1 | 为了建成社会主义,工人阶级必须有自己的技术干部的队伍,必须有自己的教授、教员、科学家、新闻记者、文学家、艺术家和马克思主义理论家的队伍。 | To build socialism, the working class must have its own army of technical cadres and of professors, teachers, scientists, journalists, writers, artists and Marxist theorists | |
2 | 我们必须永远坚持马克思列宁主义原则。 | We must always hold on to the marxist -leninist principles | |
3 | 我们必须用马克思主义的观点研究历史。 | We must study history from a Marxist viewpoint. | |
4 | 我们党从十一届三中全会以来,重新确立了马克思主义的思想路线、政治路线和组织路线,制定了各方面的适合情况的正确政策 | Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, our Party has reestablished Marxist ideological, political and organizational lines and formulated correct policies that are suited to actual conditions. | |
5 | 我们党始终保持马克思主义政党本色、永不脱离群众和具有蓬勃活力。 | Our Party will always remain a Marxist party, will never be divorced from the people and will be full of vitality. | |
6 | 我们党始终保持马克思主义政党本色、永不脱离群众和具有蓬勃活力。 | that our Party will always remain a Marxist party, will never be divorced from the people and will be full of vitality | |
7 | 我们读了许多马克思列宁主义的书籍,能不能就算是有了理论家呢? | We have read a great many Marxist -Leninist books, but can we claim, then, that we have theorists? | |
8 | 我们过去说过,整风运动是一个“普遍的马克思主义的教育运动”[1]。 | As we used to say, the rectification movement is "a widespread movement of Marxist education" | |
9 | 我们要抓紧四项基本原则的教育,马克思主义基本理论的教育 | We should step up education in the Four Cardinal Principles and basic Marxist theories. | |
10 | 我们应当承认,在理论界和文艺界对一些错误倾向是进行了一些马克思主义的批评的,只是效果不够显著。 | We must acknowledge that while our theorists, artists and writers have made a Marxist criticism of some negative tendencies, it has not yielded tangible results. | |
11 | 我们应当进行马克思主义的分析,宣传和实行社会主义的人道主义(在革命年代我们叫革命人道主义),批评资产阶级的人道主义。 | What we should do is make a Marxist analysis of it, disseminate and practise socialist humanism (which we used to call ``revolutionary humanitarianism’’ during the years of revolution)and criticize bourgeois humanism. | |
12 | 我们应当说,没有科学的态度,即没有马克思列宁主义的理论和实践统一的态度,就叫做没有党性,或叫做党性不完全。 | We must assert that the absence of a scientific attitude, that is, the absence of the Marxist -Leninist approach of uniting theory and practice, means that Party spirit is either absent or deficient | |
13 | 我们有批评和自我批评这个马克思列宁主义的武器。 | We have the marxist -leninist weapon of criticism and self-criticism | |
14 | 我们有些同志太仁慈,不厉害,就是说,不那么马克思主义。 | Some of our comrades are too kind, they are not tough enough, in other words, they are not so marxist | |
15 | 我是个马克思主义者。我一直遵循马克思主义的基本原则。 | I am a Marxist . I have consistently followed the fundamental principles of Marxism. | |
16 | 现在我还想提出一个新的要求,这不仅是专对新干部,对老干部也同样适用,就是要学习马克思主义理论。 | Now I should like to propose a new requirement, not only for new cadres but for old ones as well, the study of Marxist theory. | |
17 | 现在有些错误观点自称是马克思主义的,有的则公然向马克思主义挑战。 | There are people who call their wrong views Marxist and others who challenge Marxism. | |
18 | 新来的牧师是马克思主义者--这下子可要鸡犬不宁了. | The new vicar’s a Marxist that’ll set the cat among the pigeons! | |
19 | 要使革命精神获得发展,必须抛弃党八股,采取生动活泼新鲜有力的马克思列宁主义的文风。 | To develop the revolutionary spirit it is necessary to discard stereotyped Party writing and instead to adopt the Marxist -Leninist style of writing, which is vigorous, lively, fresh and forceful | |
20 | 要学习的新知识确实很多,这就更要求我们努力针对新的实际,掌握马克思主义基本理论。 | There is indeed much new knowledge we need to master, but that makes it all the more necessary for us to study basic Marxist theory in light of the new situation. | |
21 | 以马克思主义观点指导的社会学研究. | Sociological studies conducted within a Marxist frame of reference | |
22 | 因为教条主义容易装出马克思主义的面孔,吓唬工农干部,把他们俘虏起来,充作自己的用人,而工农干部不易识破他们 | For dogmatists can easily assume a Marxist guise to bluff, capture and make servitors of cadres of working-class and peasant origin who cannot easily see through them | |
23 | 有些人把“双百”方针理解为鸣放绝对自由,甚至只让错误的东西放,不让马克思主义争。 | Some people took the ``hundred flowers’’ policy to mean that there was absolute freedom to air any views, or even that only wrong views could be expressed, leaving no room for Marxist arguments. | |
24 | 有些人读了一些马克思主义的书,自以为有学问了,但是并没有读进去,并没有在头脑里生根,不会应用,阶级感情还是旧的。 | Some have read a few Marxist books and think themselves quite learned, but what they have read has not sunk in, has not taken root in their minds, so that they don’t know how to use it and their class feelings remain unchanged | |
25 | 有一部分同志,基本上是马克思列宁主义,但夹杂着一些非马克思列宁主义的思想 | quite a number are essentially marxist -leninist but infected with non-marxist-leninist ideas | |
26 | 原则性和灵活性的统一,是马克思列宁主义的原则,这是一种对立面的统一。 | The integration of principle with flexibility is a Marxist -Leninist principle, and it is a unity of opposites | |
27 | 在对现实问题的研究中,也确实产生一些离开马克思主义方向的情况。 | It is true that in the study of current problems some comrades have deviated from the Marxist orientation. | |
28 | 在马克思主义者看来,坏事有两重性,一重是坏,一重是好。 | In the eyes of a Marxist , a bad thing has a dual character; on the one hand it is bad and on the other it is good | |
29 | 在社会主义国家,一个真正的马克思主义政党在执政以后,一定要致力于发展生产力,并在这个基础上逐步提高人民的生活水平。 | In a socialist country, a genuinely Marxist ruling party must devote itself to developing the productive forces and, on that basis, gradually raise the people’s living standards. | |
30 | 这就把“双百”方针这个无产阶级的马克思主义的方针,歪曲为资产阶级的自由主义的方针了。 | They were turning the proletarian Marxist policy of the ``hundred flowers’’ into a bourgeois policy of laissez-faire. |