1 | “我完全反对往伊拉克派兵。”Mark Simkin说,“18岁的时候我参加过一场战争。我们应该保护和平。” | "I’m absolutely opposed to sending troops to Iraq ", Mark Simkin says, "I fought in one war when I was eighteen years old, we must maintain peace" | |
2 | 1992年10月22日伊拉克和联合国签署的谅解备忘录 | Memorandum of Understanding signed between Iraq and the United Nations on 22 October 1992 | |
3 | 2003年10月16日安理会一致通过一项决议,为联合国和国际社会参与伊拉克的政治和经济重建以及保证其安全提出了行为框架。 | The Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution October 16,2003providing a frame work for U.N. and inter national participation in the political and economic rebuilding of Iraq and maintenance of security | |
4 | Brahini的报告确认美国在7月1日举行的国民大会的计划在伊拉克应者渺渺。 | Mr Brahimi’s report confirmed that the US plan for regional caucuses to select a National Assembly for July the first had little support in Iraq | |
5 | 阿罗约还下令该委员会评估在中东的菲律宾人应在何时和如何撤离,美国打击伊拉克可能对菲律宾人构成的其它影响,包括对石油价格的影响等。 | arroyo also ordered the committee to evaluate when and how to evacuate Filipinos in Middle East, as well as other impacts to Filipinos in event of an U.S. attack on Iraq , including effects on oil prices etc | |
6 | 安全理事会关于伊拉克和科威特间局势的第 | Working Group of the Security Council Committee established by resolution 660(1990)concerning the situation between Iraq and Kuwait | |
7 | 安全理事会关于伊拉克与科威特间局势的第 | Procedures to be employed by the Security Council Committee established by resolution 661 (1990)concerning the situation between Iraq and Kuwait in the discharge of its responsibilities under Security Council resolutions 706 (1990)and 712 | |
8 | 巴特勒于1997年至1999年任联合国监督伊拉克销毁化学、生物和核武器特别委员会主席,其苛刻做法曾引起伊拉克的强烈不满。(完) | Butler was the chairman of the UN Special Committee for supervising the destruction by Iraq of all its chemical, biologic and nuclear weapons from 1997 to 1999, and his harsh attitudes used to arouse strong discontentment from Iraq. (Concluded) | |
9 | 巴特勒在文章中还说:“对伊拉克的单边主义打击的代价和后果是不可估量的。 | Butler also writes in the article,"The cost and result of imposing unilateral attacks on Iraq will be unimaginable | |
10 | 报道说,伊拉克库尔德区有一个由库尔德人和阿拉伯人组成的安萨尔回教游击队,该游击队的成员都曾在奥萨马的营地接受训练。 | The article said there is a Muslim guerrilla group in the kurdish zone of Iraq called Ansar al-Islam, which is made up of Iraqi Kurds and Arabs trained in bin Laden’s camps | |
11 | 鲍尔在马尼拉会晤菲律宾官员之前对记者发表谈话时,指控伊拉克企图转移注意力,并摆脱应负的责任。 | Powell made a statement the press before meeting with Philippine officials in Manila, denouncing Iraq ’s intension to divert attention and shake off responsibilities it should shoulder | |
12 | 北边与叙利亚接壤,东北与伊拉克交界,东南邻沙特阿拉伯,西同巴勒斯坦和以色列毗连。 | It is bounded by Syria to the north, Iraq to the northeast, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, and Palestine and Israel to the west. | |
13 | 布什刚刚要求国家安全事务顾问赖斯协调伊拉克事务,这暗示了他对长期以来从五角大楼和副总统切尼那里得到的建议感到某种不快。 | Bush has just asked National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to coordinate the effort in Iraq , implying some displeasure with the advice he has been getting from the Pentagon and Vice President Cheney | |
14 | 布什政府中支持对伊拉克采取军事行动的“鹰派”官员过去一直设法查出胡申和卡伊达组织有联系的证据。 | A "hawkish" faction within the Bush administration that favors military action against Iraq has scoured the world for such Saddam-al-Qaida connections | |
