1 | (5)汽车零部件,对此关税和进口税的减免应根据国产化率确定 | (5)spare parts of cars, of which tariff and import duties reduction and exemption shall be determined according to the localization rate | |
2 | (e)此项豁免不损害在部门协定中或在其他场所谈判关于对此项豁免所涵盖立法的特定方面的解决办法。 | (e)This exemption is without prejudice to solutions concerning specific aspects of the legislation covered by this exemption negotiated in sectoral agreements or in other fora | |
3 | (e)全部或部分免除、减免或递延工业或商业企业已付或应付的、专门与出口产品有关的直接税58或社会福利费用。 | (e)The full or partial exemption remission, or deferral specifically related to exports, of direct taxes or social welfare charges paid or payable by industrial or commercial enterprises | |
4 | (g)对于出口产品的生产和分销,间接税58的免除或减免超过对于销售供国内消费的同类产品的生产和分销所征收的间接税。 | (g)The exemption or remission, in respect of the production and distribution of exported products, of indirect taxes58 in excess of those levied in respect of the production and distribution of like products when sold for domestic consumption | |
5 | (债务、费用、处分等的)免除 | Freeing from( a debt,payment,penalty,etc;exemption ) | |
6 | 《2002年公司条例(豁免公司及招股章程遵从条文)(修订)公告》 | Companies Ordinance (Exemption of Companies and Prospectuses from Compliance with Provisions)(Amendment)Notice 2002 | |
7 | □3、互免海运企业运输收入税收协定 | Agreement for reciprocal exemption of tax on shipping income | |
8 | □4、互免海运企业运输收入税收换文 | Exchange Note for reciprocal exemption of tax on shipping income | |
9 | 1.要求免除削减承诺的国内支持措施应满足如下基本要求,即无贸易扭曲作用和对生产的作用,或此类作用非常小。 | Domestic support measures for which exemption from the reduction commitments is claimed shall meet the fundamental requirement that they have no, or at most minimal, trade-distorting effects or effects on production | |
10 | 3、营业税、所得税征免界定 | Application for the exemption of Business Tax (“BT”)and Enterprise Income Tax (“EIT”) | |
11 | GB13367-1992辐射源和实践的豁免管理原则 | Principles for the exemption of radiation sources and practices from regulatory control | |
12 | 本条所规定的免责在障碍所存在的期间有效。 | The exemption provided by this article has effect for the period during which the impediment exists. | |
13 | 必要时可建议国家商检部门撤销其免验资格。 | If necessary, propose to the said authorities that the goods be disqualified from inspection exemption . | |
14 | 并为企业申请出口退税账户托管贷款出具必要的资质证明,最大限度地减少由于出口退(免)税计划不足而给出口企业带来的资金周转压力。 | And shall issue necessary qualification certification to the enterprises when the enterprises apply for trustee loans, do your utmost to decrease the fund flow pressure on the enterprises due to inadequacy of the export tax (exemption )plan. | |
15 | 不过,如果使用这种关联商标是法律上要求的,但是法律又允许可设法免于这种要求的话,X将尽其努力使FCAM获得这种豁免。 | And further that if and to the extent that such linked or conjoined use is legally required but exemption from complying with the linking or conjoining obligation is lawfully available, X shall use its best efforts to obtain or cause FCAM to obtain such exemption. | |
16 | 财政部、国家税务总局关于列名生产企业出口外购产品试行免抵退税办法的通知 | Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, on Trying out the Measures of Tax Exemption , Offset and Refund for Exporting Purchased Products by the Listed Producing Enterprises | |
17 | 产品质量免捡产品证书 | Certificate for Product Exemption from Quality Surveillance Inspection | |
18 | 产品质量免检证书 | Certificate for Product Exemption from Quality Surveillance Inspection | |
19 | 船员名单、旅客名单、载货申报单,并出示除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书。 | the List of Crew Members and Passengers, and the Inventory of the Holds which shall be signed by him or countersigned by the ship’s surgeon, and produce the Deratting Certificate or the Deratting Exemption Certificate. | |
20 | 但是,中国国家银行在对方国内的存款、贷款利息所得不缴纳所得税的,可以相应给予免税。 | However, exemption from income tax shall be granted to those foreign Banks in whose countries income from interest on deposits and loans of China’s state Banks is exempted from income tax. | |
21 | 当事人交纳诉讼费用确有困难的,可以按照规定向人民法院申请缓交、减交或者免交。 | Where there is difficulty in paying the litigation fees, the litigants may, in accordance with the regulations, apply to the people’s court for postponement, reduction or exemption of the fine. | |
22 | 地方各级人民政府、各级人民政府主管部门、单位和个人违反法律、行政法规规定,擅自作出的减税、免税决定无效。 | The decisions on tax reduction or exemption made by the people’s governments at various local levels, the competent departments of the people’s governments at various levels, entities or individuals without authorization in violation of the law or the administrative regulations shall be null and void. | |
23 | 对不需要实施装运前预检验的,备案机构出具《进口旧机电产品免装运前预检验证明书》 | Where no pre-inspection is needed, the record-keeping institution will issue the Letter of Certification for Exemption of Pre-inspection Before Shipment of Used Mechanical and Electrical Products to Be Imported | |
24 | 对非鼓励类外商投资项目进口货物,海关不需出具《进出口货物征免税证明》。 | The customs offices need not issue the Certificate of Tax Collection or Exemption for Imported or Exported Goods with respect to the goods imported in non-encouraged foreign-funded projects. | |
25 | 对生产规模小,利润低,需要给予减征或者免征地方所得税的外国企业,。 | Where a foreign enterprise needs reduction in, or exemption from local income tax on account of the small scale of its production or business, or its rate of profit, | |
26 | 对生产规模小,利润低,需要给予减征或者免征地方所得税的外国企业,由企业所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府决定。 | Where a foreign enterprise needs reduction in, or exemption from local income tax on account of the small scale of its production or business, or its rate of profit, this shall be decided by the people’s government of the province, municipality or autonomous region in which that enterprise is located. | |
27 | 对在西部地区新办交通、电力、水利、邮政、广播电视等企业,企业所得税实行两年免征、三年减半征收。 | Enterprises that start operations in such industries as transportation, power, water conservancy, postal service, radio and television will enjoy a two-year income tax exemption and a three-year income tax deduction of 50 percent | |
28 | 发达国家可根据来自受惠国的书面证明对符合优惠待遇的进口产品在最惠国关税率基础上给予削减或免除关税。 | The developed countries give reduction or exemption of customs duty on the basis of MFN tariff rate when they import products eligible for the preferential treatment with documentary evidence which comes from the preference-receiving countries. | |
29 | 凡具备下列情况之一者,申请人可以申请免验。 | The applicant may ask for exemption in any of the following cases | |
30 | 该类企业除减免税优惠必须由国家批准外,还可享受本条例规定的优惠待遇。 | These enterprises are entitled to preferential treatment prescribed in these Regulations except that the granting of privileges in exemption and reduction of tax shall be subject to state approval |