1 | “国际刑事司法:历史和现代观点”国际专家会议 | International Conference of Experts on "International Criminal Justice: historical and contemporary perspectives" | |
2 | 《屈原》是郭沫若写的一部历史剧。 | Qu Yuan is a historical play written by Guo Moruo. | |
3 | 【语】历史现在时态(指为描写生动而用现在时态叙述过去事件) | the historic [ historical ] present | |
4 | 1949年,中华人民共和国成立,结束了半殖民地半封建社会的历史,从而为中国天主教和基督教实现独立自主自办提供了历史条件。 | The founding of the People’s Republic of China put an end to the era of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in China, thus providing the historical conditions for Chinese Catholicism and protestantism to become independent and self-managing | |
5 | 阿马尼亚克法国西南部加斯科尼的一个历史地区,原为伯爵领地,1607年归为法国皇家领土,该地区现在以葡萄酿酒业闻名 | A historical region and former countship of southwest France in Gascony.Added to the French royal domain in1607,the area is now noted for its viniculture. | |
6 | 安格尔,简·奥古斯特·多米尼奎1780-1867法国画家,法国古典主义画派的领袖,以其带有历史感和神话色彩的作品而著称 | French painter and leader of the French classical school who is remembered for his historical and mythological works. | |
7 | 安茹法国罗亚尔河谷的一个历史故地,曾是法国西北的一个省。中世纪早期由掌权的安茹伯爵统治,15世纪80年代被路易十一并入法国王室领地 | A historical region and former province of northwest France in the Loire River valley.Ruled by the powerful counts of Anjou in the early Middle Ages,it was annexed to the French crown lands by Louis XI in the1480’s. | |
8 | 按历史[字母]顺序 | In historical [alphabetical] sequence | |
9 | 按原样修复有重大历史意义的建筑物 | Reconstruct a building that has great historical significance | |
10 | 保护美洲国家考古、历史和艺术遗产公约 | Convention on the Protection of the Archeological, Historical and Artistic Heritage of the American Nations | |
11 | 贝里位于法国中部的有历史意义的地区和旧时的一个省,1101年被法国王室所买,1360年成为一独立的公爵领地,1601年重归王室所有 | A historical region and former province of central France.Purchased by the French crown in1101,it became an independent duchy in1360and reverted to the crown in1601. | |
12 | 本美发美容中心,服务优良,素享盛名,欢迎光临。 | Our hair-dressing and beauty parlor with good service and historical reputation is awaiting your visit. | |
13 | 病理描述学医生对可能影响某一历史人物或团体的疾病的追溯研究 | The retrospective study,often by a physician,of the possible influence and effects of disease on the life and work of a historical personage or group. | |
14 | 勃兰登堡历史上的宗教领地和原公爵领地,位于德国中北部,普鲁士王国在其周围发展起来。该地区现被波兰和德国分占 | A historical region and former duchy of north-central Germany around which the kingdom of Prussia developed.The region is now divided between Poland and Germany. | |
15 | 不过,苏东坡先生的误会,不但未曾贻笑大方,反倒留下了一处胜迹。 | Rather than making him the laughing-stock in the eyes of posterity, Su Dongpo’s mistake has actually created one more place of historical interest in China | |
16 | 布列塔尼半岛历史上的一个地区,原法国西北部一省,位于英吉利海峡和比斯开湾之间的半岛上。公元500年,被盎格鲁-撒克逊人驱逐出家园的布立吞人定居于此。1532年该地区正式并入法国 | A historical region and former province of northwest France on a peninsula between the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay.It was settled c.500by Britons driven out of their homeland by the Anglo-Saxons.The region was formally incorporated into France in1532. | |
17 | 藏经阁内存有丰富的历史资料。 | The Classics Pavilion houses a rich collection of historical records. | |
18 | 常常就象回顾往事的方式一样,历史的精确性往往被忽略(纽约时报) | As is often the case in retro fashion,historical accuracy is somewhat beside the point(New York Times) | |
19 | 传说,(历史)传奇故事从早期时代相传下来的未经证实的故事,尤指那些被普遍认为是基于史实者 | An unverified story handed down from earlier times,especially one popularly believed to be historical . | |
20 | 词源一个词的历史起源及演变;(某字的)语源 | The historical origin and development of a word;an etymology. | |
21 | 丁托列托意大利画家,以宗教、神话和历史为主题,也画肖像画。他的作品包括圣乔治和龙 | Italian painter of religious,mythological,and historical subjects as well as portraits.His works include Saint George and the Dragon(c.1550. | |
22 | 对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。 | The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend. | |
23 | 对知识产权体系的一个技术性挑战,来自于经济,技术环境日益全球化与知识产权领域历史,政治,法律体系完全区域化之间的矛盾 | One technical challenge to the intellectual property system arises from the contrast between economic and technological conditions, which are increasingly global, and our historical political and legal systems which are territorial | |
24 | 法国文学史大纲 | A historical outline of French literature | |
25 | 葛市长有一次举了一个历史上的事例,最能说明发音失误的后果。一位新任总统正在发表动人的就职演说。他正在发挥他的演说才能到达极致的时候,他却大声疾呼地说:“别‘axe’你的国家能为你做什么,‘axe’你能为你的国家做什么。” | Mayor Koch once offered a historical example to hammer home a point about mispronounced words.A new President is delivering a stirring inaugural address.He is knocking at the threshold of oratorical greatness when he thunders"Axe not what your country can do for you,axe what you can do for your country" | |
26 | 古建筑及历史纪念建筑物 | Ancient and Historical -memorial Buildings | |
27 | 古镇于1000多年前初具规模,现在引以为荣的是众多的名胜古迹 | The township, which took shape about 1000 years ago, boasts many historical sites and tourist destinations | |
28 | 关于导致种族主义、种族歧视和种族隔离的各种政治、历史、经济、社会和文化因素的讨论会 | Seminar on the political, historical , economic, social and cultural factors contributing to racism, racial discrimination and apartheid | |
29 | 记实片或小说常常由新闻电影或采访伴以叙述构成的电影或电视之类作品,以实事求是的方式反映政治、社会或历史题材, | A work,such as a film or television program,presenting political,social,or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration. | |
30 | 教授经过认真研究,弄清了这件事的历史渊源。 | After serious study, the professor found out the historical origins of the event. |