属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疾病传播 细菌与金钱
1 | ||1:因此,如果能从更广泛的角度来看待传染病的问题,的确让人耳目一新。||2:最近有两本新书面世,采取了截然不同的方法来叙述人类发现于几个世纪以前的细菌、病毒、朊毒体和原生生物。两本书中还提到了一些全新的微生物——它们具有“机会致病性”,活跃在各个物种之间,并在进化方面引发了一场新的争论。||3:马克·哈里森是牛津大学维尔康医学史研究所负责人,他针对历史上的此类疾病绘制了一张按时间顺序排列的进程图表。||4:美国科学新闻记者大卫·奎门报道了当代枯萎病的情况,对人类会在什么时候发现下一次大范围流行病进行了研究。 | ||1:It is refreshing, therefore, to take a wider look at the problem of infectious disease.||2:Two recent books take very different approaches to the narrative of bacteria and viruses, prions and protists that humanity has known for centuries and the brand new bugs that, by opportunistic accident, hop between species and start a new evolutionary tussle.||3:Mark Harrison , director of Oxford University’s Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, charts a chronological path through the history of such diseases.||4:David Quammen, an American science journalist, picks up the story of contemporary blights, exploring how the next pandemic will be detected. | |
2 | “不,戴夫,”我一字一句地说,“我只想做托德.哈里森。” | ’No, Dave, ’ I said matter-of-factly, ’All I ever wanted to be was Todd Harrison . ’ | |
3 | “当一个国家接替另一个国家之时,资产和债务究竟由谁来承担,总是个很头疼的问题。”哈里森教授这么说。 | "When one state succeeds another, there is always a question of whether it takes on its assets and liabilities, " says Prof Harrison . | |
4 | “对我而言,这是个绝妙的想法,”登山设备合作社的助理经理南希•哈里森(NancyHarrison)表示。 | "It’s a fantastic concept for me, " says Nancy Harrison , an assistant manager at Mountain Equipment. | |
5 | “二战后,决策者决定处死领导人,而不是惩罚整个国家。”哈里森教授说,“这和一战中的情况恰恰是反过来的。” | "After WWII they decided to hang the leaders but not to punish the nation, " says Prof Harrison . "But in WWI it was the other way around. " | |
6 | “你好,托德.哈里森在吗?”电话那头有个声音说道。 | ’Hello, can I speak to Todd Harrison please? ’ the voice on the other end of the phone asked. | |
7 | “我们当时并没有在单词表上花费太多时间就意识到它在各个方面都与其他两种语言极其不同。”哈里森说到。 | "We didn’t have to get far on our word list to realize it was extremely different in every possible way, " Harrison said. | |
8 | Coplien和Harrison著作的这本书不仅仅是简单的观察资料和个人观点。 | Coplien and Harrison deliver a book that is more than simple observation and personal opinion. | |
9 | HarrisonMartin缓缓地升离地面三英尺。引擎发出的巨大声响使得一些孩子捂住了耳朵。 | Harrison Martin eased about three feet off the ground, the engine roaring with a whine so loud that some kids covered their ears. | |
10 | Harrison博士的团队决定在老鼠身上试一下。 | So Dr Harrison ’s team decided to give it a go in mice. | |
11 | Harrison博士及其同事则选择了另一种对无脊椎动物有效的分子:雷帕霉素。 | Dr Harrison and his colleagues picked a different molecule that has been seen to work on invertebrates: rapamycin. | |
12 | Harrison仅仅参与过一次官方活动:1841年5月31日开始召集国会开展特别会议。 | Harrison only had time for one official act: calling Congress into a special session, which he set to begin on May 31, 1841. | |
13 | Harrison提出未来关于雷帕霉素和mTOR的研究将从其一般影响转为特定机制。 | Future studies on rapamycin and mTOR will work backwards from the general effect to specific mechanisms, said Harrison . | |
14 | MikeHarrison是一位26岁的自由职业美术设计师和插画师,目前居住在伦敦。 | Mike Harrison is a 26 year old freelance graphic designer and illustrator, currently residing in London. | |
15 | 爱波伦丝太太笑眯眯地说:“今天是哈瑞森日,你们可以问我任何有关哈瑞森的问题。” | She said, "Today is Harrison Ford day, you guys can ask anything you want about him and I’ll try to answer it. " | |
16 | 但克莱确信哈里森会公开邀请他与之会面。 | But Clay made sure that Harrison was publicly invited to visit him. | |
17 | 但是当我问看管画室的海伦·哈里森时,她说:“事实不是这样的。” | But when I asked Helen Harrison , who oversees the studio, about this, she said, "That’s not true. " | |
18 | 当辉格党全国大会召开时,这三个人:克莱、斯科特和哈里森都有可能成为该党的总统候选人。 | When the Whig convention opened, all three men -- Clay, Scott, Harrison -- were possible candidates. | |
19 | 德雷克是一位拥有工商管理硕士学位的初级保健医生,福特(与演员哈里逊·福特的儿子离过婚)是一位艾美奖获奖电视制片人。 | Drake is a primary care doctor with an MBA and Ford (divorced from the son of actor Harrison Ford) is an Emmy-winning television producer. | |
20 | 副总统听到此消息后震惊了,他甚至都不知道总统病了。 | The vice President was shocked. He had not even known that Harrison was sick. | |
21 | 格拉索还与哈里森·福特等其他很多男演员有过合作。 | Glasow has also worked with a number of actors, such as Harrison Ford. | |
22 | 格罗弗.克利夫兰于1893年开始他的第二个总统任期,他的二个总统任期被本杰明.哈里森的总统任期所分割。 | Grover Cleveland began his second presidency in eighteen ninety-three. His two terms were separated by the presidency of Benjamin Harrison . | |
23 | 哈里森:“语言热点”是我受生物多样性热点的启发、在2006年首次提出的一个术语。 | Mr Harrison : "Language hotspot" is a term I coined in 2006, inspired by the biodiversity hotspots model. | |
24 | 哈里森:只能说有可能,但不一定可行,而且从北极地区到亚马逊流域,我们所见的不是一般的个例。 | Mr Harrison : It’s possible, but not likely, and it’s not the usual case we see everywhere from the Arctic to Amazonia. | |
25 | 哈里森的健康状况越来越糟糕,在1841年3月底,他得了肺炎。 | Harrison ’s health grew worse. Late in March eighteen forty-one, his cold turned into pneumonia. | |
26 | 哈里森感谢他,但他说他已经写好了就职演说词。 | Harrison thanked him, but said he already had written his speech. | |
27 | 哈里森每到一处,他都被一群渴望职位的人所包围。 | Everywhere he turned, Harrison was met by crowds of job-hungry people. | |
28 | 哈里森是美国历史上任期最短的总统,(就任总统)30天后就因肺炎死在办公室。 | Harrison has the inglorious distinction of having had the shortest presidential term, dying of pneumonia after just 30 days in office. | |
29 | 哈里森是一位退休将军,他是辉格党人,他成为美国第九任总统。 | Harrison was a retired general and a member of the Whig Party. He became the ninth president of the United States. | |
30 | 哈里森研究公司的Taylor先生指出,二手高档汽车的销售正在激增。 | Mr Taylor of Harrison Research points to a boom in sales of used luxury cars. |