1 | 海湾地区的6个阿拉伯国家于叙利亚和埃及一起呼吁伊拉克遵守联合国有关武器核查的决议,以避免他们所说的只会伤害伊拉克平民的对抗。 | Six Gulf Arab states along with syria and Egypt called on Iraq to comply with the relevant UN resolutions on weapons inspection in order to avoid confrontations which they said would only hurt the Iraqi civilians | |
2 | 海湾战争突然爆发,他对伊拉克的访问自然被取消了。 | The Gulf War suddenly broke out, and his visit to Iraq was naturally off | |
3 | 很多美国人,无论他们怎么看待法国人与德国 | Many Americans, whatever their attitude toward French and German criticism of President Bush’s Iraq policy, scoff at this sort of silliness, as David Horsey’s cartoon demonstrates | |
4 | 会议一致通过决议,坚决反对对伊拉克动武,同时要求伊拉克继续同联合国展开对话,以寻求全面解决伊拉克问题。 | The meeting passed a resolution unanimously that use of force against Iraq is firmly objected, while asking Iraq to start dialogues with the UN to seek to fully solve the question of Iraq | |
5 | 尽管布希政府今年初以"邪恶轴心"来形容伊朗、伊拉克和北韩等三个国家,德黑兰当局仍不吝于合作。 | Though the Bush administration characterized Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an "zxis of evil" earlier this year, tehran authorities are still willing to cooperate | |
6 | 经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 | After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq , warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents. | |
7 | 据报道,目前在伊拉克有100多名菲律宾人。 | According to reports, there are more than 100 filipinos in Iraq at this moment | |
8 | 据悉,这两个组织在伊拉克北部库尔德区联合指挥一个恐怖组织。 | It is believed that the two organizations jointly run a terrorist group that operates in the kurdish area of northern Iraq | |
9 | 科威特的一名英国军队发言人Lt-Col-Neal Peckham称,这名美国海军陆战队的士兵是在伊拉克南部行进中被击毙的。 | The slain soldier, of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, was moving in the ground assault in southern Iraq , said Lt. Col.Neal Peckham, a British military spokesman in Kuwait | |
10 | 科威特国与伊拉克共和国关于恢复友好关系、承认和有关事项的协议记录 | agreed minutes between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq regarding the restoration of friendly relations, recognition and related matters | |
11 | 克雷蒂安和其他加拿大部长一直对布什以强硬立场对待伊拉克胡申政权,表示感到不安,也一直坚持没有证据显示胡申和卡伊达组织有联系。 | Jean Chretien and many Canadian Ministers are disturbed by Bush’s hard-line stance against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq government. Canada also maintains that there is no evidence to link Al-quadea to Saddem Hussein | |
12 | 联合国暗示伊拉克2004年无法举行选举联合国秘书长安南宣称在公平可信的选举举行前仍然需要数月的工作,暗示明年伊拉克可能仍然无法正常选举。 | United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan says months of work are still needed before credible elections can be held in Iraq , suggesting they may not be possible until next year | |
13 | 联合国对伊拉克实施经济制裁。 | The UN imposed economic sanctions against Iraq . | |
14 | 联合国机构间伊拉克人道主义方案协调员 | Coordinator of the United Nations Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme in Iraq | |
15 | 联合国秘书处和伊拉克政府关于执行安全理事会第986(1995)号决议的谅解备忘录 | Memorandum of understanding between the Secretariat of the United Nations and the Government of Iraq on the implementation of Security Council resolution 986 (1995) | |
16 | 联合国人道主义事务部伊拉克特别工作股特别顾 | Special Advisor of the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs, Special for Iraq | |
