属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-想象的殿堂 House of dreams
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-学术出版 同行评审机制
1 | 食物中化学污染物的监控--GEMS;Food | Monitoring Chemical Contaminants in Food--GEMS /Food | |
2 | 贴切的引语和珠玑般的诗句为他的演说词增添文采。 | The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches | |
3 | 通用能量和物料平衡系统的缩写 | GEMS general energy and materials balance system | |
4 | 我们有Compass Gems和Trevi Electrons。 | We have Compass Gems and Trevi Electrons. | |
5 | 西安在唐代有过一段辉煌的历史。唐代石刻是中国艺术的瑰宝,以著名的"昭陵六骏"浮雕为代表作。 | Xi’ an experienced a period of splendor during Tang dynasty, and Tang stone carvings are among the gems of Chinese art. The best of them are represented by the relief of six galloping steeds. | |
6 | 铣床,用于加工石料、宝石、陶瓷 | milling machine for stone,gems ,ceramics | |
7 | 镶宝石的皇冠. | A crown studded with gems | |
8 | 项上戴着赤金盘螭璎珞圈 | Her necklet, of red gold, was in the form of a coiled dragon studded with gems . | |
9 | 许多文学珍品出自他的生花妙笔。 | Many literary gems flew from his deft pen. | |
10 | 一直到今天,因为它们优美的文字或影像,我还记得一些作品,但是,最大的原因是它们所表达的智慧。 | Till today, I remember some works partly because of the sheer beauty of the language or images but more because of their gems of wisdom. | |
11 | 用于石料、冷玻璃、宝石加工雕刻机 | carving machine for working stone,cold glass,gems | |
12 | 园内新辟奇石苑,向您展现石中瑰宝,给您美的享受。承蒙光临,不胜荣幸。 | The rare stone garden, which is newly opened in the park, exhibits the gems of stones to please your eyes. Your presence is a great compliment to us. | |
13 | 在这种情况下,风险管理主要取决于充分的、可信赖的暴露评估。GEMS;Food已向CCFAC和CCPR提供了有关暴露评估方面的帮助。 | In these cases, risk management decisions are highly dependent on adequate and reliable exposure assessment. GEMS /Food has provided assistance to CCFAC and CCPR on a range of exposure assessment issues. | |
14 | 这些天才创作了大量的流行乐曲,全是精品且通过巧妙的重新包装很能吸引孩子。 | And the geniuses made plenty more hits, all gems that can be smartly repackaged into kid attracting albums | |
15 | 中国山水画,中华文化之瑰宝,名家收藏之珍品。 | Traditional Chinese landscape paintings are gems of Chinese culture and treasures in collections of celeb rities. | |
16 | 珠宝鉴定课程教学改革的实践与探索 | Exploration and Practice of Gems Identification Course Construction | |
17 | ||1:不过,“周大福”的真正优势在于其将触角延伸至崛起中的中产阶级的能力。这些中产生活在大城市以外,在购买宝石和黄金上同样不惜千金一掷。(“周大福”以让中国内地人接受更赚钱的24克拉类型而沾沾自喜)。||2:世界黄金协会认为中国已成了黄金珠宝市场增长最快的国家,在规模上仅次于印度。||3:现在更有种新的迹象:面对日益加剧的通货膨胀,中国消费者开始购买黄金保值。 | ||1: The firm’s real strength, however, lies in its ability to reach the rising middle classes who live outside the biggest cities and who are also splashing out to buy gems and gold (CTF can claim credit for getting mainland Chinese to embrace the more lucrative 24-carat variety). ||2: The World Gold Council reckons that China is the world’s fastest-growing market for gold jewellery and the second-biggest after India. ||3: There are now signs that Chinese consumers, confronted with rising inflation, are buying gold as a hedge. | |
18 | ||1:看其头衔就知道克罗兹是个有造诣的粒子物理学家,他前所未有地访问了所有主要参与者,其中许多人他要么十分熟悉,要么也象希格斯一样,曾与之详谈过。||2:他似乎也翻遍了相关的学术论文、会议记录、学术论文集或是其它公开的可用资源。||3:这种对历史细节的勤勉关注挖到了许多瑰宝,例如,英国邮政大罢工意味着伦敦帝国学院的三人组晚了世界各地几周才得知希格斯和布鲁-恩格勒特的论文。||4:不过,这妨碍了叙述。 | ||1:Mr Close, an accomplished particle physicist in his own right, enjoyed unprecedented access to all the principal players, many of whom he either knows well or, like Mr Higgs, has spoken to at length.||2:He also appears to have left no relevant academic paper, no conference proceedings, memoir or other publicly available source unturned.||3:This painstaking attention to historical detail yields many gems (for instance, a postal strike in Britain meant that the trio at Imperial College learned of the Higgs and Brout-Englert papers weeks after the rest of the world).||4:It can, though, get in the way of the narrative. | |
19 | 宝石交易 | Swapping gems for cash | |
20 | 如果一切顺利的话,同行评审的这种并行处理模式将会为评审机制减轻压力,同样,那些在郁闷地等待自己的大作发表的研究员们也可以少等一些时间了。 | With luck, parallel processing of peer review in this manner will reduce the stress on the system, and thus the time frustrated researchers have to wait before their gems see the light of day. | |
21 | 商业 宝石 交易 | Business The Oppenheimers Swapping gems for cash | |
22 | Deloitte的Williams表示,“市场上有隐藏的瑰宝,买家们可以用便宜的价格得到这些瑰宝。” | "There are hidden gems out there that they can get on the cheap, " says Deloitte’s Williams. | |
23 | VLC是Internet上的宝贵资源之一,它是一个高度可用的开放源码应用程序。 | VLC is one of those gems of the Internet, a highly capable open source application. | |
24 | 宝石、珠宝、纺织品、塑料以及农产品的出口受创尤为严重。 | Exports of gems and jewellery, textiles, plastics and farm products have suffered particularly badly. | |
25 | 宝石次生包裹体的成因分类及表现特征探讨 | Genetic classification of gems secondary inclusion and characteristics | |
26 | 宝石画廊普吉岛有限公司发行:宝石画廊普吉岛有限公司 | Issue By: GEMS GALLERY PHUKET CO. , LTD | |
27 | 除了以上介绍的精华网站外,以下是我们的旅游专家推荐的更多旅游网站 | Inaddition to those gems , here are some more travel website recommendations from our travel experts: | |
28 | 大成殿是全国各地文庙中仅存的金代建筑,为国之瑰宝。 | Dacheng Hall, localities throughout the country in the Confucian Temple and the only remaining building for the country’s gems . | |
29 | 但时至今日丝绸已经被皮草或奢侈手提包所代替,而首饰则演变成了全套宝石。 | But these days the silk has turned into fur or luxury handbags, while the jewelry has morphed into a full set of gems . | |
30 | 当傲慢消退、自负收敛,就会有美玉显露出来。 | When the arrogance was over and the egos had been reigned in, there were gems to be found. |