1 | 石油和天然气勘探资料和对石油天然气化学成分的预测加速了人们对石油、天然气形成地质条件的了解。 | Understanding of the geological conditions under which oil and gas are formed came quickly from the data of oil exploration and inferences from the chemical composition of petroleum and natural gas. | |
2 | 石油勘探本来就是带有概率性的。 | Oil exploration is inherently probabilistic | |
3 | 他父母不允许他到南极去探险。 | His parents did not allow him to go on an exploration to the antarctic Continent | |
4 | 他们队将负责石油勘探工作。 | Their team will undertake exploration for oil. | |
5 | 他们队将着手进行石油勘探工作。 | Their team will undertake exploration for oil | |
6 | 它还将支持中国公司与获得中国政府优惠贷款的国家签定合同,进行资源开发和生产制造。 | The bank will also support Chinese companies to contract projects or engage in resource exploration and manufacturing in countries to which the Chinese Government provides preferential loans | |
7 | 探索宇宙的确是世界的终极前沿,探索宇宙的深远意义所影响的范围并不只是某一个国家某一些科学家,而是整个人类。 | Space is the ultimate frontier of human exploration and its far-reaching impact is on the entire human race, not just confined to a particular country or a few scientists | |
8 | 探险时容易遇到的危险 | The risks that are incidental to exploration | |
9 | 外大陆架油气田的租赁、合作考察、开发、生产和运输部要依据《国家环境政策法》、《海岸地区管理条例》、《洁净水法案》办理手续。 | leasing and resultant exploration , development, production and transportation of OCS oil and gas also are subject to the mandates of NEPA, the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), and the Clean Water Act | |
10 | 外国企业在中国境内从事建筑、安装、装配、勘探等工程作业和提供咨询、管理、培训等劳务活动所得。 | The income derived from construction, installation, assembly or exploration project or consultation, management and training services. | |
11 | 外商投资开采具有经济价值的非油气矿产资源,需编报总体开发方案,方可向国土资源部申请采矿权。 | While investing in the exploration of non-oil/gas mineral resources of economic value, foreign investors should first prepare and submit an overall development plan, and then apply for the prospecting right to the molar | |
12 | 威弗曾经引用这个例子说明与恰当的分析推理背道而驰的经验主义会给探险工作带来麻烦。 | Weaver has cited this example to show that empiricism not supported by proper analytical reasoning can lead to trouble in exploration | |
13 | 为和平目的探测和使用外层空间的合作协定 | Agreement on Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes | |
14 | 我给你谈一谈激发极化法,在矿床勘查巾,这种方法是最为常用的一种地表地球物理勘探方法。 | I am going to introduce to you the induced polarization method because it is the most popular ground geophysical method used in mineral exploration . | |
15 | 我们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。 | Our exploration to the primeval forest is quite a chapter of accident. | |
16 | 我想,重力法在地球物理勘探中是一种行之有效的勘查方法。 | I think it is also a very useful method in geophysical exploration . | |
17 | 西班牙开始了对新世界的探索。 | Spain began the exploration of the New Word. | |
18 | 香港未来的经济发展,也仍然要靠特别行政区政府和社会各界人士不懈探索,奋力开拓。 | Hong Kong’s future economic successes will still require the unremitting exploration and hard work of the SAR Government and the people of all circles | |
19 | 遥感用于大地构造测绘和探矿区域讨论会 | Regional Seminar on Remote Sensing Applications for Geotectonic Mapping and Mineral Exploration | |
20 | 要坚定信心,勇于探索,大胆实践。 | We should be firm in determination and bold in exploration and practice. | |
21 | 一、本表适用于:外国企业、开采自然资源的场所、承包建筑、安装、装配、勘探等工程的场所和提供服务的场所以及营业代理人。 | This form is to be filled out by: Foreign enterprises, places where natural resources are exploited and where contracted projects of building, installation, assembly and exploration are operated, place where services are provided and business agents | |
22 | 因在中华人民共和国履行中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、中外合作勘探开发.自然资源合同发生纠纷提起的诉讼,由中华人民共和国人民法院管辖。 | Actions brought on disputes arising from the performance of contracts for Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration and development of the natural resources in the People’s Republic of China shall fall under the jurisdiction of the people’ s courts of the People’s Republic of China. | |
23 | 英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代是探索和发现的时代. | The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery. | |
24 | 尤其是在石油勘查中,重力法可初步了解沉积盆地,构造轮廓以及生油可能性,既有效又方便。 | In petroleum exploration in particular, it is very handy and useful means of getting first impression of a sedimentary basin and to outline its structures and possibilities. | |
25 | 宇宙探索仍处于初级阶段 | Space exploration is still in its infancy. | |
26 | 运用石油物探复杂断块高分辨率三维地震技术等,新发现塔中4号、塔河、克拉2号等一大批大中型油气田 | The application of the 3-D high-resolution seismological technology for oil exploration over complex fractures has led to the discovery of a number of large and medium-sized oilfields such as No. 4 Tazhong, Tahe and No. 2 Kela | |
27 | 在勘查地球化学中,几乎没有采用确定性模型,而是采用推测性模型。 | Deterministic models rather than stochastic statistical models has been little pursued in exploration geochemistry | |
28 | 在同份报告书里,军方称中国在美济礁建造设施是一种“跳板”,为中国最终占据附近的里德滩并进行探勘石油作准备。 | In the same report, the military claimed China’s construction of facilities in Meiji Reef as a springboard for the country to occupy the nearby Ledel Reef to prepare for its oil exploration | |
29 | 在重组过程中,中国石油集团向中国石油注入了与勘探和生产、炼制和营销、化工产品和天然气业务有关的大部分资产和负债。 | In the restructuring, CNPC injected into PetroChina most of the assets and liabilities of CNPC relating to its exploration and production, refining and marketing, chemicals and natural gas businesses. | |
30 | 在主体上,地震勘探方法似乎十分简单。 | In its essentials, the methods of seismic exploration appear quite simple |