1 | “大英帝国,”斯蒂芬回答说,他的脸涨红了,“还有神圣罗马使徒公教会。” | --The imperial British state, Stephen answered, his colour rising, and the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church | |
2 | “嗯,嗯,”他说,“看来昏君倒也从圣上那儿学到了速断速决的方法了。 | "Come, come," said he, "will the Restoration adopt imperial methods so promptly? | |
3 | “在那奴隶贩子的签字旁边,的确有土耳其大皇帝的御玺的印记。 | ’That this record should have all due authority, it shall bear the imperial seal, which the vendor is bound to have affixed to it.’ | |
4 | “这是古代中华帝国的常用惩罚,”奥勃良一如既往地训诲道。 | ’It was a common punishment in Imperial China,’ said O’Brien as didactically as ever | |
5 | “植物四宝”,味美可口,被誉为当代御膳。 | "Four Treasure of Vegetables" is so delicious as to be praised as imperial food of present age. | |
6 | 1917年4月9日,世界外交史上发生了一件奇闻:奥古斯特二世与邻国普鲁士国王达成一项交换协议,用自己的600名智勇、英俊的御林军将士换回127件中国瓷器。 | On april 9, 1917, augustus II of Germany reached an agreement with the neighboring Prussian Kingdom to offer 600 handsome and brave imperial soldiers in exchange for 127 Chinese porcelains. | |
7 | 800年的圣诞节,利奥三世在圣彼得大教堂把“帝国”的皇冠戴在了查理曼的头上,拥他为恺撒新奥古斯都。 | At St Peter’s, on Christmas Day in 800, Leo III placed an "imperial " crown on Charlemagne’s head, hailing him as Caesar, the new augustus | |
8 | 爱尔福特德国中部城市,位于莱比锡西南部。作为主教教廷的所在地,该城于公元8世纪由圣博尼费斯建立,后来成为自由的国王属城并为中世纪自由日耳曼城市商人联盟的成员。人口214, | A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig.Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century,it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League.Population,214,231. | |
9 | 奥列芬特不喜欢骄傲的《纽约时报》帝王式的管理风格,他画出了一个从领导到“底层”传递随心所欲的命令的指挥链条。 | Oliphant, who dislikes the imperial management style of the proud Times, gives it a corporate chain of command that relays intemper-ate orders from top to "bottom" | |
10 | 报道称,这棵树龄400年的荔枝树每年只结几十个果实,在清朝(1644-1911)时作为进奉宫廷的贡品,被誉为“果中之王”。 | The 400-year-old tree yields only a few dozen lychees per year and was known as the "king of fruit" when its produce was served as imperial tributes in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), it said | |
11 | 北宋时,这里又是全国最高学府--太学的所在地。 | In the Northern Song Dynasty, kaifeng was where the Imperial Academy was located | |
12 | 本晶根据宫廷秘方配制而成,治本治标。 | Prepared according to an imperial secret recipe, this medicine can not only alleviate the symptoms,but effect a permanent cure as well. | |
13 | 变法运动失败后,举凡各种新政措施大都被取缔,唯大学堂“以萌芽早,得不废”。 | After the failure of the Reform Movement, almost all measures of the new policies were abolished, with the exception of the Imperial University, "Which, owing to its early germination, it was not abolished." | |
14 | 不过这一冲突扩展下去,美国在海上的权利便有了危险,而且日耳曼帝国危险地逼向胜利,这时社会大众虽然仍旧反对参战,开始分为亲德的和亲协约国的两个阵容。 | But as the conflict developed, with America’s right at sea in danger and imperial Germany pressing dangerously toward victory, the public, while still against taking up arms, began to divide into camps: pro-German and pro-Ally groups | |
15 | 彩塑师王春林制作五盘泥孩儿进献,得到清代乾隆皇帝的赞赏。 | Clay figurine artist Wang Chunlin made five plates of clay children to send to the imperial court and they were highly praised by Emperor Qianlong. | |
16 | 查理曼大帝的帝国古都亚琛在经过一场苦战后于10月24日向第一集团军投降,这是第一座落入盟军之手的德国城市,但是美军仍不能取得突破,攻到莱因河。 | Aachen, the old imperial capital, the seat of charlemagne, surrendered to First Army on October 24 after a bitter battle--the first German city to fall into Allied hands--but the Americans had been unable to achieve a breakthrough to the Rhine | |
17 | 承贵夫人的玉手碰了我一碰,我这只贱手就一辈子的香,从此不敢洗了! | I was touched by the great lady’s imperial hand.This lowly hand of mine will remain forever fragrant.I don’t dare ever wash it! | |
18 | 从此惠山泥人成为贡品。 | From that time, Huishan clay figurines were officially recognised as articles of tribute to the imperial court. | |
19 | 从婀娜多资的舞蹈中,使人联想到辉煌的唐宫乐舞,呈现一派歌舞升平的大唐帝国的繁荣景象。 | Looking at them, we can imagine the magnificent singing and dancing scenes at the Tang imperial court at the height of its prosperity. | |
20 | 从中国走私出去的大宗出土艺术品已经极大削弱了该经销活动的考古价值。然而,稀有珍品,尤其是皇宫中的瓷器仍很走俏。 | The huge volume of excavated art that is smuggled out of China has dramatically weakened the archaeological end of this market but rarities, especially the late imperial porcelains, are selling well | |
21 | 大型《杨贵妃霓裳羽衣舞》灯光艺术画,其每个细节的绚丽色彩都体现得十分贴切,恰到好处。 | The large-scale light art painting "The Highest-ranking Imperial Concubine Yang Dancing in a Luxurious Dress" is shown with Brilliant colour that exhibits every detail properly and rightly. | |
22 | 带领旅游团参观故宫 | Show a party of tourists round the imperial palace | |
23 | 但帝国的警务部长却早已在注意我了,他当时的意见恰巧和拿破仑相反,拿破仑是希望生一个儿子来统一意大利,而他却希望造成割据的局面。 | but for some time the imperial police (who at this period, quite contrary to what Napoleon desird so soon as he had a son born to him, wished for a partition of provinces)had their eyes on me | |
24 | 当此,则自欲将已往所赖天恩祖德,锦衣纨绔之时,饫甘餍肥之日,背父兄教育之恩,负师友规谈之德,以至今日一技无成,半生潦倒之罪,编述一集,以告天下人。 | I decided then to make known to all how I, though dressed in silks and delicately nurtured thanks to the Imperial favour and my ancestors’ virtue, had nevertheless ignored the kindly guidance of my elders as well as the good advice of teachers and friends, with the result that I had wasted half my life and not acquired a single skill. | |
25 | 到那时,英国作为一个帝国已经衰落。 | By then Britain as an imperial power had declined. | |
26 | 帝国统治;皇宫 | imperial rule;the imperial palace. | |
27 | 帝王加冕典礼的盛况 | All the pomp of an imperial coronation | |
28 | 帝王套房。 | Imperial suites. | |
29 | 都市宾馆,皇室风范,豪华享受,人间天堂 | Metropolitan hotel, imperial style, enjoyment of luxury, a paradise on earth | |
30 | 多少世纪以前的盖世英才,如今仍同当年一样,显示着强大的生命力。 | The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago |