1 | (美国)密西根大学多道程序设计系统 | University of Michigan Multi – Programming System | |
2 | “你一定要逛逛林肯公园,”他说。“还要去密歇根大道看看。他们正在那里兴建高楼大厦。这是又一个纽约,真了不起。”有那么多可以看的东西--戏院,人流,漂亮的房子--真的,你会喜欢这一切的。 | You want to see Lincoln Park, he said, and Michigan Boulevard. They are putting up great buildings there. It’s a second New York--great. So much to see--theatres, crowds, fine houses--oh, you’ll like that. | |
3 | 1863年7月30日,在美国南北战争的中期,亨利·福特出生在密执安州一个农民的家庭。 | On July 30,1863, in the middle of the American Civil War, Henry Ford was born to a family of farmers in the state of michigan | |
4 | 巴特尔克里克:美国密歇根州南部一城市,位于卡拉马祖。该城市的主要经济是燕麦和其他粮食作物的生产。 | Battle Creek:a city of southern Michigan east of Kalamazoo. Breakfast cereals and other food products are important to its economy. | |
5 | 比彻:美国密歇根州中东部一城市,为弗林特的一个郊区。 | Beecher:a city of east-central Michigan , a suburb of Flint. | |
6 | 从北卡罗来纳州查珀希尔到加利福尼亚理工学院的实验室,到密歇根州安阿伯的中心地带,数以百计的研究员和科学家聚集一堂,全力研制下一代互联网。 | From Chapel Hill North carolina to the labs of Caltech, to the Nerve Center in Anarber Michigan , hundreds of researchers and scientists are banding together, to craft the next generation of the Internet | |
7 | 达·芬奇在1493年构思的大型骑士雕像《骏马》新近在米兰落成揭幕,另一座也于1999年10月7日在密执安州的大急流城竣工。 | A grand equestrian statue, II Cavallo, that Leonardo planned in 1493 has just been unveiled in central Milan and a second christened Oct.7 1999 in Grand Rapids, Michigan | |
8 | 丁肇中先生是中国科学院外籍院士,美籍华人,1936年1月27日生于美国密歇根州,1976年获诺贝尔物理学奖。 | Mr. Ding Zhaozhong, a Chinese American, is an academician of foreign nationality with the Chinese Academy of Science. He was born on January 27, 1936 in the state of Michigan of the Unites States and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1976 | |
9 | 该卫星实验室是通用汽车公司与美国密西根大学先进制造卫星实验室在中国的拓展,该实验室将在一些对于通用汽车长期竞争力有关键影响的领域展开合作研究。 | The Parties envision that the Laboratory will operate as an extension of the GM R&D Satellite Research Laboratory at the University of Michigan and will provide an arena for joint research in areas that are critical to GM′s long-term competitiveness. | |
10 | 该研究主笔美国密歇根大学的洛伦·L·图森特博士和他的同事们在研究报告中写道:"总之,我们发现宽容是一种非常复杂的现象。 | ``Taken together, our findings emphasize that forgiveness is a multidimensional phenomenon,’’ write study lead author Dr. Loren L. Toussaint of the University of Michigan and colleagues | |
11 | 荷兰是美国密西根州西南部一城市,位于大瀑布西南部。 | Holland is a city of southwest Michigan southwest of Grand Rapids. | |
12 | 肯塔基、俄亥俄、密执安地区医学图书馆 | Kentucky,Ohio,Michigan Regional Medical Library | |
13 | 跨学科协同教学―密歇根大学本科教学改革的新动向 | The New Orientation of Undergraduate Education Reform in Michigan University: Collaborative Interdisciplinary Teaching | |
14 | 美国密歇根州东南部一城市,底特律的一个住宅郊区。 | a city of southeast Michigan , a residential suburb of Detroit. | |
15 | 密西根大学教学研究中心的教师培训经验 | A Case about Teachers Training in Center for Research on Learning and Teaching in the University of Michigan | |
16 | 密执安大学安阿伯分校 | University of Michigan at Ann Arbor | |
17 | 密执安大学今年秋天绝对会有一个非常强的足球队。要是我们今年不能获得全国足球赛冠军的话,我就不姓王。 | Michigan has a great football team this fall. If we don’t win the national championship this year, I’ll eat my hat. | |
18 | 密执安大学信息学校 | University of Michigan School of Information | |
19 | 密执安团体艺术代理协会 | Michigan Association of Community Arts Agencies | |
20 | 密执安州戴森的网络式圆顶屋公司出售的圆顶屋用作教堂的数量超过家庭住宅和商业建筑之和。 | Geodesic Domes, Inc., of Davison, Michigan , sells more domes for use as churches than as family homes and commercial buildings combined | |
21 | 你能告诉我到密歇根大道怎么走吗? | Can you direct me to Michigan avenue? | |
22 | 农萨奇页岩年龄约为10-11亿年,而且在密执安州的Ontonagan县的白松树铜矿地区还在活跃地排烃。 | The nonesuch is about 1.0 billion to 1.1 billion years old’ and appears to be actively expelling crude oil in the White Pine Copper Mine of Ontonagan County. Michigan | |
23 | 然而,法院还发现该法令可能对控制伊利诺伊河和密歇根湖中的藻类生长不无贡献,而这种贡献足以抵消为商业增加的负担,因而有足够理由成立。 | Nevertheless, the court found that the possible contribution of the ordinance to controlling the growth of algae in the Illinois River and in Lake Michigan was sufficiently great to justify the burden placed on commerce | |
24 | 然而两天后他从密歇根打来电话,他的实验室助手却告诉他一个5年来一直盼望的消息:卵子分裂成了世界上第一批克隆人类胚胎。 | But when he called two days later from Michigan , his lab assistant gave him the news he had been wanting to hear for almost five years: The eggs were cleaving into the world’s very first known human cloned embryos | |
25 | 随着位于密执安湖的这座城市从罪犯之都变成了美国的篮球之都,乔丹几乎是只身一人使芝加哥的形象变得焕然一新。 | Almost single-handedly, Jordan turned Chicago’s image on its head, as the city on the shore of Lake Michigan moved from crime capital to basketball capital of America. | |
26 | 新泽西、密执安、弗吉尼亚和美国农业部的课题在这点上特别丰富。 | New Jersey, Michigan , Virginia, and the VSDA programs have been particularly prolific in this regard | |
27 | 研究政治的专家们说,密执安州的选举双方势均力敌,很难预测谁会当选。那些摇摆不定的选民是决定谁获胜的关键,我们不知道他们现在在想什么。 | The political experts say that the election in the state of Michigan is too close to predict. It’s the swing voters who will decide who wins there and we don’t know what they are thinking. | |
28 | 一个是林肯?费希尔大夫,生在密执安州,长在美国东北部,黝黑,年轻,热烈,敏锐。 | There was Dr. Lincoln Fisher, born in michigan , brought up in New England, dark, young, eager, quick | |
29 | 一位密西根大学的学生,在庆祝自己21岁的派对上,因为在10分钟之内连饮20杯威士忌烈酒而暴毙。 | A University of Michigan engineering student died Monday after celebrating his 21st birthday with 20 shots of scotch in 10 minutes | |
30 | 一种代数编译语言,由密执安算法翻译语言(MAD)修改而成,是一种高速的编译语言,在表达式方面具有很广的一般性。 | An algebraic compiler adapted from the MAD(Michigan Algorithmic Decoder)language.It is a high-speed compiler that allows a wide latitude of generality in expressions. |