属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-惊人的胜利 亿万富翁掌权格鲁吉亚
1 | 游戏内对于常常攻击其它玩家的玩家有着惩罚性的正义值系统,犯罪者非常有可能被追杀并且损失物品,因为其它所有玩家可以不受惩罚的攻击这些犯罪者。 | The game has a punishing karma system in which players that constantly attack other players out of the blue become outlaws who may be counterattacked and actually lose their items while everyone else can attack outlaws with impunity | |
2 | 这小孩子要表明对大人的憎恨就难免受罚。 | The child cannot express his hatred of adults with impunity . | |
3 | 这样一笔笔不必记录在案的政治交易和密约就可以泰然自若地达到了。 | Then the off-the record political trades and deals could be made with impunity | |
4 | 只要有机可乘,他们便不把条例当一回事。 | Many would flout the laws if they think they can do so with impunity | |
5 | 中国重视“有罪不罚”问题 | China takes the issue of “impunity ” seriously. | |
6 | ||1:被艾德马欺骗的并非只有记者,特别是他组建“重剑7号特遣队”之后,这个由美国人和阿富汗人组成的自由职业者组织,负责维持当地秩序并借机敛财。2001年,美国人赶走了塔利班,有一个短暂的时期,这个组织得以逍遥法外。||2:这时的阿富汗成为冒险家的乐园,一些残忍的美国退伍军人应征或假装成保安人员。||3:他们在穆斯塔法酒店前游荡,戴着封闭式的太阳镜,穿着宽大的迷彩服。开着大丰田、携带着武器横冲直撞。||4:与其说他们是战争烈犬,不如说他们是一群虎豹豺狼。艾德马就是这样的人。 | ||1: Journalists were not alone in being conned by Mr Idema, especially after he formed Task Force Sabre 7, a freelance group of American and Afghan vigilantes-cum-fortune-hunters who operated with impunity for a while after the Americans had ousted the Taliban in 2001. ||2: Afghanistan at this time was an adventure playground for thuggish American ex-servicemen employed or masquerading as security guards. ||3: They hung around the Mustafa hotel, wearing wraparound sunglasses and camouflage fatigues, drove about in big Toyotas and carried a small arsenal of weapons. ||4: They were not so much the dogs of war as the coyotes, dingoes and hyenas. Mr Idema was one of them. | |
7 | ||1:相比之下,西方民主国家的民兵大都只想保住性命,尽快回归正常生活。||2:这也意味着英美两军的将军不得不避开那些为了不受惩罚而不顾生死的好斗的俄国和德国士兵。||3:幸好德国国防军在俄罗斯的大屠杀中被击溃,十个德国士兵中有九个牺牲,他们才能表现的这么谨慎。 | ||1:The majority of the civilian soldiers of the Western democracies, by contrast, just wanted to survive and return to normal life as soon as possible.||2:That also meant that American and British generals had to eschew the dashing aggression of their Russian and German counterparts, who could squander lives with impunity .||3:Thanks to the bloodbath in Russia, where the Wermacht was broken and nine out of ten German soldiers who died in the war met their end, they could permit themselves to be more cautious. | |
8 | 决定选举的关键因素可能是监狱里虐待犯人的视频,其中包括用扫把殴打犯人的非常明显的镜头。虽然他们的出处尚不明确,但是一个个连续镜头具体化了许多人对萨卡什维利执政的傲慢和不受惩罚的怨恨。 | The decisive factor in the election may have been videos of abuse in prison, including a man apparently being raped with a broom. Though their provenance was unclear, for many the footage crystallised resentment against the arrogance and impunity of Mr Saakashvili’s rule. | |
9 | 如何结束有罪不罚 | How to end impunity | |
10 | 温斯坦兽性大发,却逍遥法外,这种对比让我们认识到世界没理由乐观自满。 | The contrast between his brutality and his impunity shook the world out of its complacency. | |
11 | (以他作的证词作交换,他被无罪释放。) | In exchange for his testimony , he got impunity . | |
