属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-技术与公民自由 Technology and ci
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-技术与公民自由 Technology and ci
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-腐败之都 Capital of Corruption
1 | 伊利诺斯州东北部一城市,位于福克斯河沿岸,芝加哥以西。是一个工业中心及美国首先用电作街灯的城市之一。 | A city of northeast Illinois on the Fox River west of Chicago. It is an industrial center and was one of the first U.S. cities to use electricity for street lighting. | |
2 | 伊利诺斯州芝加哥市,1998年5月20日电:马克·威廉姆斯已作为营销副总经理加入到本特利塑料制品公司。 | Chicago, Illinois , May 20, 1998 Mark Williams has joined Bentley Plastics as vice president-making. | |
3 | 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
4 | 与此条款有关的最著名案例是美国最高法院“伊利诺伊中央铁路公司诉伊利诺伊州”[1892年《美国最高法院判例汇编》第146卷第387页]一案,这一案例涉及到转让给伊利诺伊州中央铁路的一块土地的效力问题。 | The leading case concerning this doctrine is the United States Supreme Court opinion in illinois Central Railroad Co. v. illinois, 146 U.S. 387 (1892). This case involved the validity of a land grant to the illinois Central Railroad | |
5 | 玉米族群ETO Illinois之遗传变异与产量潜力 | Genetic Variation and Yield Potential of Maize Population ETO Illinois | |
6 | 宰恩美国伊利诺斯州东北一城市,位于密歇根湖畔、沃基根北部。1901年作为公共领地建立,形成神权政府。人口19, | A city of northeast Illinois on Lake Michigan north of Waukegan.It was founded in1901as a communal settlement with a theocratic government.Population,19,775. | |
7 | 在1869年,伊利诺伊州立法机构授予中央铁路对密歇根湖底某些被淹没土地的所有权。 | In 1869, the illinois legislature had granted fee title to certain submerged lands under Lake Michigan to the Railroad | |
8 | 在俄勒冈州的波特兰、伊利诺州的芝加哥、以及英国伦敦从事安然审计事务的安达信的职员也接到命令务必要保证该处涉及安然的文件也彻底销毁。 | instructions were given to ANDERSEN personnel working on Enron audit matters in Portland,Oregon,Chicago,Illinois ,and London,England,to make sure that Enron documents were destroyed there as well. | |
9 | 在纽约和依利诺尔斯,它们l至少从7月到11月羽化。在实验室,两性的羽化高峰都发生在第一次羽化后的20天。 | In New York and Illinois , they emerge at least from July to November. In the laboratory, peak emergence occurred 20 days after first emergence, for both sexes. | |
10 | 在其已定殖的纽约和依利诺尔斯,它已严重影响到城市的树木资源。 | It has already heavily impacted urban tree resources where it has become established in New York and Illinois . | |
11 | 在伊利诺州Angonne市的一个废弃煤矿的三年研究取得了成果,科学家们相信这些成果可以帮助改造把美国产煤区弄得伤痕累累的数千个旧煤场。 | Three years of research at an abandoned coal mine in Argonne, Illinois , have resulted in findings that scientists believe can help reclaim thousands of mine disposal sites that scar the coal-rich regions of the United States. | |
12 | 这火车开往伊利诺州。 | This train is Bound for Illinois . | |
13 | 这里所描述和规定的泵都是以位于美国伊利诺斯州的美国约曼泵公司的产品为标准。 | The pumps shown and specified are based on the products manufactured by Yeomans Pump Company, aurora, Illinois . | |
14 | 这是伊利诺伊州的一位作家兼演说家查伦·鲍姆比切曾经有过的一个亲身体会,甚得教益。 | This is a lesson that Charlene Baumbich, an author and speaker in illinois , has learned well | |
15 | 这些泵都应该是9235系列,由位于美国伊利诺斯州的美国约曼泵公司制造或经过美国约曼泵公司认可的相同产品。 | Pumps shall be Series 9235, as manufactured by Yeomans Pump Company, aurora, Illinois or approved equal. | |
16 | 芝加哥:美国伊利诺伊州最大的城市,位于该州的东北部密歇根湖上.是中西部重要的港口城市以及商业、经济、工业和文化中心.这座城市在1871年曾被一场大火灾几乎摧毁. | Chicago:The largest city of Illinois , in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan. It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in 1871. | |
17 | 总部设在芝加哥的本特利塑料制品公司生产塑料管道或线材。本公司的主要厂家在伊利诺斯州的斯科基和印第安纳州的家里。 | Bentley Plastics, Headquartered in Chicago, produces plastic tubing and coils. The company’s main plants are in Skokie, Illinois , and Gary, Indiana. | |
18 | 昨天我发电报把这情况告知你们,请求另寄一份给该校,因为前一份很可以邮递中丢失。 | I cabled you yesterday about this situation. It is requested that you forward another score to the Illinois Institute of Technology, as the previous one must have been lost in transit. | |
19 | ||1:此广告播出五天前,现已被意大利菲亚特收购的克莱斯勒,通报了自2008年至今最高的一月份销售额,比去年同期增长了44%。||2:第二天,公司宣布将雇佣1800名工人去伊利诺斯州贝尔维戴尔制造新款道奇Dart汽车。||3:好消息并不仅仅局限于克莱斯勒一家公司。||4:整个汽车产业一月份售出一百二十万辆汽车,远远超越预期,比去年十二月份销量增长4%。 | ||1:Five days before its ad aired, Chrysler, now part of Italy’s Fiat, reported its best January sales since 2008, up 44% from a year earlier.||2:The next day it announced it would hire 1,800 people at a plant in Belvidere, Illinois , to build its new Dodge Dart.||3:The good news is hardly confined to Chrysler.||4:The auto industry as a whole sold 1.2m vehicles in January, many more than expected, and a 4% increase from December. | |
20 | ||1:命令签署后,麦凯恩先生提出了个问题:“我们该把这些战俘送到那儿?”他的共和党同僚预计这些危险的恐怖分子可能会最终投入到当地的监狱。||2:事实上,奥巴马对此曾有设想,想在伊利诺伊州设置一所类似美国“超级监房”那样的设施,战犯一旦被投入监牢,就插翅难飞。||3:但右翼分子煽动公众的畏惧情绪,投票结果也表明公众对关闭战俘营怀有极大的不满情绪。||4:面对反对声浪,当时正被医疗保险改革搞得焦头烂额的白宫当局无暇他顾,对奥巴马提议的支持更是少之又少。||5:见势不妙,民主党人随即就打了退堂鼓。||6:在此后一系列涉及关塔那摩战俘营的投票中,两党都发出对总统关于关闭战俘营决策不满的呼声,进而要求对关闭战俘营的相关资金加以封锁,禁止将在押人员转到美国本土。 | ||1:“Where are we going to send them?” asked Mr McCain after the order was signed.||2:His Republican colleagues warned that dangerous terrorists could end up in local jails.||3:In fact, Mr Obama had in mind a facility in Illinois similar to America’s “supermax” prisons, from which no one has ever escaped.||4:But right-wingers stoked public dread and polls soon showed significant disapproval of the closure.||5:In the face of such opposition, and with little support from a White House distracted by health-care reform, the Democrats quickly backed down.||6:In a series of votes, both parties signalled their displeasure with the president’s policy, blocking funds for Guantánamo’s closure and banning the transfer of detainees to American soil. | |
21 | ||1:在口头辩论时,其中一个对人们质疑伊利诺州窃听法案进行听证的法官担心,允许民众记录警察的言行可能会妨碍警察工作。||2:他举了一个警察与秘密线人交谈的例子。||3:警方也对此表示关注,担心一些卧底警察的身份会因此曝光。||4:不过,警察当然仍可以私下交谈。||5:有些警察在遭人拍摄时行为恶劣,所以拍摄警察可能并非明智之举。||6:话虽如此,此举也不应是违法的。 | ||1:During oral arguments, one of the judges hearing the challenges to the Illinois Eavesdropping Act worried that allowing recording might hinder the ability of the police to do their jobs.||2:He gave the example of a policeman talking to a confidential informant.||3:Police have also expressed concern about recording, and hence exposing, undercover officers.||4:But of course police can still speak in private.||5:Given the actions of some police officers when confronted with a camera, filming cops may not be prudent.||6:But neither should it be illegal. | |
22 | 而且,在伊利诺州和马萨诸塞州这两个没有隐私预期条款的州中,人们的质疑越来越多。去年八月在马萨诸塞州,一地方法院作了以下判决:公民在公共场所拍摄警察的权利是受到宪法第一及第四修正案保护的。一个联邦上诉法庭对此判决表示支持。 | And challenges are mounting in two of the states—Illinois and Massachusetts—without expectation-of-privacy clauses. In Massachusetts last August, a federal appeals court upheld a lower court’s ruling that a citizen’s right to film police in public is protected by the first and fourth amendments. | |
23 | 伊利诺斯州前州长罗德?布拉格耶维奇因在联邦低安全级别监狱中工作腐败,于3月15日开始为期14年的刑罚。在美国的这个地区,他走过了一条曲折的道路。在过去的四十年中,4个州长(共有7个)都因腐败而被定罪。 | ON MARCH 15th the former governor of Illinois , Rod Blagojevich, will start to serve a 14-year sentence for corruption in a federal low-security prison. In this part of America, he is treading a well-worn path. Over four decades, four governors (out of seven) have been convicted of corruption. | |
24 | “你的美元帮助埋葬了没有任何理由失去生命的一位母亲和她四岁的儿子,”伊利诺斯州的一位忿忿不平的回信人写道。 | "Your dollar went to help bury a mother and four-year-old son who had no reason to die, " a distraught writer from Illinois wrote. | |
25 | “我雇用了斯坦福大学的一些朋友,麦克斯从伊利诺斯大学拉来一些人。” | "I hired friends from Stanford, and Max brought in people from the University of Illinois . " | |
26 | “这比我们45年来在太平洋见过的任何海啸都要大得多,”美国伊利诺斯州埃文斯顿西北大学的欧卡尔说道。 | "It is much larger than anything we’ve seen in the Pacific in 45 years, " said Okal, of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois . | |
27 | “这真实一个奇妙的想法”,来自伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的化学家肯尼斯萨斯里克说道。 | "It’s a really cool idea, " says Kenneth Suslick, a chemist at the University of Illinois , Urbana-Champaign. | |
28 | 1844年,一名歹徒谋杀了在伊利诺伊州迦太基监狱里遭监禁的约瑟夫·史密斯及其同胞兄弟休恩。 | In 1844, a mob murdered Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum while they were jailed in Carthage, Illinois . | |
29 | 1846年春天,一队大约90人的移民队伍离开了伊利诺伊州的斯普林菲尔德,向西进发。 | In the spring of 1846, a group of nearly 90 emigrants left Springfield, Illinois , and headed west. | |
30 | 1958年,第一学年结束,我将要拿到主修学位时,国家陷入了经济萧条。 | After my first year at Illinois in 1958, when I was to graduate with my master’s degree, the country was in a recession. |