15 | 布什政府周一表示与俄罗斯的分歧越来越大,俄罗斯把反坦克导弹、电子干扰设备和夜用镜出售给伊拉克政府,增加了美国军队在伊拉克作战的风险。 | Russia is putting U.S. troops at risk in Iraq by selling antitank guided missiles, jamming devices and night-vision goggles to Baghdad, the Bush administration said Monday in a growing rift with Moscow | |
16 | 朝鲜、伊朗和伊拉克是他所说的邪恶轴心--这些政权制造了不断增长的危险。对此漠不关心的代价是极为严重的。 | And North Korea, Iran and Iraq were, as he put it, an axis of evil-regimes, which posed a grave and growing danger for which he said the price of indifference would be catastrophic. | |
17 | 此外,哈塔米也重申德黑兰当局反对美国攻击其邻国伊拉克的立场。 | Furthermore, Khatami also reiterated tehran’s stance against any U.S. attack on its neighboring country, Iraq | |
18 | 此外,很多与中央情报局有关的人士抱怨说,布什政府对该情报机构施压,要他们提供带有倾向性的信息来支持对伊动武 | In addition, numerous figures connected with the CIA have complained that the Bush administration pressured the intelligence agencies to provide data skewed to support its case against Iraq | |
19 | 此外,英国的档案还显示,伊拉克可在四十五分钟内完成生化武器部署。 | Furthermore, the British dossier also indicated that Iraq could deploy chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes | |
20 | 大卫已于本月辞职,上周他向国会表示:美国关于伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器的情报大部分是错误的。 | Mr Kay resigned this month and told a congressional hearing last week that much of the intelligence about Iraq ’s alleged weapons of mass destruction was wrong | |
21 | 但在布什看来,克里充其量只是勉强支持了自己攻占伊拉克推翻萨达姆的政策。 | kerry is linked with neither, but he was at best a lukewarm supporter of Bush’s invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein | |
22 | 当记者问到国际社会普遍反对美国军事打击伊拉克,英国对此准备采取何种立场时,布莱尔称英国将象在科索沃和阿富汗问题上一样与美国保持传统的关系。 | When asked that the world is generally against America’s military attack on Iraq and what the position Britain will take, blair said that Britain will keep a traditional relationship with the US just as that on the issue of Kosovo and Afghanistan | |
23 | 第四、为了表示愿意弥补过失,对重建伊拉克的工作,美国应该给予大量的经济援助。 | Lastly, to make a substantial financial grant to Iraq for its reconstruction as a gesture of atonement | |
24 | 第一天,伊拉克和美国都声称自己取得了重大胜利。 | On the first day both Iraq and America claimed a substantial victory. | |
25 | 杜马准备不顾联合国对伊拉克实施了8年的制裁,考虑恢复俄罗斯与伊拉克的政治和经济合作。 | The duma is considering to resume political and economic cooperation with Iraq in defiance of the 8-year-long UN embargo imposed on the country | |
26 | 俄罗斯议会下院杜马为了回应美国和英国对伊拉克的空中打击,准备就是否单方面取消对伊拉克的制裁问题进行辩论。 | The Russian Duma, or the lower House, is set to debate on whether to unilaterally lift the sanctions on Iraq in response to the US and British air strikes against Iraq | |
27 | 根据战略暨国际问题研究中心的最新报告,伊拉克一直在研发符合联合国规定的两套短程飞弹系 | According to a latest report by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Iraq has been working on two short-range missile systems that meet UN requirements: Al Samoud and Ababil-100 | |
28 | 关于不断监测和核查伊拉克遵守安全理事会第 | Plan for the Ongoing Monitoring and Verification of Iraq ’s Compliance with Relevant Parts of Section C of Security Council resolution 687 (1991) | |
29 | 官方文件显示,美国还可能在一份武器交易中,秘密安排将坦克及其他军事装备运抵伊拉克:美国的坦克被运往埃及,埃及的坦克被运往伊拉克。 | Official documents suggest that America may also have secretly arranged for tanks and other military hardware to be shipped to Iraq in a swap dealAmerican tanks to Egypt, Egyptian tanks to Iraq | |
30 | 哈玛迪是针对今天稍早前英国政府发表的伊拉克军火档案作出反应。 | Hammad directed his response against a weapon dossier on Iraq released by British government earlier today |