1 | 保守派集中火力攻击她未能披露她从堪萨斯州一位堕胎医生那里收到所有的竞选捐款。 | Conservatives zeroed in on her failure to disclose all the campaign contributions she received from a Kansas abortion doctor. | |
2 | 被诊断为精神分裂,他在堪萨斯一家精神病院住了两年。 | Diagnosed as schizophrenic, he spent two years at the Menninger Clinic, a Topeka, Kansas psychiatric institution. | |
3 | 从阿拉斯加到堪萨斯再到墨西哥湾,马格尔和那些生活因BP罕见的贪欲而破碎的人们交谈。 | From Alaska to Kansas to the Gulf, Magner has talked to people whose lives have been destroyed by BP’s almost unparalleled corporate greed. | |
4 | 从霍尔科姆沿着土路一直走下去,到了头,就是河谷农庄,这是堪萨斯州西边的一个小镇。 | River Valley farm stands at the end of an earth road leading out of Holcomb, a small town on the western edge of Kansas . | |
5 | 达利尔·亨德里克斯接到电话说双胞胎出生了,就立刻赶去了堪萨斯托皮卡当地的一家医院。 | When Daryl Hendrix got the call that the twins were being born, he sped to his local hospital in Topeka, Kansas . | |
6 | 但护照带给他一种气质,使得他在堪萨斯和南达科塔的寡妇们眼里像个游遍全世界的人。 | But a passport lent him some distinction, made him appear like a world traveler to the widows of Kansas and South Dakota. | |
7 | 到了1913年,密苏里州堪萨斯城的贺氏公司开始批量制作情人节贺卡。 | And in 1913, Hallmark Cards of Kansas City, Mo. , began mass producing valentines. | |
8 | 第一夫人是堪萨斯州有色人种发展协会全国代表大会的主要发言人。 | The first lady was keynote speaker at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s national convention in Kansas City. | |
9 | 对于杜鲁门·卡波特来说,他在堪萨斯州西部的逗留给他带来的注定是一个复杂的结果。 | For Truman Capote the outcome of his sojourn in west Kansas was decidedly mixed. | |
10 | 多丽丝·甘瑟已经在堪萨斯城做了35年的笔译和口译工作。 | Doris Ganser has been doing both in Kansas City for 35 years. | |
11 | 多萝西轻声地惊叫:“托托,这不是堪萨斯!这些人是谁啊?” | Dorothy gave a little cry. ’This isn’t Kansas , Toto! And who are these people? ’ | |
12 | 而63%的人对总部位于堪萨斯州的非营利性组织说,通过努力,他们也能自己当老板。 | And 63 percent told the Kansas City, Mo. -based non-profit group that through hard work, they could do it, too. | |
13 | 而现在,它终于看到了,一个非洲牧羊人父亲和一个堪萨斯州年轻母亲的儿子,入主了这个世界上最具权力的办公室。 | And now it has seen the son of a goatherd in Africa and a young mother from Kansas ascend to the most powerful office in the world. | |
14 | 反对堪萨斯――内布拉斯加建议法案的力量在北方非常强大。 | Opposition to the Kansas -Nebraska bill was extremely strong in the northern United States. | |
15 | 国家天气服务部门表示,密苏里州,爱荷华州,还有堪萨斯州的部分地区在未来24小时会出现4-8英寸的降雨。 | Parts of Missouri, Iowa and Kansas received 4 to 8 inches of rain in 24 hours, the National Weather Service said. | |
16 | 哈维需要的,人人都一样,是念一所第一流的堪萨斯市立商学院的课程。 | What Harve needed, of all people, was a course in some first-class Kansas City business college. | |
17 | 吉里执政官在这种极端的形势下工作了好几个月,他千方百计想让堪萨斯保持和平。 | Governor Geary had been living under extreme tension for months. He had worked hard to keep Kansas peaceful. | |
18 | 教师被从北京派往堪萨斯州的Wichita市去接受培训,像ConnieCoulter这样的老师则被派来星星雨工作。 | Teachers from Beijing have been sent to Wichita, Kansas , for training; and teachers like Connie Coulter have come to Stars and Rain. | |
19 | 教师和社会工作者穆斯塔法·艾尔·斯卡里在堪萨斯城领导着一些这样的组织。 | Mustafaa El-Scari, a teacher and social worker, leads some of these groups in Kansas City. | |
20 | 结果他输了,参议院批准了总统的建议法案,给予堪萨斯可以实行奴隶制的州地位。 | He lost. The Senate approved the bill to make Kansas a state where slavery was legal. | |
21 | 她的父母决定离开英国去美国,她的父亲有家人在堪萨斯州,他们希望去开个烟草商店。 | Her parents had decided to leave England for America, where her father had family in Kansas and hoped to open a tobacco shop. | |
22 | 她父亲卖掉了自己的酒吧,想去密苏里州的堪萨斯城开个烟草商店,他妻子在那里有亲戚。 | Her father had sold his pub and hoped to open a tobacconists’ shop in Kansas City, Missouri, where his wife had relatives. | |
23 | 她之前在艾奇森圣斯科拉提卡山学院及堪萨斯州匹兹堡大学分别获得研究生及本科学位。 | She previously earned degrees from Mount St. Scholastica College in Atchison, Kansas and the University of Pittsburgh. | |
24 | 今春,我探访了堪萨斯城周围的一些学校,摸索高等教育的性别动态。 | This spring, I visited a few schools around Kansas City to get a feel for the gender dynamics of higher education. | |
25 | 今天美联储正在将债券货币化(像堪萨斯城和达拉斯联储主席承认的那样)。 | Today, the Federal Reserve is monetizing the debt (as admitted by both the Kansas City and Dallas Fed Presidents). | |
26 | 尽管如此,堪萨斯官方宣布,奴隶制问题已经得到人民的批准,他们要求国会以这部州宪法为基础给予堪萨斯州地位。 | Still, Kansas officials declared that slavery had been approved. They urged Congress to make Kansas a state under this condition. | |
27 | 刊号的发放受到政府部门严格限制,而且能否获得刊号一直被视做胡舒立将面临的重大挑战之一。 | The number of kansas is strictly limited by authorities and getting one was seen as one of Ms. Hu’s main challenges. | |
28 | 堪萨斯城的医疗社区是一个语言服务的大消费者。 | Kansas City’s medical community is a big consumer of language services. | |
29 | 堪萨斯城腐败的政治对于他在二战后的岁月中对付斯大林也许很有帮助。 | The corruption of Kansas City politics probably helped him to prepare for dealing with Stalin in the postwar era. | |
30 | 堪萨斯城有着丰厚的布鲁斯根基,当地的黑人爵士乐手倾向于在他们的音乐中保留这一传统。 | Kansas City had deep blues roots, and black jazz musicians in that town tended to keep the tradition alive in their sound. |