1 | 在此之前,美国同日本处于和平状态,并应日本之请同该国政府及天皇谈判,指望维持太平洋区域的和平。 | United States was at peace with that nation, and at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor , working towards the maintenance of peace in the Pacific | |
2 | 在湖南延寿乡,一位老人说起他叔叔的生日是“光绪七年”, | One old man in Yanshou, Hunan, speaking about his uncle, gave the date of birth as "the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu" | |
3 | 在陵前,来自海内外的炎黄子孙络绎不绝,竞相叩拜,绕墓三圈。 | When the descendants of the Yellow Emperor stand before the tumulus, coming in large numbers from everywhere in the world, they will make deep bows before it and make three rounds of it | |
4 | 这个皇帝天赋文武双全。 | The Emperor is endowed with civil and martial virtues. | |
5 | 这件奇事传到了地方官的耳中,他们核实后,报告给了皇帝,皇帝追封了张。 | Local officials heard this amazing story,when they had authenticated it, they reported to the Emperor , who honored Zhang’s spirit by promoting him to a higher rank | |
6 | 这种“九龙护玉莲”的墓址,堪称秦陵之奇观。 | The siting of the mausoleum, described in history as nine dragons giving protection to a jade lotus, is a fascinating topographical feature of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin | |
7 | 这座皇宫建于明朝永乐年间,1460年开始筹建,1420年基本建成,现在已有近600年的历史 | It was constructed when the emperor Yongle was in reign in Ming Dynasty. Its construction got started in 1406 and fundamentally completed in 1420. So it has a history of nearly 600 years. | |
8 | 只是,直到现在,无锡泥人还没有捏完呢! | Only the people of Wuxi probably have not yet fulfilled the order of the founding emperor of Ming as they are still making clay figurines today | |
9 | 朱利安罗马皇帝(361-363年),曾试图恢复对异教徒的法定统治 | Emperor of Rome(361-363)who attempted to restore the official dominance of paganism. | |
10 | 自然皇帝得带着全体朝臣前来观看做好了的衣服。 | Of course, the Emperor and all his court had to come to see the finished suit. |