1 | ‘卡瓦尔康蒂少校,一位可敬的卢卡贵族,佛罗伦萨卡瓦尔康蒂族后裔,’”基督山大声往下念着,“‘每年收入五十万。’ | Major Cavalcanti, a worthy patrician of Lucca, a descendant of the Cavalcanti of Florence ,’" continued Monte Cristo, reading aloud, "’possessing an income of half a million.’ | |
2 | “我,正如您所说的,是安德烈·卡瓦尔康蒂子爵,巴陀罗米奥·卡瓦尔康蒂少校的儿子--我们卡瓦尔康蒂这个家族的名字曾铭刻在佛罗伦萨的金书上。 | I am (as you have said)the Count Andrea Cavalcanti, son of Major Bartolomeo Cavalcanti, a descendant of the Cavalcanti whose names are inscribed in the golden book at Florence | |
3 | “我知道他并不年轻,但是我真的没有意识到他就快500岁了。我看他还不超过22岁,真希望再过5000年他看上去还是这么年轻。”正在佛罗伦萨度假的加拿大游客帕特·菲西科说。 | "I knew he was old but I wasn’t aware he was turning 500," said Pat Fisico, a Canadian on holiday in Florence . "I don’t think he looks a day over 22. I hope he will be around for another 5,000 years." | |
4 | “因为我是在皮昂比诺被捕的,而据我推测,象梅朗和佛罗伦萨一样,皮昂比诺已成为法国所属的省会了。”巡查员和监狱长相视而笑。 | Because I was arrested at Piombino, and I presume that, like Milan and florence , Piombino has become the capital of some French department. | |
5 | “这看我不仅得一个人到勃拉西诺公爵那儿去,而且还得一个人回佛罗伦萨哩。” | I see that I shall not only go alone to the Duke of Bracciano’s, but also return to florence alone. | |
6 | …一星期以后,我到了佛罗伦萨,这么一来保管世界上谁也不知道我的下落。 | …and a week later I found myself in Florence , with the certainty that no one in the world knew what had become of me | |
7 | 1302年,但丁被禁止回到他深爱的佛罗伦萨,于是他周游意大利和法国,从一个城市游荡到另一个城市,从高雅的宫廷徘徊到肮脏的后街,直到1321年,他死于拉文纳 | Banned from returning to his beloved Florence in 1302, Dante roamed from city to city in Italy and France, from noble court to grubby back streets until he died in Ravenna in 1321. | |
8 | 1560年建在佛罗伦斯的碧提宫是风格主义建筑的典范。法国的宫殿包括罗浮宫和凡尔赛宫;西班牙的宫殿则包括埃尔埃斯科里亚尔和艾勒汉布拉宫。 | The court of the Pitti Palace in Florence (1560)is an important example of Mannerist architecture. French palaces include the Louvre and Versailles; Spanish palaces include El Escorial and the Alhambra. | |
9 | 19世纪南丁格尔从事的护理活动使得护理受到重视。 | Nursing gained recognition in the 19th century with the activities of Florence Nightingale. | |
10 | 500年前的9月8日,这个象征着文艺复兴的美男子首次展现在佛罗伦萨人民面前,500年后的今天,和他同住一城的居民们即将拉开为期一年别具一格的活动来庆祝“大卫”的500周岁生日。 | On September 8, 500 years to the day that the icon of Renaissance male beauty was unveiled for the people of Florence , his modern-day co-citizens are kicking off a year of events to celebrate David in style. | |
11 | 600年前,约翰霍克伍德爵士带着一队士兵一到意大利,在佛罗伦萨附近驻扎下来 | Six hundred years ago, Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence . | |
12 | 阿诺河从佛罗伦萨流经比萨入海。 | From Florence the river Arno ran down to Pisa, and then it reached the sea. | |
13 | 比萨在(佛罗伦萨的)西边. | Pisa is to the west(of Florence ). | |
14 | 波洛尼亚意大利中北部城市,在亚平宁山麓,位于佛罗伦萨东北偏北。最早为埃特鲁斯坎的城市,在公元前2世纪成为罗马的殖民地。著名的波洛尼亚大学在公元425年作为一个法学院建立。人口455, | A city of north-central Italy at the foot of the Apennines north-northeast of Florence .It was originally an Etruscan town and became a Roman colony in the second century b.c.Its famed university was founded as a law school in a.d.425.Population,455,853. | |
15 | 布赖德街那位受到深切哀悼的已故帕特里克·麦凯布的遗孀,弗萝伦丝·麦凯布太太。 | Mrs Florence MacCabe, relict of the late Patk MacCabe, deeply lamented, of Bride Street | |
16 | 布鲁内莱斯基,菲利波1377-1446意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛名。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆 | Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral. | |
17 | 布鲁内莱斯基:意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛名。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆。 | Brunelleschi:Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral. | |
18 | 从第32届国际地质大会看地球化学的现状与未来 | Review and Expectation on Geochemistry on the Basis of Submitted Abstracts of the 32nd IGC, Florence , Italy | |
19 | 从第32届国际地质大会看矿床学及相关学科的进展 | Review on Advances in Ore Deposits and Related Subjects on the Basis of Submitted Abstracts of the 32nd IGC, Florence , Italy | |
20 | 但是弗罗伦斯觉得舞会无聊,她想当护士。 | But Florence found parties boring, she wanted to be a nurse. | |
21 | 当她返回英国时,人们把弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔作为女英雄来欢迎。 | On her return to England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine. | |
22 | 对于参观过伦敦英国国家美术馆、佛罗伦萨乌菲齐美术馆、罗马梵蒂冈博物馆和巴黎卢浮宫大量珍藏品的观众来说,“文艺复兴”是艺术史中最能产生感情共鸣的词汇之一。 | For people who visit the great collections in the National Gallery in London, the Uffizi in Florence , the Vatican museums in Rome and the Louvre in Paris, the Renaissance is one of the most evocative terms in the history of art | |
23 | 佛罗伦萨城市博物馆馆长安东尼奥·保卢奇说:“佛罗伦萨在文艺复兴时期就是一个迪斯尼乐园。” | "Florence is seen as a Disneyland of the Renaissance," said Antonio Paolucci, superintendent of city museums. | |
24 | 佛罗伦萨大公科西莫曾用极其强烈的言辞谴责朋友的背信弃义或忘恩负义,他似乎认为这类恶行不可饶恕。 | Cosmus, duke of Florence , had a desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable | |
25 | 佛罗伦萨的贵族们建造了许多富丽堂皇的宫殿。 | The nobles of Florence built splendid palaces. | |
26 | 佛罗伦萨文艺复兴对我国当代文艺建设的启示 | The Enlightenment from Italian Florence ’s Renaissance to the Construction of Literature and Art in Present Chinese | |
27 | 佛罗伦斯成了文艺复兴的艺术中心。 | The city of Florence became the centre of Renaissance art. | |
28 | 弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔出身于富有家庭,相貌俊俏。 | Florence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty. | |
29 | 关于教育、科学和文化物品的进口的协定(佛罗伦萨协定) | Agreement on the Importation of Educational,Scientific and Cultural Materials(Florence Agreement) | |
30 | 海丽娜本人穿着香客的服装来到了佛罗伦萨城。 | helena herself, clad in her pilgrim’s weeds, arrived at the city of Florence |