17 | 联合国伊拉克归还科威特财产协调员 | United Nations Coordinator for the Return of Property from Iraq to Kuwait | |
18 | 另外一个考虑就是,布什从旁观看了1989年东欧天翻地覆的变动以后,他在西方对伊拉克的战争中扮领导角色。如果他逃避此一领导角色,仍然袖手旁观,他在国际间的声誉可能大大受损。 | Another consideration was that after watching the Eastern European upheaval of1989from the wings,Mr.Bush assumed the mantle of Western leadership in the war against Iraq ,and he stands to lose heavily internationally if he shrugged off that mantle and came to be seen once again as a mere bystander. | |
19 | 美国同时也可以使用土领空往北伊拉克境内运送军队。 | The United States could also use Turkish airspace to ferry troopssintosnorthern Iraq | |
20 | 美国战机星期三轰击了伊拉克北部的空中防御设施。 | U.S. warplanes attacked air defenses in northern Iraq on Thursday | |
21 | 美国中央指挥部在一项声明中表示,这项空袭行动是回应最近伊拉克对英美空军敌意行动的反击,今年以来有超过六十五次类似的状况。 | US Central Command said in a statement that the bombing operation was retaliation for Iraq ’s recent hostile counterattacks against British and US air forces, 65 similar incidents being reported this year | |
22 | 美国总统布什发表声明,决定任命一个中立的“两党联合”工作组,负责研究美伊战争前美国出现的情报错误问题。 | United States President George W Bush has confirmed he will appoint an "independent bipartisan" panel to investigate the intelligence failures which occurred prior to the war in Iraq | |
23 | 美英两国坚持对伊制裁势必造成更多的伊拉克儿童死亡,它们要对此非人道的行径承担一切责任。 | If the United States and Britain insist on sanctions on Iraq , it will inevitably cause more child deaths, and they should be responsible for such inhumanity | |
24 | 某些政府因恐伊朗获胜,当伊拉克使用化学武器时,因循迁就,并找寻错综复杂的外交藉口而不予理会。这不但蔑视道德,也有违战略原则。 | Governments that temporize and seek intricate diplomatic excuses to look the other way,as they did when Iraq used chemical weapons because they feared Iran would win,are not only flouting morality.They are also flouting strategic sense. | |
25 | 那些伊拉克翻译在向美国领导下的领当局传达伊拉克同胞们声音的过程中扮演了关键角色,同时他们也成了抵抗伊拉克新秩序的起义者们攻击的对象。 | Iraqis who play the crucial role of telling the US-led occupation what their compatriots are saying have been targeted by insurgents fighting the new order in Iraq | |
26 | 切尼昨日在巴林首都麦纳麦否认他的中东之行旨在组织对伊拉克进行军事打击。 | Cheney has denied yesterday that the purpose of his tour is to organize a military attack against Iraq when he was in manama, the capital of Bahrain | |
27 | 如果让伊拉克吞并了科威特,它的经济和军事力量加上目空一切的态度,将使它能够恐吓和胁迫它的邻国,而这些国家控制了全世界其余石油储存的大部分。 | An Iraq permitted to swallow Kuwait would have the economic and military power, as well as the arrogance, to intimidate and coerce its neighbors-neighbors who control the lion’s share of the world’s remaining oil reserves | |
28 | 如果萨达姆公开拒绝最后通牒,两年以前在海弯战争中与萨达姆作战的反伊拉克盟国可能轰炸他的导弹以为报复--或提高赌注攻击伊拉克空军基地或战机。 | If Saddam defies the ultimatum, the anti-Iraq allies who fought Saddam in the Gulf War two years ago could retaliated by bombing his missiles–or up the ante and go after Iraqi air bases or was planes. | |
29 | 事实是伊拉克今天已远不如入侵科威特时危险。我们已经灭了萨达姆的威风。 | The truth is that Iraq is significantly less dangerous today than it was when it invaded Kuwait.We already have cut Saddam Hussein down to size. | |
30 | 首相小泉纯一郎要派遣几百军队帮助重建伊拉克。 | Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi wants to dispatch hundreds of soldiers to help rebuild Iraq |