1 | “大人,那个法国人的马车几次经过德丽莎所坐的那辆车子。” | Excellency, the Frenchman ’s carriage passed several times the one in which was Teresa. | |
2 | “嗯,后来,那个法国人摘下了他的面具,德丽莎,经首领的同意,也照样做了一次。 | Well, then, the frenchman took off his mask; Teresa, with the chief’s consent, did the same | |
3 | “你是法国人吗?你叫约翰吗?"福克先生问。 | `You are a frenchman , I believe,’ asked Phileas Fogg, `and your name is John?’ | |
4 | “一个英国人可以打垮三个法国人”这种愚蠢而又乐观的想法,是去鼓励一个英国人去努力打垮--事实上有时也曾使他能够打垮--两个法国人的。 | That silly,sanguine notion that one Englishman can beat three Frenchman ,encourages,and has sometimes enabled,one Englishman,in reality,to beat two. | |
5 | “正巧相反,”盖太诺答道,“他们的头儿是位法国青年,就请您去和他一同用晚餐。” | "On the contrary," returned Gaetano, "the chief, who was told you were a young frenchman , invites you to sup with him." | |
6 | 1981年,一辆稍加改进的BMW R 80 G/S摩托车驮着法国人胡伯特·奥里欧获得了巴黎一达卡拉力赛这一世界上最困难又最著名的摩托车赛事的冠军。 | In 1981, a slightly modified BMW R 80 G/S with 50 hp carries Frenchman Hubert Auriol to victory in the Paris-Dakar Rally, the toughest-and most prestigious-motorcycle race in the world. | |
7 | 50岁的法国人史奇莱泽尔赢得国际汽联世界杯越野系列赛冠军不下6次,他首次获胜是在1993年,从那以后他连年获胜。 | Fifty-year-old Frenchman Schlesser has won the FIA World Cup Cross-Country Series no less than six times. His first championship win was in 1993 and he has won it every year since. | |
8 | 不到一个钟头,这个正直的小伙子已经去掉了假鼻子,摘下了花翅膀,在他身上再也找不到一点“天狗神派”的装饰了。 | Within an hour the Frenchman had cut off his nose and parted with his wings, and retained nothing about him which recalled the sectary of the god Tingou | |
9 | 出生是法国人. | a Frenchman by birth | |
10 | 除了那位年轻的法国人以外,他们全都去睡觉了。 | They all went to sleep except the young Frenchman . | |
11 | 但是这位法国人却面色阴沉,颇为冷淡。 | But the Frenchman was dull and unresponsive | |
12 | 当今国际通用的盲文符号,是布拉耶于1824年发明的。利用纸上的凸点透过触觉最灵敏的手指尖来摸读。 | Universal system of writing and printing for the blind. The Frenchman Louis Braille invented the system in 1824. Characters embossed on paper are read by passing the fingers lightly over the manuscript. | |
13 | 当一个德国人从一个日本人那里买东西,或者一个印度人卖东西给一个法国人时,他们都经常使用英语。 | When a German buys something from a Japanese, or an Indian sells something to a Frenchman , they often use English. | |
14 | 电子音乐20年代由法国的E.瓦露斯开创。这种音乐完全跟过去决裂。它不讲音高,仅讲声音和节奏;音乐被当成"组合在一起的声音"。 | "Pioneered by E. Varese, a Frenchman , in the 1920s, this form repudiated the past entirely. There was no pitch,only sound and rhythm~ music was considered as ""orgahized sound""." | |
15 | 而“frenchman”,意思是法国人,则完全是个中性词,不褒不贬。 | And "frenchman ", meaning a French person, is perfectly neutral English | |
16 | 而且,他还干过更见不得人的事,他身为法国公民,却去投靠英国人。 | besides, that is not much more odious than that a Frenchman by adoption should pass over to the English | |
17 | 法国人的早餐咖啡同英国人的熏肉鸡蛋一比高低。 | The Frenchman ’s breakfast coffee competes with the Englishman’s bacon and eggs. | |
18 | 法国人皮埃尔,特赫萨格特,英国人特尔福特,以及苏格兰人约翰.L.麦克亚当提出了至今仍然适用的公路建设原则。 | A Frenchman , Pierre Tresaguet, an Englishman, Telford, and a Scot. John L.Mcadam laid down the principles of highway construction which is still applied to the modem roadbuilding. | |
19 | 盖太诺把这个答复转达了以后,哨兵就对坐在火堆旁边的一个人发了一声命令,那个人就站起来消失在岩石堆里了,谁都没有讲话,每个人似乎都在忙着自己的事。 | "My name must rest unknown,--merely say I am a frenchman travelling for pleasure." and as soon as Gaetano had transmitted this answer, the sentinel gave an order to one of the men seated round the fire, who rose and disappeared among the rocks | |
20 | 很多法国人都能连续24小时饮酒,之后仍保持常态。 | For a Frenchman , it is possible to start drinking wine at breakfast, carry on until the early hours of the next morning, and still be able to walk in a straight line. | |
21 | 后来到了1882年,法国的E.J.玛雷也用他发明的"摄影枪"拍下了活动物体。 | "Further on, in 1882 a Frenchman , Etienne Jules Marcy, achieved the same result with a single camera, his ""photographic gun""." | |
22 | 环法自行车大赛第12赛段推迟了2个小时后才举行,国际自行车联盟排名第一的法国车手劳伦特率领众车手抗议一桩药检丑闻玷污了比赛并威胁说退出比赛。 | The stage 12 of the Tour de France started with a two-hour delay, after the cyclists led by Frenchman Laurent ranked first in the UCI rankings, threated not to race in protest over a doping scandal which has marred the Tour. | |
23 | 她嫁给了法国人。 | She married a Frenchman . | |
24 | 她能感觉到这个法国人在盯着她裸露的后背。 | She could feel the Frenchman staring at her naked back. | |
25 | 据说法国人是世界上最好的园丁。 | It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world. | |
26 | 克瑞夫谷尔本人的答案,一个在新大陆居住多年的法国人的审慎意见,现在读来,仍可获益。 | Crevecoeur’s own answer, the considered opinion of a Frenchman who lived long in the New World, may still be read with profit | |
27 | 另外还有一点可以证明他是来自这个世界语言[这时指法语当时流行于欧洲各国。- | He might be recognized, not only by these signs, but also from the accent with which he spoke to the postilion, as a Frenchman | |
28 | 那个法国人,那个“小气鬼”,跟取笑他的人们对抗了。 | Skeezicks, the Frenchman had turned upon the jokers | |
29 | 譬如,法国人听完一则俄国笑话可能很难发笑 | A Frenchman , for instance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. | |
30 | 青蛙(Frog)一词不仅与"法国人"(Frenchman)一词开头的两个字母相同,而且还指法国人爱吃两栖动物的饮食习惯,而大多数英国人和美国人认为这是十分怪异的饮食癖好(其实他们认为吃两栖动物很恶心,只是不说出来而已),就是现在他们也仍然这样认为 | "Frog" echoes the opening letters of "Frenchman " and also refers to the French habit of eating the amphibians, something most Brits and Yanks still regard as an exceedingly odd, not to say disgusting, prefer-ence in food |