | 那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。 | The emperor was actually a political eunuch. | |
24 | 那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。 | That emperor was a cruel despot. | |
25 | 那皇帝是个暴君。 | The emperor was a tyrant | |
26 | 那是个傀儡皇帝。 | The emperor is a figurehead. | |
27 | 尼禄罗马皇帝(54-68年),他早期的统治由其母阿格丽皮娜操纵,他谋杀了其母亲和妻子。64年的罗马大火可能是他操纵的。他的残酷与渎职引发了广泛的暴动致使他自杀身亡 | Emperor of Rome(54-68)whose early reign was dominated by his mother,Agrippina the Younger.He had his mother and wife murdered,and he may have set the Great Fire of Rome(64.His cruelty and irresponsibility provoked widespread revolts,which led to his suicide. | |
28 | 你读过《皇帝的新衣》吗 | Have you read the Emperor ’s New Clothes? | |
29 | 乾隆接见万里东归的蒙古土尔扈特部杰出领袖渥巴锡,就是在正殿。 | It was in this main hall that Emperor Qianlong received the heroic Mongolian chieftain Wobaxi of the Turhot tribe who led his tribesmen on their massive migration back to China from Russia | |
30 | 秦始皇用泥塑造了这批俑,没有活埋奴隶作为殉葬。 | The Emperor had these clay figures made instead of burying slave-workers alive as immolation |