1 | 1830年贝采利乌斯(J.J.Berzelius)最先认识并命名。在组成(结构)同分异构体现象中,分子式和分子量都相同,但化学键不同。例如,乙醇(CH3CH2OH)和甲基乙醚(CH3OCH3)的分子式均为C2H6O。 | Jons Jacob Berzelius was the first to recognize and name it (1830). In constitutional (structural)isomerism, the molecular formula and molecular weight of the substances are the same, but their bonding differs. For example, C2H6O is the molecular formula for both ethanol (CH3CH2OH)and methyl ether (CH3OCH3). | |
2 | Jacob病:1例报告和文献复习 | Jacob ’s Disease: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature | |
3 | 本杰明,阿舍1773-1845美国建筑师,特别以其著作闻名,如美国建筑者伴侣(1860年),该书在新英格兰推广殖民时代晚期和希腊复兴时期的建筑设计 | In the Old Testament,the younger son of Jacob and Rachel and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel. | |
4 | 当我听到班上一个女孩把全班分成四组,点了雅各布、亚当、卡特里娜、博比、基米和我的名字,并说“这几个人应当称为我们年级的‘尖子’”时,我感到我的自信心大大增强。 | I felt my confidence grow even larger when I heard one of the girls dividing up the class into four groups. She pointed at Jacob , Adam, Katrina, Bobby, Jimmy, and me, and said, "Those kids should be known as the ’smarties’ of our homeroom. " | |
5 | 到了晚上,雅各从田里回来,利亚出来迎接他,说,你要与我同寝,因为我实在用我儿子的风茄把你雇下了。那一夜,雅各就与她同寝。 | In the evening, when Jacob came in from the field, Leah went out to him and said, Tonight you are to come to me, for I have given my son’s love-fruits as a price for you. and he went in to her that night. | |
6 | 到了早晨,雅各一看是利亚,就对拉班说,你向我作的是什么事呢?我服事你,不是为拉结吗?你为什么欺哄我呢? | and in the morning Jacob saw that it was Leah: and he said to Laban, What have you done to me? was I not working for you so that I might have Rachel? why have you been false to me? | |
7 | 到羊群肥壮配合的时候,雅各就把枝子插在水沟里,使羊对着枝子配合。 | and whenever the stronger ones of the flock became with young, Jacob put the sticks in front of them in the drinking-places, so that they might become with young when they saw the sticks. | |
8 | 到这一个季度做满,当然我还有一个假期;那时瞧一瞧我们能不能带小雅各看戏。 | And when the quarter comes round, I can get a holiday of course; and then see if we don’t take little jacob to the play | |
9 | 德维斯特批评了雅各布的推导,且提出了略为不同的解释。 | De Wiest criticized Jacob ’s derivation and exposition | |
10 | 仿制有益于健康的天然矿泉水的努力起源于1700年前,普里斯特利对"充气水"(二氧化碳)的实验使日内瓦的施韦普在1790年代成功地制出含二氧化碳的"矿泉水"。 | Attempts to reproduce the natural effervescence of certain spring waters for presumed health benefits began before 1700. Joseph Priestley’s experiments with "fixed air" (carbon dioxide)led in the late 1790s to the successful preparation of carbonated "mineral water" by Jacob Schweppe of Geneva | |
11 | 根据传说,以色列的希伯来民族是先祖雅各(他的别名为以色列)的后裔,雅各的12个儿子成为12个部落的创建者。 | The Hebrew nation of Israel is traditionally descended from the patriarch Jacob (his alternative name was Israel)whose 12 sons became founders of the 12 tribes. | |
12 | 迦得旧约圣经中雅各的儿子,他是以色列族一个部落的祖先 | In the Old Testament,a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel. | |
13 | 尽管很少日本公司接受外国人进入高级管理层,但是也有例外,美国人Michael P.Schulhof和欧洲人Jacob K.Schmukli分别负责索尼在美国和欧洲的运作,并且在母公司的董事会里各有一席。 | And although few Japanese companies have admitted foreigners into senior management,and American and a European,Michael P.Schulhof and Jacob K.Schmukli,run Sony’s U.S. and European operations and sit on the board of the parent company. | |
14 | 就把所作的美味和饼交在他儿子雅各的手里。 | and she gave into the hand of Jacob , her son, the meat and the bread which she had made ready. | |
15 | 科学的本质是:提出一个不恰当的问题,于是你便走上了通往恰当答案的路。--布罗诺夫斯基 | That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to the pertinent answer.--Jacob Bronowski | |
16 | 克雅(氏)病,CJ病,早老痴呆症 | Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) | |
17 | 库贾氏症的早期表现:中台湾两病例报告 | The Early Presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease: Two Cases Report in Middle Taiwan | |
18 | 拉班对他说,你实在是我的骨肉。雅各就和他同住了一个月。 | and Laban said to him, Truly, you are my bone and my flesh. and he kept Jacob with him for the space of a month. | |
19 | 拉班对雅各说,你虽是我的骨肉(原文作弟兄),岂可白白地服事我?请告诉我,你要什么为工价? | Then Laban said to Jacob , Because you are my brother are you to be my servant for nothing? say now, what is your payment to be? | |
20 | 拉班说,我当给你什么呢?雅各说,什么你也不必给我,只有一件事,你若应承,我便仍旧牧放你的羊群。 | and Laban said, What am I to give you? and Jacob said, Do not give me anything; but I will again take up the care of your flock if you will only do this for me: | |
21 | 拉班听见外甥雅各的信息,就跑去迎接,抱着他,与他亲嘴,领他到自己的家。雅各将一切的情由告诉拉班。 | and Laban, hearing news of Jacob , his sister’s son, came running, and took Jacob in his arms, and kissing him, made him come into his house. and Jacob gave him news of everything. | |
22 | 拉结见自己不给雅各生子,就嫉妒她姐姐,对雅各说,你给我孩子,不然我就死了。 | Now Rachel, because she had no children, was full of envy of her sister; and she said to Jacob , If you do not give me children I will not go on living. | |
23 | 拉结就把她的使女辟拉给丈夫为妾。雅各便与她同房, | So she gave him her servant Bilhah as a wife, and Jacob went in to her. | |
24 | 拉结生约瑟之后,雅各对拉班说,请打发我走,叫我回到我本乡本土去。 | Now after the birth of Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Let me go away to my place and my country. | |
25 | 利百加对以撒说,我因这赫人的女子连性命都厌烦了。倘若雅各也娶赫人的女子为妻,像这些一样,我活着还有什么益处呢? | Then Rebekah said to Isaac, My life is a weariness to me because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob takes a wife from among the daughters of Heth, such as these, the women of this land, of what use will my life be to me? | |
26 | 利百加就对她儿子雅各说,我听见你父亲对你哥哥以扫说, | and Rebekah said to Jacob , her son, Your father said to your brother Esau in my hearing, | |
27 | 利百加又把家里所存大儿子以扫上好的衣服给他小儿子雅各穿上, | and Rebekah took the fair robes of her oldest son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob , her younger son: | |
28 | 利亚见自己停了生育,就把使女悉帕给雅各为妾。 | When it was clear to Leah that she would have no more children for a time, she gave Zilpah, her servant, to Jacob as a wife. | |
29 | 利亚又怀孕,给雅各生了第六个儿子。 | and again Leah became with child, and she gave Jacob a sixth son. | |
30 | 两个孩子渐渐长大,以扫善于打猎,常在田野。雅各为人安静,常住在帐棚里。 | and the boys came to full growth; and Esau became a man of the open country, an expert bowman; but Jacob was a quiet man, living in tents. |