1 | “别把我们两个人算在一块儿,哈丽特。拿我的演奏同她的相比,就如同一盏灯同太阳相比。” | Do not class us together, Harriet . My playing is no more like hers than a lamp is like sunlight | |
2 | “得啦,赫莉特,”普利姆代尔太太说,显得郑重其事。 | "Well, harriet ," said Mrs. Plymdale, with emphasis | |
3 | “喂,赫蕊埃特,不管你什么时候结婚,我都愿意当参谋。” | Well, Harriet , whenever you marry, I would advise you to do so and so. | |
4 | 埃尔顿的自以为是已经够讨厌的了,可如何把这个消息透露给哈里特,就更叫人心烦。 | His presumption was bad enough, but the task of breaking the news to Harriet was much worse. | |
5 | 埃尔顿先生私下向爱玛求婚,这使爱玛猛然醒悟。她突然意识到,埃尔顿先生向哈里特献殷勤实则是冲她而来 | Emma suffered a rude awakening when Mr. Elton, finding her alone, asked her to marry him. She suddenly realized that what she had taken for gallantries to Harriet had been meant for herself | |
6 | 爱玛从埃尔顿先生的神态上判定他已开始爱上哈里特,便自以为撮合婚姻的计划必然成功。 | Emma believed from Mr. Elton’s manner that he was beginning to fall in love with Harriet , and she flattered herself upon her match-making schemes. | |
7 | 爱玛得知哈里特现在倾心的不是邱吉尔,而是奈特先生。 | Emma learned that it was not Churchill but Mr. Knightley upon whom Harriet had now bestowed her affections | |
8 | 爱玛认为罗伯特·马丁不配取哈里特为妻,便鼓励这位姑娘追求年轻的牧师埃尔顿先生。 | Instead of thinking of Robert Martin as a husband for Harriet , Emma influenced the girl to aspire to Mr. Elton, the young, rector. | |
9 | 爱玛现在主要担心两件事。一是她曾对邱吉尔说过一些关于简的话,如果她早知道两人已经订婚,决不会那样做。二是她认为自已又一次鼓动哈里特堕入一段不能成功的恋情之中。 | Her chief concerns now were that she had said things about Jane to Churchill which she would not have said had she known of their engagement, and also that she had, as she believed, encouraged Harriet in another fruitless attachment. | |
10 | 爱玛自己倒是心安理得,因为她确信埃尔顿先生对哈里特十分钟情,而哈里特--在她的鼓动之下--对他也有同样的爱慕之心。 | Emma herself suffered from no such qualms, for she was certain that Mr. Elton was as much in love with Harriet as Harriet---through Emma’s instigation---was with him | |
11 | 爱玛自己则开始考虑选邱吉尔做哈里特的丈夫。不过她决定自己不再去出力撮合这桩婚事。 | Emma herself began to think of Churchill as a husband for Harriet , but she resolved to do nothing to promote the match. | |
12 | 爱玛自己则开始考虑选邱吉尔做哈里特的丈夫。不过她决定自己不再去出力撮合这桩婚事。出于一系列的误解,爱玛以为哈里特在赞扬邱吉尔,其实哈里特赞扬的是奈特利先生。 | Emma herself began to think of Churchill as a husband for Harriet , but she resolved to do nothing to promote the match. Through a series of misinterpretations, Emma thought Harriet was praising Churchill when she was really referring to Mr. Knightley. | |
13 | 贝利,利伯蒂·海德1858-1954美国植物学家和园艺家,以其在多种科学上的贡献并为农民开设大学业余进修课程而闻名 | American journalist who edited antislavery periodicals,such as the Cincinnati Philanthropist(1836-1843)and the National Era(1847-1859,in which Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published serially(1851-1852. | |
14 | 贝西在哈丽特家干了3年。 | Bessie worked for aunt Harriet for three years. | |
15 | 贝西走后,哈丽特姑妈发现在贝西以前用过的衣柜里整整齐齐地放着堆堆形状各异、大小不一的洒瓶子 | After her departure, aunt Harriet discovered that there were piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and sizes neatly stacked in what had once been Bessie’s wardrobe. | |
