1 | (一)深入学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,提高全党的马克思主义理论水平。 | Study and implement the important thought of Three Represents intensively and raise all Party members’ level of the Marxist theory | |
2 | (尤指马克思主义思想的)阶级斗争. | The class struggle(also the class war);( esp in Marxist thought)the continuing fight for economic and political power between the capitalist ruling class and the working class | |
3 | 1969年爱尔兰共和军分为两翼︰马克思主义官方派,避免使用武力;临时派,阿尔斯特天主教徒坚决主张使用恐怖手段来对付阿尔斯特新教徒和英国士兵 | In 1969 the IRA split into the Marxist Official wing, which eschewed violence, and the Provisionals (Provos), Ulster Catholics committed to the use of terror tactics against Ulster Protestants and the British military, | |
4 | 把坏人坏事只看成坏,是片面地形而上学地观察问题,不是辩证地观察问题,不是马克思主义的观点。 | To regard bad people and bad things as solely bad is a one-sided, metaphysical approach to problems; It is not a dialectical approach or a Marxist way of looking at things | |
5 | 把民主同党的领导对立起来,在党性和人民性的问题上提出违反马克思主义的说法,等等。 | They set democracy in opposition to Party leadership, put forward anti-Marxist arguments on the questions of Party spirit and service to the people, and so on. | |
6 | 不以新的思想、观点去继承、发展马克思主义,不是真正的马克思主义者。 | Anyone who fails to carry Marxism forward with new thinking and a new viewpoint is not a true Marxist . | |
7 | 从1978年开始,鼓励经济开放,而这种开放一直处于马克思主义的框架之下。 | While the opening of the economy has been encouraged since 1978, it has always been within the Marxist framework. | |
8 | 从而也发展马克思主义理论本身。 | By this process, Marxist theory itself is further developed. | |
9 | 但是,上面这样的观点,不是向前发展,而是向后倒退,倒退到马克思主义以前去了。 | These comrades, however, are not advancing in their thinking but going backwards, back to pre-Marxist times. | |
10 | 但是,我们党的理论和纲领是马克思主义的,代表了中国社会发展的正确方向, | But the theory and program of our Party was Marxist and represented the correct orientation of China′s social development. | |
11 | 但是,属于文化领域的东西,一定要用马克思主义对它们的思想内容和表现方法进行分析、鉴别和批判。 | But in learning things in the cultural realm, we must adopt a Marxist approach, analysing them, distinguishing the good from the bad and making a critical judgement about their ideological content and artistic form. | |
12 | 邓小平在马克思主义者理想主义的框架内快速实行市场经济政策的决定,找到了最具有说服力的证据,即深圳的成功。深圳很快就可以和世界上任何一个现代城市相竞争了。 | His decision to forge ahead with free-market policies within a Marxist ideological framework found its most convincing confirmation in the success of Shenzhen, which would soon be able to compete with any modern city in the world. | |
13 | 对于马克思主义的理论,要能够精通它、应用它,精通的目的全在于应用。 | It is necessary to master Marxist theory and apply it, master it for the sole purpose of applying it. | |
14 | 对于像中国这样一个拥有众多人口的国家来说,这种发展会带来灾难性的后果,而且有悖于马克思主义的最基本原理。 | It will provide first class health care for the wealthy and second-class health care for the poor. For a country with as large of a population as China, this development would be catastrophic, and also contradictory to basic Marxist principles. | |
15 | 俄国的十月革命和我们中国的革命,不就是这样成功的吗 | Didn’t the Russians succeed in their October Revolution and we in our revolution precisely because we both applied Marxist methods and principles? | |
16 | 反对这种摆法,一定要走到二元论或多元论,而其实质就像托洛茨基那样:“政治--马克思主义的;艺术--资产阶级的。” | Opposition to this arrangement is certain to lead to dualism or pluralism, and in essence amounts to "politics--Marxist , art--bourgeois", as with Trotsky | |
17 | 搞社会主义一定要遵循马克思主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,也就是毛泽东同志概括的实事求是 | It is to build socialism we must adhere to Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism or, as Comrade Mao Zedong put it, in everything we do we must seek truth from facts. | |
18 | 各省、市、自治区要有自己的马克思主义理论家,自己的科学家和技术人才,自己的文学家、艺术家和文艺理论家, | Each province, municipality and autonomous region should have its own Marxist theorists, scientists and technical personnel, writers, artists and literary critics, | |
19 | 关于总结经验,我们的经验是很丰富的,但是不能够罗列很多事情,而是要抓住重点,从实际出发,根据马克思主义的观点,加以总结。 | About the summing-up of experience. Although we have a rich store of experience, we should not merely juxtapose a host of facts but should sum up by grasping the essentials, proceeding from reality and adopting a Marxist standpoint | |
20 | 贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,必须使全党始终保持与时俱进的精神状态,不断开拓马克思主义理论发展的新境界。 | To carry out the important thought of Three Represents, the whole Party must maintain the spirit of keeping pace with the times and blaze new trails for the development of the Marxist theory. | |
21 | 或者会有同志问:现在我们是在建设,最需要学专业知识和管理知识,学马克思主义理论有什么实际意义 | Some comrades may say, ``We are busy now with construction, and what we need most is professional knowledge and managerial skills. What’s the immediate use of studying Marxist theory?’’ | |
22 | 她是坚定的马克思主义者、佛教徒等 | She’s a convinced marxist , Buddhist, etc | |
23 | 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线 | She always takes a marxist line | |
24 | 近来马克思列宁主义的书籍翻译的多了,读的人也多了。 | Recently more marxist -leninist works have been translated and more people have been reading them | |
25 | 就不是马克思主义的态度,就会把青年引入歧途。 | This is not a Marxist approach, and it will lead young people astray. | |
26 | 就思想状况来说,党内有三种人:有的同志是坚定的,没有动摇的,是马克思列宁主义思想 | Ideologically, the Party membership falls into three categories: some comrades are firm and unwavering and are Marxist -Leninist in their thinking | |
27 | 拘泥于马克思主义经典作家在特定历史条件下、针对具体情况作出的某些个别论断和具体行动纲领, | If we dogmatically cling to some individual theses and specific programs of action formulated for a special situation by authors of Marxist classics in the specific historical conditions | |
28 | 列宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。 | Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory. | |
29 | 列宁之所以是一个真正的伟大的马克思主义者,就在于他不是从书本里,而是从实际、逻辑、哲学思想、共产主义理想上找到革命道路,在一个落后的国家干成了十月社会主义革命。 | Lenin was a true and great Marxist because it was not books that enabled him to find the revolutionary road and to accomplish the October socialist revolution in backward Russia but realities, logic, philosophical thinking and communist ideals. | |
30 | 马克思、恩格斯的民族理论与20世纪的民族问题 | On Marxist and Engels’ Ethnic Theory and Ethnic Issues in the 20th Century |