1 | 而非西班牙裔白人此项收入下降了2.6个百分点,跌至55530美元;黑人的实际中等家庭收入则下跌了2.8个百分点,跌至34218美元。 | The figure for non-Hispanic whites fell by 2. 6% to $55, 530, while for blacks it declined 2. 8% to $34, 218. | |
2 | 该公司在佛州南部开设了PublixSabor商店,希望吸引大量的拉美裔顾客。 | The company has opened Publix Sabor stores in south Florida, seeking to attract shoppers from its large Hispanic and Caribbean populations. | |
3 | 该区人口平均年龄比德州总人口年龄高,较少的拉美裔和更多的共和党人。 | Its population is on average older than that of Texas as a whole, less Hispanic and more Republican. | |
4 | 该研究报告称,20%的黑人女孩和6.5%的白人和西班牙裔女孩在7岁时出现阴毛。 | Twenty percent of seven-year-old black girls had pubic hair, as did around 6. 5 percent of white and Hispanic girls, the study found. | |
5 | 刚到华尔街不久,我就发现一个身穿迷彩夹克衫的西班牙男子,他正向一小群围观者抱怨着奥巴马的不是。 | Not long after I arrived I found a Hispanic man in a camouflage jacket complaining about Obama to a small crowd of onlookers. | |
6 | 根据美国人口普查局预测,到2050年西班牙语系的美国人占总人口的比例将翻番至30%。 | According to Census Bureau projections, by 2050 Hispanic Americans’ share of the population will double to 30 percent. | |
7 | 黑人儿童贫困率上升至39%,而西班牙裔儿童的贫困率则达到35%。 | The black child poverty rate climbed to 39 percent, while the Hispanic child poverty rate reached 35 percent. | |
8 | 黑人和西班牙裔学生占了科技高中97%的比例,这所学校从亚特兰大最糟糕的区域录取学生,根本不以学习成绩为标准进行筛选。 | Tech High is 97% black or Hispanic and takes kids from the roughest parts of Atlanta without screening for academic aptitude. | |
9 | 很多民主党人想要奥巴马选一个拉美裔的女性,因为最高法院的法官中目前还没有拉美裔法官,而女法官也只有一人。 | Many Democrats want him to choose a Hispanic woman, since the court currently has no Hispanics and only one woman. | |
10 | 很少的一部分非美国出生的西裔成年人保留这一定程度传统观念。 | A slim majority of Hispanic adults were born outside America, and retain a degree of traditional attitudes. | |
11 | 亨利极具政治天赋,并且富有同情心,渐渐成为美国最受欢迎的西班牙裔政治家。 | With his unusual combination of great political gifts and a caring heart, Henry had become the most popular Hispanic politician in America. | |
12 | 华尔街时报报道:在这段时间里,西班牙裔失业率为各种族群众最高的。 | The Hispanic unemployment rate was the highest riser of any racial and ethnic group over that period, reported the Wall Street Journal. | |
13 | 今日美国最为严重的国内问题是拉美裔移民问题。 | The most important domestic issue in the United States today is that of Hispanic immigration. | |
14 | 金还批评了奥巴马政府准备处理的另一项由西班牙裔与女性农民提交的诉讼案。 | King went on to criticize the Obama administration’s plan to resolve separate lawsuits filed by Hispanic and female farmers. | |
15 | 尽管那样,超过70%的学会学校的学生来自于低收入家庭,超过95%都是西裔和非裔美国人。 | Still, around 70% of the academy’s students come from low-income families, and around 95% are either Hispanic or African-American. | |
16 | 抗议游行活动已经开始:在5月1日,全国多达100万的民众走上街头,绝非他们所有的人都是西班牙裔。 | The marches have begun again: on May 1st, up to a million people across the country took to the streets, by no means all of them Hispanic . | |
17 | 另一方面,这也使得城市中庞大的西班牙群体可以更容易得跻身中产阶级行列。 | And it makes it easier for the city’s large Hispanic population to rise into the middle class. | |
18 | 马克.雨果.洛佩兹是西班牙人救济中心的副董事。 | Mark Hugo Lopez is associate director of the Pew Hispanic Center. | |
19 | 梅伍德是在洛杉矶市区以南,居民以拉美裔为主的小城。 | MAYWOOD is a tiny city in Los Angeles County, just south of downtown Los Angeles, where almost everybody is Hispanic . | |
20 | 每年二月,80到90名黑人,西班牙裔和印第安人儿童会免费参观莱斯。 | Each February, 80 to 90 black, Hispanic and Native American kids visit Rice on an expenses-paid trip. | |
21 | 美国西班牙人与黑人青少年中骑摩托死亡率分析 | Motor vehicle occupant deaths among hispanic and black children and teenagers | |
22 | 美国正在成为拉美裔的国家。而且它的发生比任何人预期的要快得多。 | The United States is becoming an Hispanic country. And it’s happening much faster than anyone expected. | |
23 | 美国政府估算,超过80%的美国农业工人是西裔人(绝大多数是墨西哥人),而且超过半数的农工是非法移民。 | The government estimates that more than 80% of America’s crop workers are Hispanic (mostly Mexican), and more than half are illegal aliens. | |
24 | 民主党拉美裔议员反对将其分开处理担心因此失去商界对全面改革的支持。 | Democratic Hispanic legislators oppose separating them for fear of losing business support for comprehensive reform. | |
25 | 那时,天主教和西班牙的文化在这里似乎是不可分离的。 | Catholicism and Hispanic culture seemed inseparable there. | |
26 | 南卡罗林纳的西班牙裔从2000年到2009年间扩充了116%.南达科他、田纳西和阿拉巴马州这种趋势也是极为迅猛。 | South Carolina’s Hispanic population expanded by 116% between 2000 and 2009. South Dakota, Tennessee and Alabama also saw big jumps. | |
27 | 年纪较大的西班牙男性青年最有可能认为他们的生命将早早夭折。 | Older male Hispanic adolescents were the most likely to believe their lives would be cut short. | |
28 | 皮尤西班牙裔中心(PewHispanicCenter)通过比较,估算出2010年阿拉巴马州大约有120000未被授权的移民。 | By comparison, the Pew Hispanic Centerestimated Alabama had 120, 000 unauthorized immigrants in 2010. | |
29 | 皮又拉美裔中心估计2008年所有在美国出生的孩子中大约有8%的父母在美国的停留是非法的。 | The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that about 8% of all children born in the US in 2008 have parents who are in the country illegally. | |
30 | 其实根本不像他所说的那样,美国生育率的增长差不多完全源于西班牙籍移民生育率的提高,是她们提升了整个国家的生育率水平。 | Not so. The increase is due almost entirely to the elevated fertility of recent Hispanic immigrants, who raised the national average. |