1 | 我把这一切归因于她工作又勤奋又主动 | I put it all down to her hard work and initiative | |
2 | 我对他们取消有关柬埔寨的提议作出的严厉反应无疑使他们感到恼火。 | They were undoubtedly smarting at my harsh reaction to their cancellation of the cambodian initiative | |
3 | 我们巴勒斯坦民族权力机构领导班子的全体成员坚决赞成您新的和平计划,赞成您关于重新选举和在推进中东和平进程之前先消灭腐败现象的要求。 | We, the collective leadership of the Palestinian Authority, unequivocally applaud your new peace initiative and request for new elections, and demands for an end to corruption before the Middle East process can move forward | |
4 | 我们变被动为主动。 | We must transform passivity into initiative . | |
5 | 我们启程时,曾有人动摇不定、胆怯犹疑:这些人觉得英国已经不能独自采取主动 | When we started out, there were the waverers and the faint-hearts: the people who thought that Britain could no longer seize the initiative for herself | |
6 | 我们是建立一个以进步服务于人民需求的社会呢,还是建立一个传统价值和新知灼见被脱缰的增长所掩埋的社会,这取决于你们的想象力、你们的主创性和你们的奋发意气。 | Your imagination, your initiative , and your indignation will determine whether we build a society where progress is the servant of our needs, or a society where old values and new visions are buried under unbridled growth | |
7 | 我们要充分发挥群众的积极性。 | We should bring the initiative of the masses into full play. | |
8 | 我们应主动派人去支援。 | We ought to send people to help on our own initiative . | |
9 | 我们总结了经验,就是要对外开放,打破闭关自守,对内搞活,调动全国人民的积极性。 | Now, after analysing our experience, we have decided to abandon the closed-door policy and open to the outside world, and to invigorate the domestic economy, so as to stimulate the initiative of the whole nation. | |
10 | 我想政治体制改革的目的是调动群众的积极性,提高效率,克服官僚主义。 | In my opinion, its purposes are to bring the initiative of the masses into play, to increase efficiency and to overcome bureaucratism. | |
11 | 西蒙·布斯是一家政府咨询“鹿之权”的主任,他表示:“鹿的数量已经难与环境保持平衡。 | Simon Booth, director of the Deer Initiative , the governmental advisory body, said:"The deer population is no longer in balance with the environment | |
12 | 希望华文教育界的有识之士主动集合起来,集思广益,制定出具体有效的解决方案,让华文教学走出困境。 | I hope members of the Chinese-language teaching profession can take the initiative to put their minds to the task-come up with concrete and effective solutions that can help Chinese-language teaching out of its present woeful state | |
13 | 希望政府采取的主动措施可以结束罢工。 | It is hoped that the government’s initiative will bring the strike to an end | |
14 | 嫌犯主动向警方报到[自首]。 | The suspect reported himself to the police on his own initiative . | |
15 | 显然他们已丧失了主动权。 | It was evident that they had lost the initiative . | |
16 | 性心理治疗学家波拉·霍尔赞同说,“占上风的常常是采取主动的人。 | Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall agrees,The one with the upper hand is often the person who takes the initiative | |
17 | 要发挥主观能动性,努力做到兴利除弊,力争实现全局上的利大于弊。 | We should give play to our subjective initiative , strive to promote advantages and eliminate disadvantages, and work hard for the advantage outdoing the disadvantage in the whole situation | |
18 | 以区别于辞职,其由员工主动提出 | as distinct from a resignation, which is at the initiative of the employee | |
19 | 用支柱撑住下陷的天花板;掌握和平的主动权 | Shored up the sagging floors; shored up the peace initiative . | |
20 | 有[掌握]创制权 | Have [seize] the initiative | |
21 | 在遍及全州的积极响应下于1992年通过的改革方案为制止这种竞选资金的流动起到了很好的作用,但是对个人和集团捐款的严格限制并未解决所有问题。 | The reforms, passed in 1992 in a statewide initiative , are credited with stopping the flow of campaign money, but the strict limits on individual and group contributions have not solved all the problems | |
22 | 在国内,水门事件影响了我们的倡议的进展。 | At home, Water Gate muffled the thrust of our initiative | |
23 | 在坚持国家所有的前提下,充分发挥中央和地方两个积极性。 | We should give full play to the initiative of both the central and local authorities on the precondition of upholding state ownership. | |
24 | 在我国,知识分子的积极作用正得到充分发挥。一个人尽其才,才尽其用的新局面正在出现 | In china the initiative of intellectuals is being brought into full play. A new situation is appearing in which everybody fully displays his talents and everybody is made full use of | |
25 | 在这四个问题上,我们展开了巨大的斗争,打击了资产阶级的反抗和进攻,取得了主动。 | We have launched momentous struggles on these four issues, countered the resistance and offensive of the bourgeoisie and gained the initiative | |
26 | 战略防御计划 | Strategic Defense Initiative | |
27 | 这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器 | It’ s up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons | |
28 | 这个问题清楚了,就使我们取得了主动。 | Once these questions had been clarified, we were able to gain the initiative . | |
29 | 这将激发群众的热情。 | This will rouse the initiative of the people. | |
30 | 这些年来搞改革的一条经验,就是首先调动农民的积极性,把生产经营的自主权力下放给农民。 | One thing we have learned from our experience in economic reform over the last few years is that the first step is to release the peasants’ initiative by delegating to them powers of decision in production. |