1 | (罗马法新电)意大利内政部长斯卡约拉前天证实,意大利政府高级顾问比亚吉是遭极端左翼游击队“赤旅”一个支派所枪杀。 | Agence France Presse, Rome-Italian Interior Minister Scajola confirmed the day before yesterday that Italian government senior advisor Biagi was shot dead by a sect of the leftist guerrilla group ’Red Brigades’ | |
2 | 《抗日游击战争的战略问题》 | Problems of Strategy in Guerrilla War against Japan | |
3 | 《林海雪原》的叙事模式浅析 | An Analysis on the Narration Technique of The Guerrilla Warfare in Northeast China | |
4 | 安蒂奥基亚省是哥伦比亚国内武装冲突最为集中的地区,最大的反政府游击队组织“哥伦比亚革命武装力量”、“民族解放军”以及右翼准军事组织等非法武装在这一地区活动频繁。 | The Antioquia state has most of armed conflicts in columbia. The largest rebels and guerrilla groups, including "Revolutionary Armed Forces of columbia", "National Liberation Army " and right-wing paramilitaries etc, are all active in that region | |
5 | 报道说,伊拉克库尔德区有一个由库尔德人和阿拉伯人组成的安萨尔回教游击队,该游击队的成员都曾在奥萨马的营地接受训练。 | The article said there is a Muslim guerrilla group in the kurdish zone of Iraq called Ansar al-Islam, which is made up of Iraqi Kurds and Arabs trained in bin Laden’s camps | |
6 | 不幸的是,他们迫降的地区是哥伦比亚南部的游击队控制区。在他们再次起飞之前,他们被游击队俘虏了。 | Unluckily for them, they landed in guerrilla -dominated southern Colombia and were intercepted by rebels before they had a chance to take off again. | |
7 | 但是,在我们的条件下--国家贫困、国家分裂(这些都是国民党主要统治集团所造成的罪恶结果)以及分散的长期的人民游击战争,我们这样做,就是进步的了。 | However, in our circumstances--the poverty and disunity of the country (resulting from the crimes of the chief ruling clique of the Kuomintang), and the protracted and dispersed people’s guerrilla war--what we are doing is progressive | |
8 | 但是在抗日时期,我军以分散兵力打游击战为主,以集中兵力打运动战为辅。 | During the War of Resistance Against Japan, however, the dispersal of our forces for guerrilla warfare was primary, and the concentration of our forces for mobile warfare was supplementary | |
9 | 但夜幕刚一降临,好几支游击支队就出其不意地发动了反击,指挥他们的是一个年轻的具有超凡魅力的叛乱分子,人们只知道他叫“马索德”。 | But shortly after night-fall, several guerrilla units, commanded by a charismatic young rebel known only as "Massoud", suddenly struck back | |
10 | 当他还是个孩子的时候,在这片公地上打过多少次"游击战"啊!而且每次都是和占绝对优势的"敌人"交锋! | How many guerrilla Campaigns he had fought there as a child against overwhelming odds! | |
11 | 敌军遭到了两支游击队交叉火力的夹击。 | The enemy troops were caught in crossfire between two guerrilla bands. | |
12 | 敌人的主力被我游击队牵制住了。 | The enemy’s main forces were kept in check by our guerrilla detachments | |
13 | 第三个标准,是在边沿区和游击区内实行的,他们不可能自给百分之五十,但是可能自给百分之十五到二十五。 | The third standard applies to outlying districts and to the guerrilla zones where 50 percent self-sufficiency is not possible but 15-25 percent may be | |
14 | 富有经验的游击队战士是不会轻易受诱骗而暴露自己的阵地的。 | Experienced guerrilla fighters are not easily entrapped into revealing their position. | |
15 | 个人是4月份落入游击队手中的,当时他们在旅行途中乘坐的直升机因为天气而迫降的。 | The three had fallen into guerrilla hands in April when they were forced by bad weather to land the helicopter they were travelling in. | |
16 | 工作小组强调了加勒比海国家和安第斯山脉国家进行武装叛乱和游击战争的危险。 | The task force emphasized the danger of armed rebellion and guerrilla warfare in the Caribbean and andean countries | |
17 | 共产党部队曾一度占领了一座崎岖不平、沙石满坡的山岗,从那儿向游击队的主要阵地发射猛烈的迫击炮火。 | At one point Communist troops managed to take a jagged, rocky ridge, from which they lobbed mortar shells at key guerrilla positions, bringing the rebels under withering fire | |
18 | 国共合作之敌后抗日游击战争 | The Guerrilla War against Japan in the Enemy’s Rear Area during the Cooperation between the CPC and the GMT | |
19 | 机动性在游击战中至关重要。 | Mobility is very important in guerrilla warfare. | |
20 | 几个月的时间游击队的人数就增加了十倍。 | In a few months the guerrilla army multiplied tenfold. | |
21 | 军队无法压制游击队的活动。 | The army could not suppress the guerrilla action. | |
22 | 抗日战争的时候,日本很强大,国民党的军队被赶到了偏僻的地区,共产党领导的武装力量,也只能在敌后农村开展游击战争。 | During the anti-Japanese war, Japan was very powerful, the Kuomintang troops were driven to the hinterland, and the armed forces led by the Communist Party could only conduct guerrilla warfare in the rural areas behind the enemy lines | |
23 | 可以说是一群游击队的集合。 | You might say that they were only a formation of guerrilla forces. | |
24 | 论项英在南方三年游击战争中的地位和作用 | On Xiang Ying’s Status and Position during the Three Years of Guerrilla in South China | |
25 | 密林掩护了游击队的行动。 | The dense forest screened the guerrilla ’s movements. | |
26 | 人民解放军主力兵团的作战将要摆脱现在还存在的某些游击性,进入更高程度的正规化。 | In their operations the main formations of the People’s Liberation Army will discard certain survivals of guerrilla habits and reach a higher level of regularization | |
27 | 入侵军占领了游击队若干分散的前哨基地。 | The invading army overran a few scattered guerrilla outposts. | |
28 | 山里游击队的隐藏处. | A guerrilla hide-out in the mountains | |
29 | 山中的游击队隐藏处. | a guerrilla hideout in the mountains | |
30 | 商业活动就像一场游击战,制造风险的是企业家、改革者、投资者和竞争者,化解风险的就是管理者。 | Business is a kind of guerrilla warfare between the creation of risky environments by entrepreneurs, innovators, investors and competitors, and the minimization or taming of that risk by managers |