属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-The World This Week Politic
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
1 | 首次联合演习的重点在改善菲律宾部队对付回教游击团体阿布沙伊夫的能力。 | The first joint exercise focused on improving the ability of the philippine armed forces in fighting against the Muslim guerrilla led by Abu Sayyaf | |
2 | 他们的斗争主要是农民游击战。 | Their struggle consists mainly in peasant guerrilla warfare. | |
3 | 托莱多的对手加西亚有六英尺三英寸高,是一位有着西班牙人长相的秘鲁前总统。他在竞选中运用华丽的辞藻试图掩盖他那多灾多难的1985年到1990年的总统任期,在他上次任期内,秘鲁国内充斥了贪污腐败、游击队暴力事件、食物短缺和通货过度膨胀。 | Garcia, a 6-foot-3 Spanish-looking former president, used flowery language to overcome memories of his calamitous 1985-90 presidency, marred by corruption, guerrilla violence, food shortages and hyperinflation. | |
4 | 游击队. | a guerrilla band | |
5 | 游击队不会同意停止武装斗争。 | The guerrilla forces will not agree to lift the armed struggle. | |
6 | 游击队击退了政府军的数次进攻。 | The guerrilla forces beat off several attacks of the government troops | |
7 | 游击队员举起枪,嘣的一声,又一名德军士兵倒地而死。 | The guerrilla raised his gun,and pang,another German soldier bit the dust. | |
8 | 游击队员小心通过这片森林。 | The guerrilla nosed a way through the forest. | |
9 | 游击队正在与政府军交战。 | The guerrilla forces are battling against the government troops | |
10 | 游击区. | a guerrilla area | |
11 | 游击武装. | guerrilla forces | |
12 | 游击战、现代战争、核战. | Guerrilla ,modern, nuclear warfare | |
13 | 游击战. | a guerrilla war-(warfare) | |
14 | 游击战;化学战 | guerrilla warfare;chemical warfare. | |
15 | 游击战的突然失败 | A sudden reverse in the guerrilla campaign | |
16 | 游击战争;游击战术 | guerrilla warfare;guerrilla tactics. | |
17 | 在丛林中伏击作为一名游击队员在丛林中战斗 | To fight as a guerrilla in the woods. | |
18 | 在短短的一年时间里,由穆斯林部落成员拼凑成的杂牌军一跃而成了一支纪律严明的游击队武装力量,他们不仅把俄国入侵者打得寸步难行,而且还控制了这个被苏联占领的国家的不少宽阔地带。… | In the short space of a year, a ragtag army of Moslem tribesmen has become a disciplined guerrilla force that has fought Russian invaders to a standstill a and gained control of huge swaths of this Soviet-occupied land.. | |
19 | 在临近的房屋室内,经验多一点的抵抗战士由旧军官讲授突击战术,并配以大幅挂图和使用放映机放映反苏游击战役的纪录影片。 | In nearby buildings, more-experienced resistance fighters are taught commando tactics by ex-Army officers, using large wall maps and a film projector to show footage of anti-Soviet guerrilla operations | |
20 | 这个计划已缩小成一种游击战术式的渗入。 | The project was being whittled down into a guerrilla infiltration | |
21 | 这是我们中国长期游击战争的产物,这是我们的光荣。 | Production for self-support is the outcome of our country’s protracted guerrilla war and this is our glory | |
22 | 自苏军入侵以来,马索德已经对五千多圣战者进行了游击战和如何使用武器的训练。 | Since the invasion, Massoud has schooled more than 5,000 Mujeheddin in guerrilla warfare and weaponry | |
23 | 阿根廷官员表示,他们发现了一枚藏在布宜诺斯艾利斯一个剧院内的炸弹。而这个剧院正是哥伦比亚前总统乌里韦将要发表演说的地方。乌里韦正在组织一个反对宪法修正案的活动。如果该修正案通过,哥伦比亚的游击队领导人在同意和解的条件下,便可能逃脱起诉。 | Officials in Argentina said they found a bomb hidden in a theatre in Buenos Aires where álvaro Uribe, Colombia’s former president, was due to speak. Mr Uribe is campaigning against a constitutional amendment that might exempt Colombia’s guerrilla leaders from prosecution if they make peace. | |
24 | 然而,游击战争是很难模拟的,在此之前的暴动也同样难模拟, | Guerrilla warfare, however, is harder to model than open battle of this sort, and the civil insurrection that often precedes it is harder still. | |
25 | 他的团队花费了美国军方600,000美元开发的时间概率定律系统,关注770个社会和政治指示仪,并且利用他们预测巴基斯坦统治下总部在喀什米尔的一个游击队组织拉什卡-塔伊巴组织的攻击计划。 | The Temporal-Probabilistic Rule System, a program his team has developed using $600,000 of American-army money, looks at 770 social and political indicators and uses them to predict attacks by Lashkar-e-Taiba, a guerrilla group based in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. | |
26 | 游击战的历史 | A history of guerrilla warfare | |
27 | 这当然不足为奇。亲属和同教派是不同游击队出没的战争中最为可靠的同盟。这些游击队除了立刻赶走外国军队以外,可能无法总是有统一的目标。 | That is not a surprise, of course. Kin and co-religionists are the most reliable allies in wars where different guerrilla groups may not always see eye to eye about objectives, beyond the immediate one of driving out foreign troops. | |
28 | (在萨科齐的要求下,他曾释放了一名关押的游击队领袖,这名领袖返回后随即投入战斗)。 | At Mr Sarkozy’s request he freed a jailed guerrilla leader who has returned to action. | |
29 | “当我离开女儿去参加游击队时,她才刚刚开始学会微笑,”塔隆说,“那画面,是一张永远印在我心底的照片。” | "When I left to join the guerrilla she was starting to smile, " Telon said. "That’s a photograph I keep in my mind. " | |
30 | “敌人已展开了游击战,”内政部长拉赫曼•马立克(RehmanMalik)称。 | "The enemy has started a guerrilla war, " declared the interior minister, Rehman Malik. |