1 | “讲到荪甫办事的手腕和魄力,我也佩服,就可惜他有一个毛病,自信太强! | So far as Wu Sun-fu’s ability and initiative are concerned, I take my hat off to him; but I must say that he’s too confident of his own capabilities, and that, I’m afraid, is where he’ll come unstuck | |
2 | 20世纪80年代实行了扩大国有企业自主权,同时根据市场调节原则组织产品的生产与供应,这大大增强了企业及其工作人员的积极性 | The initiative of the enterprises and their workers and staff members was greatly strengthened in the 1980s as a result of continuing the experiments in expanding the power of enterprises in management and introducing market regulations of the production and supply of a number of products | |
3 | 本厂奉行独立自主,自力更生的原则。 | Our factory follows the principle of maintaining our independence, initiative and self-reliance. | |
4 | 本厂始终坚持竞争进取、质量第一、用户至上、恪守信誉的治厂精神,所以,本厂产品为历年“金奖”得主。 | Our factory always insists on such a spirit of management--competition and initiative , quality first, customers supreme and trustworthiness, so that our products have repeatedly won a "gold prize" over the years. | |
5 | 查尔斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友。 | Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances. | |
6 | 查理斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友。 | Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances. | |
7 | 差不多三年前,思科公司和微软公司宣布了目录允许网络(DEN)倡议,该公司要求开发一个在单一目录中存储有关网络设备、应用程序和用户等信息的标准。 | Almost three years ago, cisco and Microsoft announced the directory enabled network (DEN)initiative , which sought to develop a standard for storing information about network devices, applications and users in a single directory | |
8 | 城市经济开放,同样要调动企业和社会各方面的积极性。 | The open policy in the cities will likewise stimulate the initiative of enterprises and of all sectors of society. | |
9 | 充分调动积极性和创造性 | To give full play to initiative and creativity | |
10 | 创制权和复决权在西方运用最广。 | The initiative and referendum were used most widely in the West | |
11 | 此行不被描述成一项个人努力,而是国际协调行动的一部分,将可能促成非洲的马歇尔计划。他将在6月份的8国高峰会上争取各国的同意。 | And this trip’s being presented not as a solo effort, but as part of a concerted international initiative leading up to a possible Marshall Plan for Africa to be agreed at a G-8 summit in June. | |
12 | 从根本上说,手头东西多了,我们在处理各种矛盾和问题时就立于主动地位。 | Fundamentally speaking, when we gain in economic strength, we will gain the initiative in handling contradictions and problems. | |
13 | 从推动全民医疗方案,到为弱势家庭争取权益,希拉里·克林顿不遗余力地伸张社会正义。 | From organizing a national healthcare initiative , to fighting for the rights of disadvantaged families, Hillary Clinton worked tirelessly for social justice | |
14 | 当死神在向他招手的时候,要他合作发起一项旷日持久的新倡议,未免太苛刻了。 | It was a tall order to ask him to be a partner in launching a new initiative of undefined duration when he was contemplating his own demise | |
15 | 第三,要充分调动人民和各行各业基层的积极性。 | Third is stimulate the initiative of the people and of the grass-roots units in all fields of endeavour. | |
16 | 独立自主,自力更生 | Maintain independence and keep the initiative in one’s own hands and rely on one’s own efforts | |
17 | 独立自主,自力更生 | Maintain one’s independence, initiative and self-reliance | |
18 | 对充分调动社会各方面的积极性、加快生产力发展具有重要作用。 | They play an important role in mobilizing the initiative of all quarters of the society to quicken the development of the productive forces. | |
19 | 对内搞活,也是对内开放,通过开放调动全国人民的积极性。 | Invigorating the domestic economy means opening domestically, so as to stimulate the initiative of the people throughout the country. | |
20 | 发挥中央和地方两个积极性。 | Both central and local initiative should be brought into play | |
21 | 更重要的是,这项法令将创制、复决和罢免诸权作为城市政治机制的组成部分。 | It incorporated the initiative , referendum, and recall as part of the machinery of city politics | |
22 | 鼓励社会力量办学,以调动各方面办学的积极性 | All (or various)social sectors should be encouraged to run educational institutions so as to bring the initiative of all quarters into play | |
23 | 国际珊瑚礁倡议:养护和有效管理海洋资源 | International Coral Reef Initiative : for conservation and effective management of marine resources | |
24 | 过去我们搬用别国的模式,结果阻碍了生产力的发展,在思想上导致僵化,妨碍人民和基层积极性的发挥。 | We used to copy foreign models mechanically, which only hampered the development of our productive forces, induced ideological rigidity and kept the people and grass-roots units from taking any initiative . | |
25 | 海泽,这位现年60岁的已经谢顶的老教师,在这起二战后德国历史上最严重的古腾堡校园枪击案中英勇地挺身而出,控制了年轻的凶手,让他从疯狂的状态中清醒过来,从而避免了更多的伤亡,因而被人们视为英雄。 | Heise, balding and 60, has emerged as the hero of Germany’s worst postwar massacre for the way he seized the initiative from the young gunman, shaking him out of his frenzied trance and preventing yet more deaths at Erfurt’s Gutenberg high school | |
26 | 何去何从,解决这些问题的主动权掌握在世界人民手中。 | With regard to what course to follow and how to resolve these problems, the initiative is in the hands of the people of the world. | |
27 | 和平、友好与交流倡议 | Peace,Friendship and Exchange Initiative | |
28 | 亨利先生倡议不让汽车在公园里通行。 | Mr. Henry took the initiative in closing the park to cars. | |
29 | 还可以锻炼指挥员的主动性,讲句哲学语言叫发挥能动性。 | It also helped stimulate the initiative of the commanders, or in philosophical terms, helped them display their subjective initiative. | |
30 | 会议形成的《北京倡议》,确立了政府、教育学术界、工商界之间的三方伙伴关系。 | The meeting adopted the Beijing Initiative , advocating a tripartite partnership among governments, educational and academic circles and business communities |