属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
1 | 劳伦斯笔下的世界 | Reflection of Perfect World Conveyed in Lawrence ’s Works | |
2 | 劳伦斯笔下两位反传统女性的比较分析 | Comparative Analysis on Two anti-conventional Women in Lawrence ’s Novels | |
3 | 劳伦斯的教育观及其启示-读《恋爱中的女人》 | Enlightenment from D. H. Lawrence ’s Educational Ideology in Women in Love | |
4 | 劳伦斯的某些写作技巧有助于表现他的主题思想;而另一些手法则体现出他的气质和敏锐感觉。 | Some of Lawrence ’s techniques express his themes; others, his temperament and sensibility. | |
5 | 劳伦斯的世界旅行和他对产业主义的强烈憎恨使早期的文化对他更具有吸引力。 | Lawrence ’s world travels and his intense hatred of industrialism made primitive cultures fascinating to him. | |
6 | 劳伦斯的文学作品的主题是多样的,且互相关联。他早就宣称:血和肉比才智更高明。同时,他还自称对“心智”持怀疑态度。 | Lawrence ’s themes are numerous and interrelated. He announced early that blood and flesh are wiser than intellect, and he professed a distrust of “mental intelligence.” | |
7 | 劳伦斯迷信人类的性爱具有至高无上的价值。他和杰茜的关系也表明:他唯有和予他以支持的妇女才能生活和工作。 | Lawrence had a mystical belief in the supreme value of physical love. His relationship with Jessie had indicated, too, that he could live and work only with a women to back him. | |
8 | 劳伦斯内陆深水航道(连接大西洋与美国、加拿大间的大湖区). | the Lawrence seaway | |
9 | 劳伦斯为了一点微薄的收入而辛苦地工作。 | Lawrence fags away for a pittance. | |
10 | 劳伦斯向来就不赞同这种几乎遍及全球的关于物质文明的信念。 | Lawrence had never shared the near universal faith in material progress. | |
11 | 劳伦斯作品中的死亡形象 | Death Image in Lawrence ’s Works | |
12 | 例如,D·H劳伦斯就有些精妙得体的抒情诗载在乔治王朝诗集里。 | D.H.Lawrence , for instance, had lyrics of subtle competence in the Georgian books | |
13 | 另一个矛盾的主题是劳伦斯的“领袖梦”的体现:一个男人必将居于主宰支配地位,而另一方则将以门徒的身份向他俯首听命。 | A contradictory theme is Lawrence ’s “dream of leadership”: one man shall dominate, the other live in submissive discipleship to him. | |
14 | 卢卡斯牧师太过离谱。他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话,不免偏激。既非道德楷模,也不顾他人感受。 | The Rev.Lawrence Lucas is way out of line. His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment. Or of moral leadership. Or of human sensitivity. | |
15 | 论劳伦斯的矛盾性与现代主义文学的天然结合 | On the Natural Integration of D. H. Lawrence ’s Contradictions with Modernism | |
16 | 论劳伦斯诗歌创作的轨迹:从保守主义到现代主义的跨越 | On D. H. Lawrence ’s Poetic Creation: From Conservatism to Modernism | |
17 | 论劳伦斯小说的性伦理 | Sex Ethics in Lawrence ’s Fiction | |
18 | 论劳伦斯源于进化论的自然观 | On Lawrence ’s View of Nature Deriving from Evolutionism | |
19 | 论转型时期劳伦斯与张爱玲的创作共性 | A Study of the Similarities of D. H. Lawrence and Zhang Ailing | |
20 | 马会行政总裁黄至刚 | Jockey Club chief executive Lawrence Wong Chi-kwong | |
21 | 民主是一种可爱的政体,它充满了变化和紊乱,并使平等的人们和不平等的人们一律享受一种平等。--柏拉图 | Democracy, which is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, dispenses a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.--D. H. Lawrence | |
22 | 莫霍克民族美国土著民族,早先居住在纽约东北沿莫霍克河和哈得逊山谷北部,圣劳伦斯河以北。今天的人口主要在安大略湖以南和纽约州最北部。莫霍克族是易洛魁联盟最东部的成员 | A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast New York along the Mohawk and upper Hudson valleys north to the St.Lawrence River,with present-day populations chiefly in southern Ontario and extreme northern New York.The Mohawk were the easternmost member of the Iroquois confederacy. | |
23 | 你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。英国作家劳伦斯 | The family you came from isn’t as important as the family you are going to have--Herbert Lawrence , British writer | |
24 | 你能替我找一本评论D.H.劳伦斯的书吗? | Could you find me a review book on D. H. Lawrence ? | |
25 | 你真的以为这事是因为劳伦斯?莱弗茨的某种一某种蓄意的干预。 | You really think this is due to some-some intentional interference of Lawrence Leffers’s | |
26 | 其影响颇为深远。例如,现在大多数论述费尼莫·库珀的文章(包括本书中我自己的论述)基本上都是沿袭劳伦斯的观点。 | It has been profoundly influential; for example, most essays on Fenimore Cooper (including my own in this volume)are essentially elaborations of Lawrence ’s view. | |
27 | 钱伯斯家的农庄和这家的女儿杰茜构成了劳伦斯早年生活中的重要组成部分。不仅农庄的生活吸引了他,而且他和杰茜间的罗曼史,首次对他和他母亲间的亲密关系构成了挑战。 | Their farm and their daughter, Jessie, formed a central episode in Lawrence ’s early life. Not only did farm life fascinate him, but a romance with Jessie challenged, for the first time, his close ties to his mother. | |
28 | 浅议劳伦斯《虹》中厄秀拉对婚姻的抉择 | A Brief Talk on Ursala’s Marriage Choices in 《Rowbow》 by Lawrence | |
29 | 绕着轧棉机缓缓走动的驴子(bD.H.劳伦斯) | donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle round a gin(bD.H.Lawrence ) | |
30 | 绕着轧棉机缓缓走动的驴子(D.H.劳伦斯) | donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle round a gin(D.H.Lawrence ) |