1 | 清代顺治和康熙皇帝曾两次大规模修建,瀛台才逐渐形成今天的规模。 | It was only after large-scale landscaping efforts during the reigns of Emperor Shunzhi and Emperor Kangxi of Qing that the park resort assumed its present magnificence and grandeur | |
2 | 人家说是“齐天大圣”呀,还要在八卦炉里头烧一烧。 | Even Sun, who is called "The Great Saint on a par with the Emperor of Heaven", needs tempering in the Eight-Diagram Crucible | |
3 | 如来降临南天门,问悟空:“你有什么本领,要来夺取玉皇大帝的宝座?” | Buddha hurries to the scene and says to the Monkey, What temerity for an idiot of a monkey to try to seize the throne from the Jade Emperor ! | |
4 | 如希腊化时期的君主一样,皇帝是个没有商量余地的独裁者,但他是一位基督教国家的基督教统治者。 | The emperor was an autocrat, answerable to none, like a Hellenistic monarch. But he was a Christian ruler of a Christian state | |
5 | 陕西省临潼县骊山北麓的秦始皇陵墓,是中国古代最早,规模最大的帝王陵。 | The mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin (221-209 B.C.), which is situated at the north foot of Mount Li in Lintong County of Shaan’xi Province, is one of the earliest and largest imperial mausoleums of ancient China | |
6 | 舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝把下马。 | He was fears not being cut to pieces dares to unhorse the emperor | |
7 | 使皇帝重登王位 | Restore the emperor to the throne. | |
8 | 他不仅如此敏感地断言上帝对皇帝至高无上,而且还含蓄地宣称上帝的代言人罗马主教对地球的至高无上。 | He thus subtly asserted not only the supremacy of God over the emperor but by implication, the supremacy of God’s agent on Earth--the Bishop of Rome | |
9 | 他俯伏在地,不敢仰视皇帝。 | He lay prostrate on the ground,not daring to look up at the emperor . | |
10 | 他们的观点用查士丁尼皇帝的话来表达便是:“人类最伟大的幸福是上帝出于怜悯赐给我们的礼物--神职和皇权。 | Their view is expressed by the Emperor Justinian: "The greatest blessings of mankind are the gifts of God which have been granted us by the mercy on high--the priesthood and the imperial authority | |
11 | 他们正在赶制皇帝的新装。 | They were working on the Emperor ’s new clothes. | |
12 | 他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。 | He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty | |
13 | 他有时会为一只宠爱的小狗之死而悲悲切切,可有时,他的冷酷无情甚至会使残暴的罗马皇帝也感到震惊。 | He could be grief-stricken over the death of a pet dog, and could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a Roman emperor shudder | |
14 | 泰比里厄斯罗马皇帝(公元14-37年),被奥古斯特选作王位继承人,是一位多疑的暴君 | Emperor of Rome(a.d.14-37.Chosen by Augustus to be heir to the throne,he was a suspicious,tyrannical ruler. | |
15 | 图密善罗马皇帝(81-96年)开始了对不列颠的统治。89年以后其专横暴戾的统治导致图密善在他的皇后和廷臣的默许下,为一位解放的奴隶刺杀 | Emperor of Rome(81-96)who completed the conquest of Britain.After89his government became dictatorial,leading to a reign of terror.Domitian was assassinated by a freedman in connivance with his empress and officers of the court. | |
16 | 瓦莱里安罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期充满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期间死去 | Emperor of Rome(253-260)whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces(260)and died in captivity | |
17 | 万神殿是哈第安皇帝在公元2世纪时建立的,它的圆顶至今仍是世界上最大的混凝土圆顶之一。 | The pantheon here was built by the Emperor Haydrian in the 2nd century AD and its 1)dome is still one of the largest 2)concrete domes in the world | |
18 | 我方间谍已从取得的资料得知新死亡星球基地的正确位置 | The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoints the exact location of the Emperor ’s new battle station | |
19 | 我们大家都看过《末代皇帝》这部电影。 | We all have seen the film "The Last Emperor ". | |
20 | 我也谈到沙皇是纸老虎,中国皇帝是纸老虎,日本帝国主义是纸老虎,你看,都倒了。 | I also said that the tsar of Russia was a paper tiger, as were the emperor of China and Japanese imperialism, and see, they were all overthrown | |
21 | 我曾经看过皇帝一丝不挂,惟其光景并无引人入胜之处。 | I have seen emperor in their nakedness,and the sight is not inspired. | |
22 | 现在的龙华寺,为清朝光绪年间重建,保持了宋代佛家禅宗伽兰七堂制的寺院建制,占地6.25公顷。 | The present temple at Longhua, completed during the reign of Emperor Guangxu, has kept alive the architectural style of temples of the Chan sect as witness its seven-hall lay-out. The temple grounds cover 6.25 hectares of land | |
23 | 新皇帝登基了。 | The new emperor ascended the throne. | |
24 | 新教的皇帝应和天主教的皇帝轮流选出。 | A protestant emperor should be chosen time about with a popish. | |
25 | 玄宗天宝年间,李白“攀崖历万重”,登上了“天下第一奇山”黄山。 | During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, Li Bai reached in the course of his wanderings the Yellow Mountain after, as he said in a poem, I have scaled ten thousand peaks | |
26 | 一千多年以来,中国各朝代声称对蒙古部落拥有宗主权,正如他们对居住在皇宫周围1500英里以内的大多数其他民族拥有宗主权一样。 | For well over a thousand years various Chinese dynasties claimed suzerainty over the Mongol tribes, as they did over most other peoples who lived within about 1,500 miles of the emperor ’s palace | |
27 | 一天,皇帝来看他的舅父,这位尊贵的本堂神甫正在前厅候见,皇上也恰巧走过。 | One day, when the Emperor had come to visit his uncle, the worthy Cure, who was waiting in the anteroom, found himself present when His Majesty passed | |
28 | 一位自称能找到魂魄的道士,自告奋勇,去为皇上寻找贵妃的灵魂。 | Moved by the emperor ’s pathetic longing for his lady love, a taoist priest reputedly able to summon spirits volunteered to go and search for Yang Guifei | |
29 | 裕仁日本天皇(1926年-1989年),在第二次世界大战中主张日本政府无条件投降,从而结束了这场战争1946年他放弃了自己的神圣地位 | Emperor of Japan(1926-1989)who advocated the Japanese government’s unconditional surrender that ended World War II(1945.In1946he renounced his divine status. | |
30 | 元朝建立后,他被追谥为“元太祖”。 | Following the founding of the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, he was posthumously honoured as Emperor Taizu of Yuan or the founding emperor |