1 | 大洋洲南部、西部及中部太平洋上的岛屿,包括美拉尼西克、麦克罗尼西克和波利尼西亚。这个词有时也扩展到包括澳大利亚、新西兰及马来群岛 | The islands of the southern,western,and central Pacific Ocean,including Melanesia,Micronesia,and Polynesia.The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia,New Zealand,and the Malay Archipelago. | |
2 | 当然,我要是有头脑的话,就会娶一个马来姑娘,生上六、七个混血儿。 | Of course if I’d had any sense I’d have married a Malay girl and had half a dozen half-caste kids | |
3 | 对西洋流行歌曲的爱好使我跟欧亚裔人比较熟络,他们和马来朋友成了我的死党。 | I preferred instead to hang out with my pop-song loving Eurasian and Malay buddies. | |
4 | 反过来,英语也吸收了来自印度语、马来语的数百个词,如loot(抢劫)、tank(坦克)等词,如今已完全融入了英语,以至于几乎没有哪个英国人或美国人对它们来源于亚洲有略微的了解。 | English, in turn, has absorbed hundreds of words from Indian languages and Malay -with some like "loot" and "tank" now so utterly at home in English that few Britons or Americans have any inkling of their Asian origin | |
5 | 公元初期至第7世纪环马来半岛港市国家、文明和航线之发展 | Development of Port-city States, Civilization and Sealane Surrounding Malay Peninsular since Early A.D. | |
6 | 华人、马来人及印度人的白介素4基因多态性与哮喘的关系 | Relationship between IL-4 Promoter Gene Polymorphisms and Asthma in Chinese, Malay and Indian | |
7 | 今年3月,我曾经在一个证券交易所主办的研讨会上不经意谈起,现在有许多本地马来人不太会讲马来话。 | At a seminar organised by the Singapore Stock Exchange in March this year, I made a casual remark that many Malay Singaporeans did not seem to speak good Malay nowadays | |
8 | 另外,福建会馆和宗乡总会也联办马来语会话班,为公众人士提供学习马来文的机会。 | Meanwhile, Chinese clan associations here have begun to conduct malay classes for Chinese Singaporeans who wish to learn the language | |
9 | 马来半岛. | the Malay Peninsula | |
10 | 马来民族统一机构、巫统 | United Malay National Organization | |
11 | 马来群岛[亚洲]. | the Malay Archipelago | |
12 | 马来俗语说:"教一个愚蠢的人比教一个固执的人容易"。 | There is a Malay saying:"It is easier to teach a stupid person than a stubborn one". | |
13 | 马来文是马来西亚和印尼的国语,掌握了马来文,我们便可以和2100万的马来西亚人沟通。 | There is yet another reason for learning malay which is the national language of Malaysia and Indonesia,mastering malay means we will be able to communicate with 2,100 million Malaysians | |
14 | 马来文虽然是新加坡的国语,却只在唱国歌和军事训练发施号令时才被应用。 | As it is, the malay language is now used only in singing the national anthem and in giving commands during military training in national service | |
15 | 马来西亚胡椒属二新种 | Two New Species of Piper (Piperaceae)from Malay Peninsula | |
16 | 婆罗洲位于马来群岛,太平洋西部的一座岛屿,在菲律宾的西南面,苏禄和爪哇海之间。是世界第三大岛,文莱王国在其西北海岸;岛的其他部分被印度尼西亚和马来西亚分占 | An island of the western Pacific Ocean in the Malay Archipelago between the Sulu and Java seas southwest of the Philippines.It is the third-largest island in the world.The sultanate of Brunei is on the northwest coast;the rest of the island is divided between Indonesia and Malaysia. | |
17 | 他在唱一首马来亚歌。 | He was singing a malay song | |
18 | 我记得年轻时读过不少马华作家的游记、散文与翻译作品(我通过华文读《马来纪年》)。 | "I remember reading many travelogues, essays and translated works (I read ""The Malay Annals"" in Chinese)by Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese writers in my youth." | |
19 | 我认为新加坡人应该通晓英文和母语--不论是华文、马来文或淡米尔文。 | My view is that Singaporeans should be proficient both in the English language and their mother tongue, whether it is Chinese, malay or Tamil | |
20 | 我在这里强调为什么我们需要掌握马来文,看起来好像和大势所趋背道而驰,实际上并非如此。 | Here, I wish to highlight the need to learn the Malay language,this may seem to be a contradiction to the prevailing trend, but it is not | |
21 | 新加坡人说华语时,也会用到英语和马来语的借词。 | Singaporeans also speak Mandarin with words adapted from the English and Malay languages. | |
22 | 一些马来团体也开办华语会话班,方便马来人学习华语。 | malay associations have also organised courses for malays who are keen to pick up Mandarin | |
23 | 以新加坡的情况来说,鼓励国人熟练掌握一种第二语文(可以是华文、英文、法文、德文、日文、马来文、淡米尔文等),是十分重要的。 | In Singapore, it is important to emphasise the proficiency in a second language--be it Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Malay or Tamil. | |
24 | 印度尼西亚语族澳洲印尼语系下的一个次语系,包括马来语、他加禄语及印度尼西亚的各种语言 | A subfamily of Austronesian that includes Malay ,Tagalog,and the languages of Indonesia. | |
25 | 英语长久以来是我们的工作语言,母语却在个别种族保持和延续各自文化的工作上,扮演了重要的角色。 | English is our working language, while Chinese, Malay , or tamil each plays an important role of preserving the cultural heritage of the different races | |
26 | 语 言:马来语、英语、华语、和泰米尔语为官方语言。马来语为国语。 | Language: Malay , English, Chinese and Tamil are the official languages. Malay is the national language. | |
27 | 语言接触及北马鲁古马来语方位指示系统的重构 | Language Contact and Metatypic Restructuring in the Directional System of North Maluku Malay | |
28 | 在我所住的组屋区,无论马来人还是印族人,都会主动与我打招呼表示友好,有时还做出各种手势相互沟通。 | In the block of flats where I live, my Malay and Indian neighbours would greet me and sometimes we even communicate by sign language. | |
29 | 这个语文可以是另一个"世界语文"如法文、西班牙文和德文,或者是我们东南亚邻国的语文如马来文、他加禄(菲律宾)文和泰文。 | "This language can be another ""world language"" like French, Spanish or German, or perhaps the languages of our Southeast Asian neighbours like Malay , Tagalog and Thai." | |
30 | 正如我们不容易辨别或记牢马来和印度同胞的名字,华文名字的发音也让人费神记忆。 | The pronunciation of Chinese names can be tricky-much like the way Chinese find it tough to distinguish and remember the names of their Malay or Indian friends. |