属类:文学表达-外国名著-The Invisible Man
1 | 这里,尽管贝尔纳普和杰甫逊事前都叮嘱过他,可是克莱德已经觉得直僵僵的,全身发冷,面无人色。 | In the meantime , Clyde, in spite of both Belknap’s and Jephson’s preliminary precautions, was already feeling stiff and chill and bloodless | |
2 | 这期间,霍尔先生发现这个房客屋里的衣服和绷带丢得到处都是,而陌生人却不见了。 | In the meantime , Mr. Hall found clothing and bandages scattered about the lodger’s room; the stranger had disappeared. | |
3 | 这时,对被捕这件事大家都在议论纷纷。 | Meantime the subject of the arrest was being canvassed in every different form | |
4 | 这时,他又堕入恐怖中了。 | In the meantime he had relapsed into his stupor | |
5 | 这时,有几个人唱着歌,其余的人都谈着话,稀里哗啦,也不分个先后,到处只有一片乱嘈嘈的声音。 | In the meantime , while some sang, the rest talked together tumultuously all at once,it was no longer anything but noise | |
6 | 这时二野还增加了一个十八兵团,十八兵团原先也是晋冀鲁豫的部队。 | In the meantime , the 18th Army, which had once been a unit under the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Command, was incorporated into the Second Field Army. | |
7 | 这时下士和两个士兵走过来了。 | The corporal and two soldiers had come up in the meantime . | |
8 | 正当她开始唱那首情歌的第一节,就已有人走近她身边,她忽然听见有人在她耳边说 | In the meantime , some one had approached her, as she was beginning the first couplet of the romance, and suddenly she heard a voice saying very near her ear:-- | |
9 | 至于我们主要的资金避风港-中期的免税债券,在去年我已经解释过其特点 | In the meantime , our major parking place for money is medium-term tax-exempt bonds, whose limited virtues I explained in last year’s annual report. | |
10 | 子路有闻,未之能行,唯恐有闻。 | When Tzu Lu heard a teaching and had not yet put it into practice, he would be uptight about hearing something new in the meantime . |