12 | “在现实世界中,法律常常执行不力,犯罪却免予惩罚的现象十分正常,”她说道。 | "In the real world, the laws go unenforced and impunity is the norm, " she said. | |
13 | 奥巴马是否会签订并遵守京都议定书,或者仍允许污染者肆意污染却不接受惩罚呢? | Will Obama sign and abide by the Kyoto agreement, or will he continue to allow the biggest polluter on the planet to pollute with impunity ? | |
14 | 报告表示:“尽管有这些好的方面,但事实是,不公平、不平等和不受惩罚仍然是当今世界的特征。” | "But for all the good, the fact remains that injustice, inequality and impunity are still the hallmarks of our world today, " it says. | |
15 | 长期以来,在悲惨的非洲中部,恶人横行却可以逍遥法外,将这些战争犯绳之以法,也许就是这段痛苦历史一去不复返的前奏。 | It may even be the beginning of the end of a long, hellish period of impunity in the tragic heart of Africa. | |
16 | 大多数肯尼亚人怀着终结“刑不上大夫”这一希望,似乎都想把对国家造成了那么多损害的权贵人物押上被告席。 | Most Kenyans seem to want big wigs put in the dock, in the hope of ending impunity for top people that has so damaged the country. | |
17 | 大约在过去的50年间,大部分的非洲大陆已经被恶棍剥削殆尽,他们偷窃,谋杀,而不受到任何的惩罚。 | Over the past 50 years or so much of the continent has been exploited by thugs who have felt able to steal and murder with impunity . | |
18 | 但是,街头食品方面没有国界,跨越国界与大陆和有罪不罚。 | But street foods respect no boundaries, crossing continents and borders with impunity . | |
19 | 但是,没有罪犯能指望逃脱惩罚。 | But nobody can count on impunity . | |
20 | 但是如今经济的缓慢增长和日益强烈的不平等感改变了他们对政治豁免的看法。 | but slower growth and a perception of rising inequality have changed attitudes towards the culture of political impunity . | |
21 | 但他们并没有被起诉。这里面有一种(在津中国人可以)免受罪罚的文化。 | But they are not being prosecuted. There is a culture of impunity . | |
22 | 第一是无论是这贪得无厌的朝代还是保卫它的残酷的士兵们,几乎完全没有受到惩罚。 | The first is that there has been almost total impunity both for the grasping dynasty and the torturing soldiers who guarded it. | |
23 | 对这些暴行进行分类的目的是让犯罪者终受惩罚,为刚果连绵不断的战争中的无数受害者赢得公正的待遇。 | The aim of cataloguing these atrocities was to help end impunity and to win justice for the countless victims of Congo’s overlapping wars. | |
24 | 而且杀人到了肆无忌惮的地步:97%的凶杀至今是悬案,杀手随意便可再开杀戒。 | And there is almost absolute impunity : ninety-seven per cent of homicides remain unsolved, the killers free to kill again. | |
25 | 而它失望的就是这被当做是不受惩罚而被赦免的方式。 | For all of its disappointment it is a way to achieve a kind of amnesty without impunity . | |
26 | 复杂的射频标签和数据库软件在这些小贩不受惩处地沿街叫卖假货的地方使用非常有限。 | Sophisticated radio tags and database software are not much use in places where street hawkers peddle fakes with impunity . | |
27 | 国会议员安东尼长里维拉表示:“有罪不罚不应该存在于这个国家,没有人能够凌驾于法律之上”。 | "Impunity should not exist in this country, " said Congressman Antonio C. Rivera. "No one is above the law. " | |
28 | 过去我对这种孩子气的做法感到羞耻,但是现在,我可以昂首挺胸地、肆无忌惮地拨弄头发了。 | I used to be ashamed of this childish habit but now I can hold my head up and twiddle with impunity . | |
29 | 好朋友就是在你面前肆无忌惮地说很难听的话的那些人 | Good friends with impunity in front of you is that it is hard to hear of those people. | |
30 | 环境污染损害赔偿的免责事由探讨 | Probing into Impunity Reasons for Damage Compensation of Environmental Pollution |