1 | 由于工业中应用的库存方法,这项芝加哥法令将在包括威斯康星部分地区、印第安纳以及密歇根在内的广大地区禁止销售含有磷酸脂 | Due to the warehousing methods used in the industry, the Chicago ordinance would restrict sales of phosphate detergents in a wide area including parts of Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan | |
2 | 有一天,一位溺爱孩子的、时髦的密歇根母亲问一位男青年,是否见过像她的女儿普里茜拉那样的年轻女子如此潇洒地在房间里进行打扫。 | The other day a fond fashionable mother in Michigan asked a young man whether he had even seen a young lady sweep in a room so grandly as her Priscilla | |
3 | 宰恩美国伊利诺斯州东北一城市,位于密歇根湖畔、沃基根北部。1901年作为公共领地建立,形成神权政府。人口19, | A city of northeast Illinois on Lake Michigan north of Waukegan.It was founded in1901as a communal settlement with a theocratic government.Population,19,775. | |
4 | 在1869年,伊利诺伊州立法机构授予中央铁路对密歇根湖底某些被淹没土地的所有权。 | In 1869, the illinois legislature had granted fee title to certain submerged lands under Lake Michigan to the Railroad | |
5 | 在那时的密执安,一个中型的家庭农场最少也得有一百五十英亩面积。 | In Michigan at that time a middle-sized family farm would be at least 150 acres | |
6 | 芝加哥:美国伊利诺伊州最大的城市,位于该州的东北部密歇根湖上.是中西部重要的港口城市以及商业、经济、工业和文化中心.这座城市在1871年曾被一场大火灾几乎摧毁. | Chicago:The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan . It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in 1871. | |
7 | 直到享利福特在他位于密歇根,底特律的汽车厂中建立起汽车生产线才做到了这一点。 | Until Henry Ford set up the organized production line in his factory in Detroit, Michigan . | |
8 | 坠入密西根湖里的WWII训练飞机在五十年后被人发现时,其装备的ACDelco蓄电池竟仍能运行!它目前已被陈列在底特律博物馆中 | After 50 years at the bottom of Lake Michigan in a training plane from WWII, an ACDelco battery is still cranking! It is showcased in a Detroit museum. | |
9 | ||1:除了缺乏资金,底特律急需还有稳定;而就当前局势来言,两者都不乐观。||2:在3月21日,州政府任命的调查组达成一致,认定底特律正处于“严峻的财务危机”中。||3:前天,鉴于市政府在现金上捉襟见肘,穆迪投资评级机构将底特律所欠的25亿美元降级处理。||4:眼看底特律深陷财政危机,苦苦挣扎,密西根州政府,底特律市长,当地各公会,以及市政委员会和法庭一一粉墨登场,就汽车城的未来你争我夺,互不相让。 | ||1: APART from more money, what the city of Detroit needs most is certainty. Both are in short supply at the moment. ||2: On March 21st a state-appointed review team unanimously agreed that it is suffering a “severe financial emergency”. ||3: The day before, Moody’s had downgraded more than $2.5 billion of the city’s debt, citing its lack of cash. ||4: Amid this deepening financial crisis the state of Michigan , local unions, the mayor, the city council and the courts are battling over the future of Motor City. | |
10 | ||1:举个例子,马萨诸塞州的官员表示,打造三家赌城可以带来每年400万美元的收入,外加起初300万美元的许可证费用。||2:出于同样的目的,当地政府预期撤销痛饮或烟花燃放的禁止将大大地增加生产税和消费税收入。||3:当密歇根州在去年年初批准新型烟花的出售,立法机构就估计这将带来550万美元的额外税收和费用收入。||4:同样的论断也适用于许可证期限的延长,或者允许品酒大会举行的批准:他们将促进生产销售,带来额外的税收收入。||5:康乃狄格州州长丹尼尔?马洛依1月份提议在其他改革中撤销价格管制,允许星期天售酒,他说这将产生600万到1100万美元的新收入,且有助于拿回现在被临州获得的近570万美元的销售额。 | ||1: Officials in Massachusetts, for example, have suggested that the three casinos to be built there could bring in as much as $400m a year, plus $300m in initial licensing fees. ||2: By the same token, local governments hope that lifting bans on booze or fireworks will bring in big dollops of sales and excise tax. ||3: When Michigan approved the sale of new types of fireworks at the beginning of last year, the legislature estimated the change would bring in an extra $5.5m a year in taxes and fees. ||4: A similar argument is made for extending licensing hours, or allowing tastings: that they will boost sales, bringing in extra tax dollars. ||5: Dannel Malloy, the governor of Connecticut, who in January proposed lifting price controls and allowing Sunday sales among other reforms, argues that they will yield $6m-11m in new revenue, and help return as much as $570m in sales now lost to neighbouring states. | |
11 | ||1:面对底特律棘手的现状,州政府救助这一看似最简单的解决方法已无济于事。||2: 密西根州州长Rick Snyder,连同州众议院拨款委员会委员长Chuck Moss表示即使再次注入资金也无法从根本上解决底特律所面临的问题。 ||3:为了证实这一点。最近州长出面告知底特律居民,自从2005年起,底特律已举债6亿美元,且这笔钱仅够市政府勉强维持正常运营。||4:除此之外,在州政府的协助下,底特律还计划发行价值一亿三千七百万美元的债卷,筹集来的资金用于债务重组和资金注入,好让这座汽车城蹒跚移到本财政年度期末。 | ||1: The simplest solution, a state bail-out, is tricky. ||2: Both the governor of Michigan , Rick Snyder, and the head of the state’s House Appropriations Committee, Chuck Moss, argue that yet another infusion of cash will not solve Detroit’s underlying problems. ||3: To prove his point, the governor recently reminded citizens that the city has borrowed $600m since 2005 just to get by. ||4: It is also planning, with some state support, to issue $137m in bonds in order to refinance its debt and create cashflow that will allow it to totter on until the end of the financial year. | |