16 | 出于一系列的误解,爱玛以为哈里特在赞扬邱吉尔,其实哈里特赞扬的是奈特利先生。 | Through a series of misinterpretations, Emma thought Harriet was praising Churchill when she was really referring to Mr. Knightley | |
17 | 除了自己想嫁给奈特利先生之外,她还明白,奈特利如和哈里特结合,不但是不相称的婚配,而且也很难带来幸福。 | Aside from the fact that she wanted to marry Mr. Knightley herself, she knew a match between him and Harriet would be an unequal one, hardly likely to bring happiness | |
18 | 但她的圆满幸福也有美中不足。她知道自己的婚事会使父亲很不高兴,因为老人不愿生活有丝毫的改变。而且她在不知不觉中又一次使哈里特面临失望的打击。 | Her complete happiness was married only by the fact that she knew her marriage would upset her father, who disliked change of any kind, and that she had unknowingly prepared Harriet for another disappointment | |
19 | 但我不能承认他是赫蕊埃特的对手。 | I cannot admit him to be harriet ’s equal | |
20 | 对具有沉着的、温和的和稳重的性格的人来说,好骚动的神经或热烈的感情诱惑是完全不可理解的事(哈丽特·比彻·斯托)。 | One of those calm,quiet,sedate natures,to whom the temptations of turbulent nerves or vehement passions are things utterly incomprehensible(Harriet Beecher Stowe. | |
21 | 而且她在不知不觉中又一次使哈里特面临失望的打击。爱玛和奈特利先生决定住在哈特菲尔德,一直陪伴父亲度过晚年。这就解决了第一个难题。 | And that she had unknowingly prepared Harriet for another disappointment.The first problem was solved when Emma and Mr. Knightley decided to reside at Hartfield with Mr. Woodhouse as long as he lived. | |
22 | 哈里特·鲁宾的《爱中的但丁》一书由西蒙和舒斯特出版集团发行,这本书可能并不会成为牛津和剑桥大学神圣厅堂里的必读书,但对她来说这样已经很好了。 | "Harriet Rubin’s ""Dante in Love,"" published by Simon and Schuster, may not become required reading in the hallowed halls of Oxbridge academia. But that’s just fine with her." | |
23 | 哈里特的前途已定,爱玛自然十分高兴。 | Emma was overjoyed that Harriet ’s future was now assured. | |
24 | 哈里特的前途已定,爱玛自然十分高兴。爱玛总可以这样回首往事,她周围的人全都门当户对地婚配成亲,这才是他们真正幸福的必要条件。 | Emma was overjoyed that Harriet ’s future was now assured. She could always reflect that all parties concerned had HBT21;married according to their stationsH, a prerequisite for their true happiness. | |
25 | 哈里特即使不愿意,也难却两人的盛意。 | Harriet had no scruples which could stand many minutes against the earnest pressing of both the others | |
26 | 哈里特是附近寄宿学校学生,住在校长家里。她年方十七,相貌出众,虽然资质低下,但举止行为却讨人喜欢,毫不做作,又习惯于把爱玛奉为楷模,所以挺称人心意。 | Harriet was an extremely pretty girl of seventeen, not in the least brilliant, but with pleasing, unassuming manners, and a gratifying habit of looking up to Emma as a paragon | |
27 | 哈里特是私生女,其父何人仍是个谜。爱玛认为这女孩可能出身名门,便极力使她相信她以前交往的人都配不上她。 | Harriet was the natural daughter of some mysterious person, and Emma, believing that the girl might be of noble family, persuaded her that the society in which she had moved was not good enough for her. | |
28 | 哈里特曾在爱玛的劝说下堕入爱河,再想劝她解脱情网实非易事。但爱玛无力办到的事情,埃尔顿先生的婚烟却替她完成了。哈里特终于开始醒悟。 | Harriet , who had been talked into love by Emma, could not be so easily talked out of it; but what Emma had failed to accomplish, Mr. Elton’s marriage had, and Harriet at last began to recover. | |
29 | 哈丽特跟她的朋友在一起玩。 | Harriet is playing with her friend. | |
30 | 哈丽特姑妈年轻时,喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。 | Before she grew old, aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. |