1 | 关于科教用品减免税问题 | Issues concerning tax exemption and reduction for scientific and educational supplies | |
2 | 关于外商投资企业减免税额度的核定问题 | Issues concerning the determination of the quota of tax exemption and reduction for foreign-funded enterprises | |
3 | 关于转发《国家税务总局关于贯彻<中华人民共和国对外贸易法>、调整出口退(免)税办法的通知》的通知 | Circular on Forwarding the Circular of the State Administration of Taxation of the People’s Republic of China on Carrying out the Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China and Adjusting the Measures of Tax Refund (Exemption )for Exports | |
4 | 关于租赁进口货物减免税问题 | Issues concerning tax exemption and reduction for leased imported goods | |
5 | 国家商检部门组织专家审查组对申请免验的商品以及制造工厂的生产条件和有关资料进行审查 | The State commodity inspection authorities shall organize a team of specialists to check up on the commodities for which exemption from inspection has been requested, the production conditions of the manufacturers and the relevant data | |
6 | 海关可根据合同签定时的汇率调整用汇额度。其他减免税项目也可按此原则办理。 | The customs office may adjust the quota according to the exchange rate at the time of conclusion of the contract. Other projects of tax exemption and reduction may also be handled according to this principle. | |
7 | 海关总署关于明确减免税政策执行中若干问题的通知 | Notice of the General Administration of Customs on Clarifying Some Issues in the Execution of Tax Reduction and Exemption Policies | |
8 | 豁免任何一艘船舶或任何级别或种类的船舶缴交任何费用;及 | the exemption of any ship or class, type or description of ships from the payment of any fee or charge; | |
9 | 获准免验出口商品的申请人,必须每半年一次向国家商检部门报告免验商品的生产质量情况 | The applicant that has obtained approval for exemption from inspection of export goods shall send semi-annual reports on the production and the quality of the exempted goods to the State commodity inspection authorities | |
10 | 获准免验进出口商品的申请人,凭…办理放行手续 | The applicant that has obtained approval for exemption from inspection of import or export commodities shall perform the formalities for clearance with a commodity inspection agency by … | |
11 | 即使联邦土地管理者拒绝给予许可,州长也可以请求总统给予有限的特许。 | Even if the federal land manager refuses to issue the permit, the state governor may request a limited Presidential exemption | |
12 | 减税、免税的申请须经法律、行政法规规定的减税、免税审查批准机关审批 | Applications for tax reduction or exemption shall be examined and approved by the authorities designated for examination and approval of tax reduction or exemption as prescribed in the law or the administrative regulations. | |
13 | 尽管该产品还未获政府的医疗批准,但埃吉尔为福多尔申请到特许。 | Although the product is not yet approved, Egier obtained an exemption for Fodor | |
14 | 进口技术和设备的关税和增值税免除 | Tariff and VAT exemption for imported technologies and equipment | |
15 | 经济特区等特定地区进出口的货物,可以减征或者免征关税。 | Duty reduction or exemption may be granted for import and export goods of the Special Economic Zones and other specially designated areas | |
16 | 具体减免税政策由国务院规定。 | The coverage of specific tariff reduction or exemption was provided for by the State Council | |
17 | 均需根据企业的申请出具《进出口货物征免税证明》并扣减用汇额度。 | Shall issue a Certificate of Tax Collection or Exemption for Imported or Exported Goods as applied for by enterprises, no matter whether taxes are exempted, and deduct the quota of foreign exchange use accordingly. | |
18 | 宽恕;赦免临时性的豁免或免除;缓期,暂减 | A temporary immunity or exemption ; a reprieve. | |
19 | 另一方面,公安机关发现检察院所作的不批准逮捕,不起诉或免于起诉的决定有错误时,可以要求检察院复议,也可以要求上级人民检察院复核。 | On the other hand, if the public security organ finds an error in a decision by theprocuratorate to disapprove arrest, not to initiate prosecution or to grant exemption from prosecution, it may request reconsideration by the people’s procuratorate, and may also request review by the people’s procuratorate at the next higher level… | |
20 | 免除责任由官方授权或好象是官方授权的义务或规定的豁免或免除 | An exemption or a release from an obligation or a rule,granted by or as if by an authority. | |
21 | 免验期内,申请人不得改变免验商品的性能结构及制造工艺等。 | During the exemption period, the applicant may not alter the property, structure or manufacturing process of the goods exempted from inspection. | |
22 | 免验证书有效期由批准机关决定,一般不超过两年。 | The valid period of an exemption certificate shall be determined by the approving agency and generally shall not exceed 2 years. | |
23 | 免予灭鼠证书;免予熏舱证书 | deratization exemption certificate | |
24 | 免责对损失责任的法律赦免 | A legal exemption from liability for damages. | |
25 | 纳税人可以依照法律、行政法规的规定向税务机关书面申请减税、免税。 | A taxpayer may submit a written application for tax reduction or exemption to the tax authorities in accordance with the law or the administrative regulations. | |
26 | 凭有效的免验证书、合同、信用证及该批产品的厂检合格单和原始检验记录等到商检机构办理…,并交纳放行手续费。 | By presenting effective exemption certificates, contracts, letters of credit, quality certificates issued after factory inspection of that consignment of commodities, and the original inspection records, and pay the clearance fees. | |
27 | 任何机关、单位和个人不得违反法律、行政法规的规定,擅自作出税收开征、停征以及减税、免税、退税、补税的决定。 | No governmental organs, entities or individuals may be permitted to make decisions without authorization regarding the collection of tax or the cessation there of, the reduction, exemption or refund of tax, or the payment of tax underpaid in violation of the law or the administrative regulations. | |
28 | 如有改变,须重新办理免验审批手续。 | If alterations are made, the applicant must go anew through the examination and approval formalities for exemption from inspection. | |
29 | 涉及安全、卫生及有特殊要求的商品不能申请免验。 | Commodities which can endanger safety or public health and those for which there are special requirements are not eligible for exemption from inspection. | |
30 | 赦免由执法人员对已判有罪的犯人所做的对过失或罪行惩罚的免除 | Exemption of a convicted person from the penalties of an offense or a crime by the power of the executor of the laws. |