12 | ||1:伊利诺斯州是继乔治亚州之后最重要的选区,在2286名参加八月举办的共和党大会的代表中,有69名都来自伊利诺斯州,届时大会将正式选出提名者。||2:罗姆尼以47%比35%的绝对优势大获全胜。||3:多亏了伊利诺斯和其他州复杂的选举规则,罗姆尼将获得至少三分之二的伊利诺斯州代表的支持。||4:这也标志着在经历了密歇根,俄亥俄的险胜以及爱荷华,明尼苏达的失败之后,罗姆尼首次在中西部地区打败了桑托勒姆。 | ||1: After Georgia, Illinois is the biggest prize yet, accounting for 69 of 2,286 delegates to the Republican convention in August, at which the nominee will formally be selected. ||2: Mr Romney won by a big margin: 47% to 35%. ||3: Because of the complicated electoral rules in Illinois and many other states, that will bring him at least two-thirds of the delegates from the state. ||4: It also marks the first time that he has drubbed Mr Santorum in the Midwest, after narrow wins in Michigan and Ohio and defeats in Iowa and Minnesota. | |
13 | 没有新的贷款注入,在五月中旬底特律就会掏空口袋里的最后一枚铜板。严峻的现状迫使底特律急需找到解决结构性赤字的办法。去年末,一项对底特律财政状况的调查就已开展。此举也为指派危机总长从合法性上打下了伏笔。密西根州政府在其他危机重重城市也曾指派过危机总长。 | Without new loans, the city will run out of cash in mid-May. The state is pushing it hard to sort out its structural deficit. Late last year it began a financial review of Detroit which was the legal prelude to bringing in an unelected emergency manager, as Michigan has done in several other distressed cities. | |
14 | “这些收入为奖学金和其他项目提供了资金,”TerryR.Livermore,密歇根州立大学的许可证负责人这样说道。 | "It provides money for scholarships and other programs, " said Terry R. Livermore, manager of licensing programs at Michigan State. | |
15 | 「如果你看过球员们眼睛,」周四,密歇根州大教练汤姆·伊佐若有所思的说道。 | "If you could have seen our players’eyes, " Tom Izzo, the Michigan State coach, mused Thursday. | |
16 | 10月17日,他在密执安州弗林特的一次演讲中施展浑身解数。 | He pulled out all stops in a speech in Flint, Michigan , on October 17. | |
17 | 1941年,为配合这一工作,密执安农学院举办了第一个“农民周”。 | In 1914, in connection with this work, Michigan Agricultural College held its first Farmers’ Week. | |
18 | 19世纪50年代中期,她在密歇根州的巴特尔克里克(BattleCreek)定居,这里是她晚年主要的活动场所。 | In the mid-1850s she settled in Battle Creek, Michigan , her base of operations for the rest of her life. | |
19 | 23岁时他被任命为志愿军一个骑兵旅的准将。 | At 23 he became brigadier general of volunteers in command of a Michigan cavalry brigade. | |
20 | 2亿美元的能源部拨款让它在密西根州建立新的工厂。 | A $299. 2-million DOE grant goes toward a new factory in Holland, Michigan . | |
21 | 7月,我和希拉里、切尔西一起去密歇根州的特拉弗斯城参加全国州长夏季会议,为我为期一年的主席使命做收尾工作。 | In July, Hillary, Chelsea, and I went to the summer governors’ conference in Traverse City, Michigan , to wrap up my year as chairman. | |
22 | LauraHuggler博士密西根州分析师。她是多家公司的咨询师。与许多女性CEO共事。 | Laura Huggler, Ph. D. , a Michigan psychoanalyst, is a consultant to various companies and has worked with a number of female CEOs. | |
23 | 阿肯色项目后没多久,ShoreBank相继在密歇根州、克利夫兰和底特律展开项目。 | Not long after the Arkansas project, ShoreBank initiated a program in Michigan , and then in Cleveland and later in Detroit. | |
24 | 按照失业人数来算,底特律汽车工业的问题给密歇根,尤其是中西部地区以严重打击。 | In terms of unemployment, the troubles of the Detroit auto industry have hit Michigan in the Midwest especially hard. | |
25 | 不过六年前在一个密歇根的隆冬中(气温已经零下!)我曾经跑了五英里,在凌晨四点到达了“白色城堡”快餐连锁店。 | It was a 5 mile run six years ago in the middle of a Michigan Winter (below freezing! ) to get White Castle at 4am. | |
26 | 不过像密歇根这样手头拮据的州,却不得不考虑这样的选择。 | But the hard choices are piling up for cash-strapped states like Michigan . | |
27 | 次日,我、希拉里、切尔西飞抵密歇根州的门罗,同戈尔夫妇一道参加一个火炬传递活动。 | The next day Hillary, Chelsea, and I flew to Monroe, Michigan , for a passing the torch rally with Al and Tipper Gore. | |
28 | 从上面的密歇根湖,朝西南向接着是伊利诺伊河和密西西比河,接下来水平方向的水道流向得克萨斯州方向。 | The scene looks southwest from above Lake Michigan across the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, towards Texas near the horizon. | |
29 | 大多数州不认可婚前得到的协议资产(但是密歇根州和科罗拉多州认可)。 | Most exclude from the settlement assets acquired before the marriage (but Michigan and Colorado don’t). | |
30 | 大学二年级的时候,他在板凳上耗掉大部分时间。 | Flash back to his sophomore year at the University of Michigan , when he was spending a lot of time on the bench. |